Criminally Underrated

Criminally Underrated

Fucking loved this shit. Beat it on emulator like twice now.

Criminally underrated? No.
Unfortunately forgotten about? Yes.
Relatively inaccessible to new fans due to nucannon, which will only aid further in its being forgotten? Yes.

It felt like a sequel to Shadows of the Empire, but of course more polished than that early N64 game.

I had it on GC when I was a kid and it felt buggy and I couldn't quite figure out how to do some shit to capture certain npcs properly.

Honestly the tank controls are what really hurt it. But it had a legacy that no one really seems to notice. If it wasn't for the Hoth Speeder level, we would've never gotten the Rogue Squadron series. They based RS1 off of that level instead of X-Wing/TIE-Fighter.

Absolutely fuck the sewers level though, Jesus Christ.

Not really. I liked it but the controls were retarded, especially in first person (which was required to mark bounties), and most of the game was mashing square because it made your pistols fire faster. That and your weapons arbitrarily missed a ton despite the whole 'professional bounty hunter' thing, and enemies already took a while to kill.

Oh yeah, Rogue Squadron was inspired by all the ship levels of SOTE and yeah sadly that game gets no respect but people forget it was a launch window title for the N64 and easily one of the best titles out at that time

something about it just felt good


>enemy rocket clips through the roof
>you kill youself with splash damage since your rockets dont clip

The poison darts are the best

This was also a great game. Probably the best movie-game outside of the LOTR ones.

Dueling with my friends on PS2 was childhood perfection.

Dueling was fun as fuck all the characters had their little nuances. Cool bonus missons. Cool alternative ending.

Jedi temple as ani level best level.

>devs made it so you had to mash the shit out of the button if you wanted to fire the blasters as fast as possible

>get rushed by a couple of fatshit gammoreans
>whip out the flamethrower and fry them

If I went back and played it today, I'm sure it would feel clunky as fuck, but there were times when I honestly felt like a badass bounty hunter.

My fucking nigga.
I loved how the combat system was deep enough to do cuhrayzee combos

I remember thinking the quality took a dive after you stop hunting the first few criminals and you start going to war against entire military compounds, but I loved all the different gadgets and bounty mechanics.

Really wish we had gotten a sequel or a spiritual successor of sorts.

>Really wish we had gotten a sequel or a spiritual successor of sorts.

Yeah, like Prey or 1313, right?

Our reality fucking hates bounty hunter games apparently.

>we'll never get a Dog The Bounty Hunter video game
>we'll never get Mercenaries 3

Mercenaries was pretty good for that bounty hunting itch between working for Chinese, Russians, and Nato.

Maybe they'll throw it in as a side-dish for the new Red Dead.

>final levels fighting wave after wave of zombie drug-addicted cultists
>end up turning on the flamethrower and spinning in a circle for a full minute