Why was this the last game to blow me away with it's graphics and engine...

Why was this the last game to blow me away with it's graphics and engine? What the fuck happened to AAA gaming this decade?

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RDR was extremely impressive for its time because Rockstar San Diego is actually the creator of Rockstar's game engine, RAGE. RDR2 will likely be way more impressive on a technical level than GTA V was.

I really enjoyed shooting people in this game.

RDR is a lot like Shenmue when people remember it being a lot better than it actually was.


>YFW there is never be a PC port because R* SD fucked up during the coding process with the engine.

Diminishing returns.
The bigger your game, the more expensive/less noticeable the focus on graphics gets.

Basically, expect shit like andromeda from everyone else except rockstar, cdprojekt red, star citizen, dice and Square Enix

Fuck yes the physics engine was on point and watching people stumble around and react to being shot was kino

Did you play DOOM? I thought that looked pretty good.

Never seen that art before.

deus ex lole

Same. It was worth getting pic related to do it.

I went back and played RDR the other day, and god DAMN it's fucking ugly.
Amazing game but it visibly aged like dogshit.

fuck is that

lets you use mouse and keyboard on consoles



>PC fags this desperate for RDR on PC

do you shit on everybody?

I don't play multiplayer games on console

I just hate TPS games with a controller

Ground Zeroes blew me away the first time I played it and the first 2 hours of TPP.

>scared npc running away from you and your boomstick
>shoot them in the leg and they spin around 360 degrees and fall over
>shoot them in the head and they do a cartwheel, over the balcony
never gets old

I don't know. Maybe RDR was the first game you'd ever seen.


Rockstar San Diego just sucked ass at programing and the game barely runs even on consoles, and there's tons of bugs like the Manimals thing. Apparently they did very minimal commenting in the code so nobody knows what does what so they could never port it.

Google it, friendo.

>Make the engine
>Barely manage to make the game work and ship

The absolute state that place must be in. That said yeah it was pretty impressive for the time and shit they had to get it working on.

This pretty much sums it up on why it's not getting ported to the PC


Ya but not in a blow your mind sort of way, nothing like RDRs amazing ragdolls

that's a teleconference device


RDR is an overrated game but now people are going to ramp up nostalgia posting and shilling all the way to RDR2 I see.

>Stop talking about things i don't like



Even though the game was ass, millions shadow falls graphics blew my mind.
Batman arkham knight then blew the remaining chunks into nothingness

>Notable engine/graphics

Maybe some of its technology but graphically? I don't remember it being impressive for the time at all. Its a solid ass game though as a game itself. I despise open world non rpgs and even more open world rpgs too but the wild west is just such a god tier fucking setting.

graphics capabilities are gradually reaching a plateau as moore's law grinds to a halt

Play less new games. I just finished Bloodborne and it look pretty legit to me