I haven't played since wings of liberty somebody bring me up to speed here
I haven't played since wings of liberty somebody bring me up to speed here
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Ask me nicely and maybe I will
>7 years old
Ask nicelier
you are a cute looking goblin
I wasn't aware that you weren't allowed to play old video games
Ohoho, flattery will get you somewhere
The studio collectively pulled down its pants and shit on the franchise as much as humanly possible.
Well I don't care about the story/lore, just the gameplay
that fucking ass
You..look like a nice kisser
just found out the herc didnt make it into lotv. lame. also remember that fucking mech they wanted to add into hots that was jsut a bigger marauder? lol
You look scared, little doggy. Come here.
The gameplay in Heart of the Swarm is shit - more or less Diablo 3 with a sprinkle of basebuilding.
Legacy of the Void had decent campaign and mechanics throughout - Wings of Liberty remains the best still since it actually had difficult missions on brutal whereas both HotS (being the absolute easiest) and LotV are both lacking in difficulty and offers little replayability.
In both respects.
What about multiplayer? I don't really care about the campaign
Which part of Multiplayer?
Ladder? Can't say much since I stopped caring - but I think the zerg atleast has a "full kit" to deal with all the bullshit now - still lacking in options as hydra's still suck shit for their cost.
Co-op is actually fun while in low level as it's possible to lose then - but as you get max-level most missions just boils down to mass units and roll over AI - also the people who play Co-op are fucking terrible - so if you're low level they might just up and leave because they think it's a loss unless you're mastery +100 on normal difficulty.
Arcade hasn't changed I believe.
Co-op mode is pretty fun until you do all the missions a few times and realize there's no real strategy and it gets boring unless you intentionally mix it up and say use nothing but libs as nova. Also the starter commanders are pretty shit compared to stukov/nova/dehaka
Yeah I meant ladder. So it sounds like there aren't major, groundbreaking changes?
Not really, the expansion added some units but ultimately it remains the same in terms of meta.
Maybe team-games are more fun now, but again - I don't play any of it.
I went from WoL and stopped playing around 2012-13. Jumped back straight into Lotv last month.
Differences between WoL and lotv
>Terran cant play 111 and win every game
>Zerg actually has half decent units
>Maps are double the size compared to Wol so ending the game in under 5 minutes isnt a reality anymore but its possible
There are upgrades from the base game but the main problem of sc2 still exists where its Ball vs Ball and whoevers ball wins instantly wins the game and you cant come back. Overall id say its not worth it
Yeah about that, what the fuck is up with Kerrigan being so weak? You'd think blizzard's poster-child would have some better units and mechanics - she's outmatched by every other zerg commander. Zagara OP pls nerf
>>Maps are double the size compared to Wol
Why? Are games just way longer now?
Man. Does she get better at high levels because she's straight up my least favorite out of all commanders right at around level 5. It's like playing a shitty stukov where you have to select all the hives and mass lings and reinject larva every fight.
Its a forced change to so games arent 5-10 minutes only.
>Kerrigan is an underpowered commander
Shes literally one of the best commanders at max level. Fucking non existant gas costs, instant teleportation around the map and can create infinite structures for 0 cost to keep enemies busy, Passive makes her unkillable while she 2 shots rows of enemies with her W which recharges in 2 seconds.
You guys must be new
Because the map size means a lot, in WoL most of the balance issues could be fixed with having a larger map, shit like close-position Lost Temple was so retardedly broken as you could basically have a collosei roasting your drones and walk back before you could respond to it.
All commanders are balanced around their max level, so most of them suck ass in the early levels - Kerrigan is the exception as she more or less remains the same due to her playstyle revolving solely around her - the 50% energy is the offset and of course it's a level 15 unlock, hurr durr.
But Zagara gets all the goodies when her Baneling Nest spawns free banelings and you get the Splitter Strain along with the scourge upgrades. Zagara's playstyle can be a bit frustrating though as it more or less build on the concept of using just the right amount of units for a job - and mostly you need to remake everything.
Don't ever reply to me or my post ever again. I was talking about zagara, Kerrigan is fine.
>go MMM every game
Yeah sure, so when she's mastery +91 she might get better, but then you have shit like Dehaka, Abathur, Zargara and whatnot who all tear her a new one in terms of usability and they don't even need mastery to do so.
I agree the Omega Worm is fucking rad, holy shit did it suck going back to the "normal" nydus.
But at lower mastery - Kerrigan is simply too gas-intensive and her units aren't even good.
What's your strategy?
I usually just mass queens for saving gas and get a handful of hydralisks and keep kerrigan as a tank while I spam transfuse her.
Later on with the Torrasque-lisks they take over in the tanking area, but ultimately it's just queens, hydra's and kerrigan.
Yeah I think the remaking units is what kills me. I love playing as nova and microing a small squad or stukov and A moving and forgetting. Having to do hive chores just feels like an added step.
>Blizzard fucked up sc2 so bad that it went from the most popular streamed game and esport to one of the least popular
Im shocked that it still even has tournaments like the gsl.
It's the same old larvae-inject argument - which still baffles me that we don't have auto-inject yet. But the inject-larvae gets a buff at level.. 12 I think where it spawns double the amount, so that takes a bit off of it - still sucks though.
eh it's still probably in the top like 15 biggest esports
Being #15 is nothing to brag about.
The game only has a maximum of 60k players on at a time too.
Thats death especially for a blizzard game
I'm not even sure what they were thinking all the way through, most of their changes have been retarded and made things worse.
>hurr being able to hold down a units hotkey is a bug and must be fixed! enjoy clicking Z 1000 times every game from now on
Worst part is the rabid retards on the forum - everytime there was a nerf or a buff you had both sides going retarded. Worse than console-wars on Sup Forums.
Ladder has gotten more difficult
They've added more potentially game-ending harass / offensive options that are usually easy to execute but difficult do defend.
Not paying attention on your minimap for 3 seconds and a mine is dropped in your mineral line? Say good bye to half your workers
Though to be fair, blizzard has realized this and they are removing some of these too-easy-to-execute game enders soon
>playing ladder
>going full macro as zerg, enemy protoss hasn't taken his expo, this should be easy
>a single oracle flies by
>automatically gg
fucking hate oracles
Hello silver league
>didn't scout the stargate
>didn't build safety spore crawlers against a memeing 1base protoss at 4 minutes
>didn't have at least 2 queens per hatch
>enemy protoss hasn't taken his expo
>going full macro as zerg
user that's not the correct reaction
If your opponent is on 1 base he's going full aggression and is planning to cheese / all in / meme on you
If you think that your opponent is not expanding you need to freak the fuck out because an attack is about to land
you don't go full greed in that situation
desu i just fucking want my zerg decals man.
For the most part i thought i had it but yeah i still suck at scouting.
>desu i just fucking want my zerg decals man.
Zerg easymode if you're below plat
Speaking from experience, I have no idea how to play as zerg but that build got me into plat
>Scout a 1 base push
>Get some siege tanks and a bunker up and begin defending
>Guy just keeps sending shit to the point of busting in
>Scan that hes finished his expo while still pushing me
The fuck do I do here I always lost to this
danke user.
I really want to be decent at sc2 ladder, it's just the meta is so rigid also so much to keep in mind like injects, scouting, macroing, microing, droning, creep.
Well you have to cough up more information if you want any help.
What was your opponents race? What was your supply? Did you watch the replay? What was his supply? What league/rank?
>7yr old game
Don't bother with the story, it's dogshit and retroactively ruins SC1/BW.
It's fun though.
It's as bad as it ever was. Watch BW, it's got a new coat of paint and a shot of new life in its veins.