Sonyfags, Xbros, and Nintendies BTFO by my new god device. Would recommend others to buy as well

Sonyfags, Xbros, and Nintendies BTFO by my new god device. Would recommend others to buy as well.

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck off

>no external gpu
>can only run old games above 20fps
When will we get a powerful umpc

Can you run Killer Instinct on it? Im interested in one but a new version will be out in 2018

Fuck Yeah.

The GPD Win is amazing.

The device is ugly in design zero aesthetic.

Those who bought this device are most likely the same in appearance. yikes

L3/R3 in very convenient spot

Go back to Sup Forums and brag about how your obscure Linux OS is so much more superior than everyone elses while in reality it's slower than windows, and you're always having to rely on emulating Windows programs through wine.

>FEZ at 15fps
Enjoy your "gaming" machine

>god device

>insanely expensive
>shit hardware
>shit materials
>shit battery life
>its a chinese product so it lacks support if it fails or breaks

For that ammount of money you can buy a more than decent netbook and do what that shit does and more.