Download Crate Clickers because it's free to play

>Download Crate Clickers because it's free to play
>Start playing
>boring as fuck for five minutes
>then unlock first crate
>start clicking more and more crate
>unlock more and more clickers and crates
>crate contain more clickers
>clickers open more crates
>buy Thicker Clicker pack for $19.99
>buy Great Crate for $7.99
>hours of fun

Why isn't Sup Forums talking about this? After the first few minutes it become addictive and fun as shit

especially when the jazz music kicks in

Other urls found in this thread:

Once you play a couple of incremental games, youve played them all. Personally my go to is tap my katamari

Because this is blatantly viral advertising

because this is unequivocally worse than kittens game

links? theres a million things called crate clicker and this image has no results

holy shit, could you shill harder?

I dunno - Crate Clickers seems to combine an idle clicker with a rhythm game and first person shooter? I'd give it a shot

>spending money on a f2p clicker game
This is either some next-level pathetic shit or bottom-tier shilling
Either way I'm disgusted


How about a real incremental game?

>not posting trimps

Overcomplication like this is what kill clickers for me. It also just looks like what playing eve online looks like.

This game isn't really that crate.

>Sup Forums shits on/plays clicker games

>Sup Forums proceeds to shit on other consoles and games because they're "terrible"

Is this even a real game? I can't even find it.

Look somewhere other than Steam, asshole

Not that guy but google didn't give shit either and image search didn't do anything as said

There are like 50 games called "crate clicker" and 0 games called "crate clickers" I assume this is just a troll thread.

Everything in the game is self explanatory also it eases you in with a tech tree.

I fucking Bing'd it and found this monstrosity.

What the fuck is this shit

Looks like a Crate Clicker.

The genre really peaked with Candy Box desu

I said overcomplicated not hard, Clickers for me are mindless fun not some crazy spreadsheet do a million things game, it's just a shitty 4X game at that point.

Don't mind me, just posting the best incremental/idle game:

although Candy Box/Candy Box 2 may be just as good


Buy some ads you cheap fuck.

Maybe I'm a fucking idiot but I can't find a download link anywhere.


Definitely the best Incremental game.
But I must unfortunately inform you that it isn't the best Idle game.
That goes to Sandcastle Builder.

wtf cant even find this either! is nothing real!?

Needs to uncap the max level, resetting does nothing for me, and getting to 9999 takes so little effort. Especially with offline progress.

>These are all statements made by the same person
Settle down, sperglard.

I've always wondered if there's a market for like a drop in/drop out clicker/idle and dungeon crawler hybrid that loads fast and is good for commutes.

But it seems the mobile market is all about just who can shove the most possible ads out there so I don't know.

You have not been in Sup Forums that long. Is Barney on right now?

Not gonna lie, the dumbest game I actually BEAT was capitalist adventures. I love watching numbers grow

The previous statement still stand, you obese menace.

Are you talking about AdVenture Capitalist? I was fucking addicted to that game for a month and it severely impacted my academic pursuits because I was so damn dedicated to getting those numbers to go up.

As soon as I finally cleared Earth I immediately uninstalled it. It's an idle game with a lot of presentation but ultimately it's pretty lame. Addicting though, just like any other idle game.

Hurrhurr deflection. Previous statement still stands, child.

Pretty sure you're not supposed to advertise your own game on here, dev.

Why are you bringing up barneyfag? What's that have to do with you being a retard?

Because you're a child who's experiencing Sup Forums for the first time. You've waited days for a clicker thread to be made for your autism to enjoy responding to. Barney isn't on, so what do you do? Act like a kid you are on Sup Forums. If you're not going to bother rebutting my previous statement, then don't bother. But hey, it's okay, I'll let you have the last word.

What's there to rebutt? I'm not even the guy you were originally replying to

lol faggot, it's not the same people who make those statements, get over it.