Can you play this game with other people around without it making you look like a huge weeb?

Can you play this game with other people around without it making you look like a huge weeb?

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>other people around
You tend to your guests. When they leave, the videogames are for your enjoyment and your's alone.

I'm talking about my gf

Why is being a weeb a bad thing? Most people certainly look down on them, but I dont know why.

It's really not that weebish. Especially if you equip something other than a katana.

Just be /fit/ and being an enormous weeb becomes a positive trait.

>Why is being a weeb a bad thing


Weebs are looked down on because of what people that gravitate toward anime stuff tend to look like

Its RAYCISSreally prejudiss

my gf really liked nier. she thinks toobie has one of the best character designs shes ever seen; she thinks the skirt is really pretty. she also liked the environments and the action sequences

if your gf doesnt like nier:a you should dump her on the spot

Kind of hard to fault this guy.
I don't agree with him but he lives by his own opinions and sticks with it unashamed