TFW I only finish 20% of the games I buy

>TFW I only finish 20% of the games I buy

I hate myself Sup Forums

Why would you hate yourself? Obviously the games are the problem. You aren't the only one with a huge backlog.


No, you don't understand. I basically buy the game, play it for a bit, and completely drop it due to boredom or lack of interest. It's not a backlog, I have no intention of finishing these games because they bore me. I just waste money on games because I think I'll like them, but then it turns out I don't so they sit and collect dust.


no rpg has ever hurt me so much as ps2. I really don't understand how all these other fucking games get remakes but never the phantasy stars. FF7 was shit in comparison.

it still hurts.

>TFW I finish below 5% of the games I buy
I think you will be ok user.

I didn't know there was someone worse than me, so do you plan to beat them someday? Like a backlog? Because for me it's not a backlog, I just get bored of the game and drop it completely.

Phantasy Star did have a remake.

true but not outside of japan thus it doesn't matter as i am an EOP.

Oh shit, look at the time.

Easy, just buy less and pirate more.

There's maybe 1 - 2 games I actually enjoy and finish in a year now.

The only games I've beaten this year are BOTW and Nioh.

You both better have finished Nei's game.

Nei who? What game? Never heard of her, nor recognize the game.

being eusis is suffering

>sleeping without a shirt on

Ive been getting better at completing games. Sometimes its down to just playing handheld and using it to fill the time.

Goddamn Phantasy Star 2 was such a slog to try and get through. I gave up around the time after the first dungeon. 12 old me just couldn't handle the grinding.

I sleep in my underwear, wearing clothes to bed is uncomfortable to me, ESPECIALLY wearing a shirt. Tried wearing a shirt a few times, most uncomfortable thing in the world. Had to rip it off like an animal and throw it against the wall in anger one night.

>not washing your sheets regularly

Depending on the material of your sheets and blankets it can be pretty comfy.

>sleeping with a fan blowing on you.
play the translated remake. It lessened the grind and expanded the story/characters.

>have really comfy velour blankets

feels like I'm being embraced by a velvety angel.

Despite being warm most of the time it breathes really well too so its not overpowering in the heat. That said if you get super sweaty it really needs to dry off.

>tfw you crawl into bed in your undies and feel that comfy soft and cool temperature of the covers rubbing against you

The words of a filthy casual.

...though Rika's game was better.

Thanks, I'll give this a go if I ever feel like trying it again. I had basically forgotten this series existed, op's image hit me like a nostalgia timebomb.

I remember the 4th one was a lot less tedious and was genuinely great though

Isn't there a translation patch?
I've heard that people prefer the original, though.


IV was awesome.

Nowadays there's PSO2, which has some pretty fun gameplay, but be warned that the story gets insane.

I just don't know user, I had massive backlog for like 10 years now, I don't think I have this much time left in me in order to finish it some day. I get bored of certain types of game too.
Wow wow, I did finish her game... like 8 years later after I bought the cart.