Why is it that every gamer I see in public seems to have absolutely zero self-awareness?

Why is it that every gamer I see in public seems to have absolutely zero self-awareness?

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Why does it make you angry how people choose to dress up

How do you know that you aren't surrounded by "gamers" and that faggot in the fallout shirt he bought at Gamestop is the only one flaunting it?

What about the ones who hide it extremely well? How do you know they have zero self-awareness? Why are you so quick to judge at a glance?

Because they actually have zero self awareness

Cause you can't see the self aware one, they know how to hide in plain sight

Because those aren't just gamer's, they're also attention whores.

Most people these days play video games.

is that Stephen Merchant on the left?

This is pretty much it, other than being obese, unshaven because razors irritate my face, and occasionally wearing a stylish but tasteful brimmed hat (which is somehow a sin now,) I don't look like a gamer at all. Not everyone who smells like shit plays video games.

Because you can identify them as gamers. Anyone who identifies themselves as one is just an attention whore.

You seem to misunderstand. He said gamers, not people who play games.

I love you

What makes a "gamer" and why are they so repellant. Not being a dick, interested in personality traits.

She looks like an American McGee final boss.

Because most gamers wear normal clothes and otherwise look normal until you strike up a conversation "yeah I play 2k brahh"

no they do, they dress like that with the full awareness that they'll be picked on. They have to have a justifiable reason to feel all sad and picked on or "singled out for being different"

am i gay for thinking the one on the right is kinda hot?


Get some actual taste, Kotaku blogger

Why is Sup Forums so autistically opposed to the word gamer?

A gamer is someone who thinks the fact that they play video games is an aspect of their personality

Even worse are the ones who think that makes them interesting

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

5 Guys can't be wrong.

"gamers" are people who take too much pride in their inane hobby. I'm a fit, attractive, successful person who happens to have crippling autism which causes me to spend an unnatural amount of money on video games and gunpla, but cover it up by dressing normally and not speaking about video games with anyone outside of a circle of friends who also enjoy the hobby.

I probably used to be a gamer, since I'd wear sonic shirts and shit in high school, but when I was a senior I decided that flaunting my hobby put me in a subset of people that I did not want to be a part of.

So, is it confusing a hobby with it being part of your personality the issue?

It is actually a blessing that people like the one in the picture you posted dress like that. That way you can immediately sort them out and avoid having any form of human interaction with them.

Just imagine for a second meeting an average looking girl, getting to know her, maybe start dating... and then you find out that there's a Zoe Quinn inside her.

>what is a nu-gamer or a nu-male

same thing user

Nice blog post faggot.

It makes sense. Guys who are too into sports come across as losers as well.

the prostate, penis, testicles, and chromosomes debunk, disprove, and prove wrong all the bullshit that those books and psychologists say.

The smart ones stay inside

All I was trying to get across was that there is a way to be a turbo autist and cover it up so the public doesn't know. You made me kek, though.

I'd say so, yeah

cf furries or superwhovians

gaming is not a hobby, by the way. its just a waste of time.

Wow, you're so unique and cool. Where can I follow you? What's your Twitter handle?

No social media, of course.

But still, gaming isn't a hobby. And I say that as someone that wasted alot of time 100%ing all the souls games and dumb autistic shit like that.

Zoƫ Quinn (or should I say, Chelsea van Valkenburg) is at least a real woman, even if she has digusting tats, porcine biceps, and disgusting piercings, unlike that failure of a human being on the left who probably never had a father that loved him.

Because they're dumb enough to be seen in public
>not being like me terrified of the outside
*four, maybe even three guys
believe it or not Kyle Pulver was confirmed to have no involvement as well as most likely Brandon McMartin because neither of them were even named by Eron
the gg threads literally just picked their names out of a hat because they make video games
it really would've helped the credibility of the "movement" had anybody verified the initial premise of "Five Guys Burgers & Fries" wasn't a lie but nobody gave a shit because it was never about facts, it's about muh feelings


I can't understand how ZQ got so many journos to fuck her
Have these people got no standards or self esteem?

It's the difference between a "surfer" and someone who surfs, a "skateboarder" and someone who skates, or a "movie-watcher" and someone who watches movies. Describing it as a personality/identity trait just makes it fucking douchey as hell when it's not actually a big deal. If you use the identity "soldier" for someone who literally has been in the military for years and years, that's a life that makes sense to have a descriptor for. Same with olympian, doctor, etc. Gamer just immediately makes you reel back, like, yeah? That's what you're gonna define yourself as? That's the box you're putting your whole person into? It's just gay.

That's retarded. Gaming is absolutely a hobby. Hobbies don't need to be productive. Watching films is a hobby, reading books is a hobby, playing games is a hobby.

For your reference, here's the definition of a hobby:

an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure.
"her hobbies are reading and gardening"

she's a woman with a pulse who works in the video game industry and also le thicc meme

It implies association with people who openly identify as "gamers" and make it a part of their personality, which is dead bottom of the barrel genetic trash.

It's embarrassing to be associated with because of the people for one, and secondly it's an anti-hobby to begin with.

No matter how much you say dumb things it doesn't make them true. Virtually anything can be a hobby. You are simply wrong and in denial of the facts. Pretty pathetic if you ask me.

If I believe I'm a girl enough will my sexual organs take that specific shape?

Because when they do, you can't tell they're a gamer.

>Watching films is a hobby, reading books is a hobby
Not really. Even if so, they're still much better ways to spend time than playing games, depending on what you're reading and what you're watching.

games are literally popcorn tier entertainment at best.

git rekt fgt

only if enough alpha cum reaches your prostrate

Nope. You lose. Reference the definition of hobby. You are dumb

neuroplasticity is a known thing though
there is no such equivalent trait for genitalia

Buddy if you want to be a bedroom set, wear paisley or floral patterns, and insist people sit on you, you go right ahead

Just understand a lot of people will be very confused and angry and you might get hurt, so be careful out there


Honestly, it's very easy to because they go full opposite end and try too hard to not seem like a gamer. It becomes just as obvious.

How to spot a gamer trying to not look like a gamer in public:
>lots and lots of hypebeast shit
>lots of supreme
>listens to trap music

theyre ALWAYS "hardcore gamers" on the side.

>5 people actually fucked that

You're basically saying "nuh uh" at this point. I've already agreed it's not productive, that doesn't matter. You don't have to be woodworking for something to be a hobby, if you find that interesting and engaging, have fun, but it's not a greater or lesser activity.

Do what you enjoy, not what people tell you to do. You've got probably 60 more years left on this planet, give or take a few, so why do you care if it's "popcorn tier."

Yes. Personality is the series of emotional, thought, or behavioral patterns that make you, you. When someone tries to interject a hobby into their personality, i.e., having their hobbies dictate their thoughts, behaviors, etc., it is artificial. This "fake" personality is unappealing to others who arent in that same subgroup. Hence why you should aim to live authentically, and not force these artificial personality traits.


ANY woman can get men to fuck her.


Because the ones with self awareness don't telegraph themselves as a gaymer

Some time around 2010 video game "culture" and normie millennial "culture" merged. Now you're left with lolsorandum "I'm totally a nerd guys" roasties with a blown out axe wound, and androgynous twinks, both with a massive chip on their shoulder about their "oppression," circling the toilet bowl of the last hobby the rest of us had left to escape from these people.

Sounds like you're talking about FGC

>Do what you enjoy, not what people tell you to do. You've got probably 60 more years left on this planet, give or take a few, so why do you care if it's "popcorn tier."
Absolute degenerate """""""""""""""" logic. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

>I've already agreed it's not productive, that doesn't matter. You don't have to be woodworking for something to be a hobby, if you find that interesting and engaging, have fun, but it's not a greater or lesser activity.
Imagine genuinely thinking """""hobbies""""" like video games or watching tarantino movies are on the same level as something like creating, working out, etc.

>being this mentally deficient
you fuckin retard OP

No, it applies to anything. Movies. Wine. Books. Sports. Religion. Other hobbies.

Please, tell me what grand wonders you've created. Tell me the plays you've written and the music you've constructed. Tell me about your years as a child prodigy playing piano for the Austrian aristocrats at age 15.

You're a fucking retarded reject like everyone else on this site. Your life will amount to a small list of feeble accomplishments and working out isn't going to fucking matter. Chances are you will be forgotten after a single generation, maybe two. Enjoy your hobbies that matter, I guess.

why is he so mean?

You are speaking the truth. I remember once being in the dentist waiting room eavesdropping on some woman complaining to her friend about "casual" walkers and how they were ruining the hobby. Fucking walking, for Christ's sake.