You have to turn 1080p on in the fucking settings of this machine...

You have to turn 1080p on in the fucking settings of this machine. I figured this out last night after having owned the thing since 2013.

400 hours of Super Smash Brothers 4 WiiU, I just now find out it's been at 720p the entire time and the people clapping in the little windows after the match is over aren't actually supposed to be all fucking jaggied out.

I honestly liked my WiiU a lot, but fuck me that might be the most retarded design decision I have ever heard of.

Are you fucking shitting me?
I've had mine since 2013 as well and never knew about this

It's under TV in the settings.

Thankfully nearly every game was 720p, but still.

Just went to my options to check and it was already set to 1080p

It must be the first TV you plug it into then because I know for a fact mine was an old crappy 720p I used to have.

False alarm I suppose

Why don't you check the settings before doing anything?

Because it's a fucking console. I set up the internet and bada bing it should just play all the games.

Then stop complaining you lazy fuck.

i know ill probably get shit on for this but

toads treasure tracker is one of my favorite puzzle games

Nobody ever reads the manuals, why would you expect them to check the options for stuff? I bet several of you who played Last Story on the wii didn't know you could turn off auto attack in the options menu