Webm thread

keep it vidya

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Has that sociopath lets player picked up PUBG yet?

were those two guys having buttsex?

Which one? You described a ton of youtubers there.


I'm guessing Chad caught a guy aimbotting?

vidya you say?

Is that real? If yes where can i find it?


no he's just really good. probably a quake player

Is it really called "Bloodporne; The Old Witches"?
Cos i did not find anything, except some flash animation of Bloodborne parody.


Of course it's real. Op said to keep it vidya.


This game any good or is it cheap chinese garbage?

baja: edge of control hd


what do you think genius

Googled this and couldn't find it. Anyone have sauce?

how thirsty are you my dude where that is acceptable fap material

>he hates 2d women



What game is this? Did Descent get a remake or something?

That's a vidya parody in a cartoon.
It's a cartoon


What game this is?

Does it have trucks?

His assumption is correct, it's a ryona style hentai game. I found it once on one of those dl pay sites, it's not called the old witches. I can't remember the name, but reverse image searching should work. It only took me a few minutes to find the real title, didn't bother saving it though.

I hope they add more physics to HL3 if it comes out. I remember them saying they would love to have destructible levels but are restrained by technical limitations. Hopefully with Source 2 games, we'll see more focus on that.
Red Faction Guerilla had pretty good physics too.

>br shoehorned into a game that has nothing to do with pvp
I wonder

What image are you reverse searching?

It was a different webm, there are like 3 or 4 floating around here I've seen. I found the real title like a month ago, that's why I can't remember.

Daniel just released a 40 minute GMOD video in the last month so maybe he'll move onto pubg now.

This is the first .webm I ever made. Just figured it out today. It's my baby. Pls no bully, user senpai.

That fucker.

We posting "first ever webms" now?

Fucking women. I bet if you put a VR on a dog it wouldn't act that stupid.


>no three seconds of black at the end

You did better than my first webm.


Don't go overboard. I've heard posting too much OC makes baby g00km00t cry.

Fine. I'll post one that has apparently made rounds on other sites.

Overload, it may as well be a reboot but the licensing is fucked, back when the the kickstarter was running they did get unity to read the level data from the old games for fun
these games should not be 3rd person
halo is such clunky shit

No! NO! what are you doing?! Posting reposts makes old m00t cry. Fuck man. Just stop posting it's upsetting people.

wow, aren't you cool

>comic from the ultimate white knight

Fine. Here's an old webm that few have seen.

I haven't played Halo since 2. What the actual fuck is this shit?!


shut the FUCK up you sexist fuck.

It got a sequel/reboot AND a spiritual successor, two separate games


I haven't played halo since 4 and don't even know what's going on. How is it old?

Welcome to 343's vision of Halo for the next "30 years".


Because 2015 was two years ago.

To think I bought a 360 for Halo 3 and never even ended up playing it. They fucking murdered it man.


halo 3 was great the webm you just saw was halo 5


All of the 360 halo games are backwards compatible. There's a theory that Halo 3 might have more people than 5.

Yeah I know. I played the first level of Halo 3 and went back to playing HAlo 2 and Gun. Then COD 2 and so on so forth.

Damn destiny 2 looks pretty good

So wait, two people are buttfucking in a corner, one of them survives two point blank shotgun blasts to the head and then the guy we're watching from gets beaten to death with a stick?

Is this game stupid? Be honest Sup Forums.

Did this come out yet? I stopped following his blog.

it clearly says killed by p1911


>Is this game stupid? Be honest Sup Forums.
Yes. But that's also half of the fun.


One of them had a gun.
Still really stupid that two point blank shots to the face with a double barrel shotgun does not kill someone.

>playable versions coming out
>not paying attention
Granted, he doesn't update the blog anymore.

Yeah, bro. It's so great that nobody played it when it came out two years ago.


I miss closed beta Paladins

for some reason this reminds me of Soldier of Fortune.


I stopped because I assumed he went the way of the wind like most h game developers. I liked bullet requiem.

It's basically Quake Lite.


He updates the game like every two weeks with new stuff. So far there's three enemies with three h-animations each, two variants of one hazard with two animations each, a boss with one animation, a new enemy just got added with no sex animation, and a game over cg that isn't animated yet.

>went the way of the wind like most h game developers
probably because you niggers are so needlessly tight-lipped about who they are when people ask for a lead

People have been posting webms and dowload links for like two months now.


First webm's are truly special



Yeah. Fuck those graphics are comfy. I am sick of the HDMI HDR and Indie "8 bit" era. We need more shit that is aesthetic just because.

So if I used a 360 would I get the same players as the people using the backwards compatible game?

It's actually really fun and addicting once you win a few times. Also unlike regular online shooters you really get a sense of dread and feel like death is around every corner. Also the lighting and environments are great.

I'll never remember I have this again, so I gotta post it now.

Yes, however you would not be able to join the xbox one party chats. They can join 360 party chats though, and you could also use the xbox app on a tablet or computer to join.

It's worse than I remember.

I wish I were around for old paladins, looks fun to play.

and yet it's always the same pointlessly tribal rebuttal of "no spoonfeed newfag" whenever someone not in the usual posting clique expresses interest in it, same for every mildly intriguing h-game that's discussed on Sup Forums on occasion

share your porn you faggots

Party chats are the worst thing Microsoft ever implemented.

What game is this? Looks fun.

Is this OG Hotline Miami?

Titanfall 2

I share it pretty often.
Here, have another.


That looks fun, but I bet it's porn

Of course it's porn!
The porn's the best part!