Why aren't videos games fun anymore?

Why aren't videos games fun anymore?

Nothing is fun anymore.

cause you aren't looking hard enough

Games are still fun. You guys just focus too much on the background shit and not the actual game. Do you watch movies or tv shows where you spend 99% of your time just learning about the history of how it's created and what the actors/writers feel?

cause you don't play tekken

Because you hang out on Sup Forums too much, maybe.

you posted a picture more interesting than the topic at hand. first mistake OP. kill yourself

>play video games
>realize you aren't doing anything in that time to improve yourself or advance your life

>don't play video games
>join in the sham of everyone else jerking off over the car or house they bought while signaling their status

There's no way to win or have fun in this world OP

they want to appeal to a wider audience, look at mvci, they are to afraid to add comic costumes because they look silly to casuals, there was no love put into it.

if you want games that still try look for smaller devs

Because you're getting to old

What games feature cute playable raccoons ?

Why have fun when they have graphics

Because it's an industry that swelled up and is now occupied mostly by actual business people more interested in profits than making shit that they think is cool and a blast to play. There's still some fun games that come out from time to time, but they're rare and typically going to be based on some niche interest that means they may not appeal to you even if you aren't a normie.

They are. Stop acting a jaded faggot

Seems like great games don't get made anymore. Everything is steam/indie half ass shit, competitive shit, or interactive movies. No more grand narratives with interesting mechanics.

They were never fun.

is this the new furry thread?

so is no one gonna post gfu or

They are. Only MVCI is shit.

post more male shortstacks, especially yordles and rocket raccoon

This. The passion isnt there anymore.

hello bota
