Name one fanbase more autistic than sonic
Name one fanbase more autistic than sonic
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I'll name several:
>Binding of Isaac
>Anything with furries, really
Can someone explain to me why autistic people latch on sonic so fucking hard?
Nice list. Now name one more autistic than Sonic.
What motivates someone to draw this
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More, not as
Steven Universe
Super Smash Bros., because crossover bullshit
Undertale, because who fucking sends a needle in a cookie to an artist over a ship they dont like?
>a needle in a cookie to an artist over a ship they dont like
Fucking what.
FACT: Sonic fans don't shit in pools, fling shit at each other in hotel lobbies, jizz on couches or stink up entire events with their infamously bad BO. Until they start doing these things, they will never be able to top Smash and Pokemon.
You ever done commissions?
jajajaj xDDD
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That sounds fucking faul.
Because it's a meme. People are autistic all over the video game spectrum but because Sonic has such a reputation for having an autistic fanbase, everyone develops a confirmation bias. Also, that reputation draws people to it to create autistic stuff on purpose to perpetrate the meme.
is this still a thing?
How is Souls more/as autistic as Sonic though?
It's going to get an eighth season next year and a movie soon.
I despise smashniggas but the fgc really needs to stop throwing this fake story around the internet like theyre hot shit
speaking of, pretty much every competitive video game have autistic fanbases
You forgot FN@F my dude.
This is going to be the decade of Pony.
Is FNAF even a thing anymore?
There's a movie coming this week
The original source for the couch story has been deleted so I can only find a repost:
it died very quickly, im still surprised they want to keep shoving merchandise about it despite there aren't more games released
Yes the assburgers over at /vg/ STILL have a general about it. Same with Undertale.
Merchandise for that kind of game seems silly.
I'm afraid to look at that general. All I know is that Weaver still makes comics for FNAF for some weird reason.
It's autistic people who were kids in the early 90's that do. Autistic Kids now are completely obsessed with minecraft.
I confess that I'm a ponyfag since 2011
Maybe if the movie is as shit as season 7 I can finally get off the ride
this makes me a little glad I have no drawing skills to speak of. fuck that shit
Forgot the Cancer triforce (Fnaf Undertale Bendy)
>pokemon players
So Smogon?
"get out of here giant wall-e you faggot"
he's one of us, isn't he?
This so much
Stephen Universe.
One of the writers released some random art they did of two characters on a lesbian date, the fanbase went apeshit because it wasn't the correct characters they wanted to see hook up. So they doxxed the writer and called she/he/it out for "queerbaiting" and "racism" even though she/he/it was an MtF nig. Despite that, she/he/it released more non-canon artwork and they had a collective meltdown and tried to get it to kill itself.
It's fucked up, Sonic's fanbase is pretty bad but even Chris Chan didn't have the balls to tell sega to go kill themselves.
>I'm afraid to look at that general.
They just dumping pictures and talking about character ships. No game discussion at all
I'm not even kidding, sonic's character at least are live stuff
The show is cheap and the toys sell like hotcakes. I can see it still being a thing in the next decade.
I'd love if they dropped Flash. Maybe they'll switch to Toon Boom now that Hasbro bought another animation company to make their movies.
lord have mercy on those little kids going to see the movie
Nah, dont accept any shit from strangers beyond commission money and fanart.
Might have something to do with the franchise being a series of mediocre-to-awful games sold entirely on hype, marketing and edginess. So anyone with any sense whatsoever abandoned it years ago, but people stuck in a teenage mindset cling to how "cool" its cringy presentation is.
inb4 people unironically try to defend the genesis games.
Sup Forums
>It's autistic people who were kids in the early 90's that do.
There are people in their 30s still following Sonic. It baffles me.
>this thread
Stop it you guys you're making Chris sad.
>"Cancer Triforce"
>adds just FotM shit
Anyone remember Homestuck? Cause I sure dont
is bendy even relevant? seems like it was only mentioned for a while and then died
>Only potential contender on this list, but is more just full of kids than autistic
>Dead fandom, a fad
>Can be annoying but doesn't even come close to touching Sonic levels
>Same as DS
>Same as Undertale
>None reach the sheer magnitude of Sonic since furry applies to it too
I don't think the shit fight had anything to do with Pokemon, but dumb dirty fucking spanish people.
Not really, fandom is dead as shit. Once the movie is gone after flopping the show will likely die out soon after.
every time
how can people even interact with M2K? he is too autistic on a different level
Where do you find channels like this?
A good portion of the Warhammer community. Including authors
>but is more just full of kids than autistic
Thats how Sonic started out.
>Not a single mention of the Mario franchise
Nintendo wins again baby
Don't confuse Sonic fans with Sonic autists. Not every pokemon fan is autistic yet the Pokemon autists likely far outnumber the sonic autists at this point.
Sonic used to be big, in the early 90s Sonic was bigger than Mario, so autistic people clinging to Sonic at the time was natural. But now, Sonic is a has-been and the autistic people today are clinging to Pokemon and Minecraft instead.
Fire Emblem
Only cool and well adjusted folks are hooked on the brothers
>fandom is dead as shit.
If the fandom was dead, then mods would've removed Rule 15 by now and they'd be allowed to post here again. But guess what, they can't because as of right now, they're still a threat to society.
Youtube recommended while watching videos related or barely related to sonic. (like watching a sonic mania review)
Its probably the most normie, less autistic IP.
Literally anyone can pick up a Mario game and know how to play just by pressing a button and pushing a stick/direction pad.
Autistic fanbases tier list
Monster Hunter, Zelda, Undertale
Sonic, Dark Souls, Minecraft, My Little Pony
Autistic fanbases? LOOK NO FURTHER!
It's not the "sonic" or "undertale" or "fnaf" etc. communities in and of themselves that are autistic, it's the overlap with furfaggots. You can name pretty much any fandom of things that include anthropomorphic animals and justifiably make the claim that they are as autistic if not moreso than Sonic.
Star Fox community is pretty decent maybe over hype the games but they're alright.
Don't know but I can't think if a
afanbase with more fucked up furry porn than sonic.
>someone fapped to this
/mlp/ is too warped by waif-faggotry, negativity, and constant pornography that I don't think they are representative the brony fandom a whole lot.
If anything, they represent the comment section of NSFW images on Derpibooru.
>all that religious fan art of Sonic
>all that degenerate shit
Is sonic some kind of outlet for repressed degeneracy?
not even close.
The pokemon fanbase at least a good portion has actual children but almost all sonic fans are autistic furfags
I can understand why Lee goes on a tirade against them but to take ot so far that it ruins your life is a whole other level that's almost as bad as the fuckers.
>season 7
You’re wrong, buckaroo
I know you are trying to fit in user but we are talking about video game autism. We are not talking about other types of autism right now.