Vampire TM Bloodlines

I want to ____ VV.

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Have a loving relationship with fueled by mutual respect and adoration for each other

have an open source VTMB be released so I can finally get some use from the high detail model I made of

>open source VTMB
Ugh, no thanks, i don't want to see the game butchered by every goth with programming skills.

Better support this game:


Is this game worth playing?

I want to fuck VV and that's about it


>Is this game worth playing?
Yes. Try it out for yourself and see what you think.

Looks nice, saving VTMB from it's closed source shell would be good, it's not like OpenMW or OpenTTD have negatively impacted the titles they are built to run.

I know, I built it in anticipation for that a while back, so now I have a bunch of higher detail VTMB character models that I just don't have much use for.

Most vampires are only concerned with survival but Toreadors are one of the few clans that can actually do what you're saying. For about a month. Then they get bored and look for something new.

Post some pics.

I don't know about VV, but i want to milk Venus.

any vampire can spend a blood point to get hard

toreadors are usually just recruited from people who would miss this kind of rhing as drinking blood is 100x better anyway

They were never finished, just naked and rigged, I'd probably look at finishing them if an open source VTMB project ever reappeared, they just aren't of much value without a game.

>just naked and rigged
Yeah, i even know why. *snickers*

Plastic boobs are disgusting but Anna Gelle make my dick rockhard.

You realise that was never going to come out right? Those chucklefucks spent 5 years and couldn't even port the game to orange box source engine let alone remake it.

I never animated them, the body is unified, so any character apart from certain ones like fatties and goliaths could wear any outfit, and yeah of course I'm going to make a nude body, what's the point of open source VTMB if you can't enjoy the benefits of being open source.

Post pics of the unfinished ones anyway.

So, anyone knows who's that?
All I can find is 4 more gifs at some archive.




that's pretty nice work, no more, they are all unfinished.

Please share, maybe i could use them in my project.


rape and diablerize

Blood bond

Nosferatu suck.


Your characters look great as they are, you model those yourself? their faces look inaccurate though.

this roastie looks nothing like her.

have a few more lines of dialogue with


>That Damsel


How do you get even lines like that in your model? when i try making a model all my lines end up being different between each other.

Real damsel looks fucking whack anyway, you can't see it due to the angles the game shows her from but she legitimately has duck lips, and her eyes are really inset and she has a strong forehead/brows.

I don't understand.

Am i at least on the right path?

Thanks kind sir, and yes, but im learning on the job, tmaybe you could give me some protips or criticism?

like, the lines in your models are all perfectly even, with the same curvature and distance between each other's, while when i do it i end up with pic related.

Who is the best punk clan and why is it Gangrel?

How are the different lines from the World of Darkness setting supposed to fit together? Aren't the mythologies(vampire's biblical shit vs werewolf's pagan shit) inherently contradictory?

>finally achieve war form
>not feeling like a weak punk anymore, know that game-wise and even canonically i have a power that puts me in the 1% of strength no matter my age
>final attack never connects


>user post pics of a cease and desist letter
>"ogga bogga dey will nevah finish dem gaem"

no shit, tell us more

To begin with you've got waay to many edge loops for literally no reason, if you're going to poly model rather than sculpt and retopo start incredibly low, block out the entire character, get your edge loops sorted, get your deformation sorted.

Start with his low poly character tutorials, they're old as fuck but pure gold.

I don't see how. Name one contradiction you think there is
Also, for most of the settings they basically operate on vastly different power levels from each other

Yeah I hate that, but even doing an attack and then waiting just long enough for it to reset so you can use the first attack again lets you put out massive amounts of damage.

>he wasn't following them back in 08 when atrblizzard was fucking around making bloodlines revivial later renaming the project to bloodlines resurgence
Cease and desist or not these are the kind of people that want to remake a game despite not being programmers (their excuse for resurgence was they didn't have a programmer)

Top fucking kek m8

What are you working on anyway, if it's a VTMB fan build sign me up.

That model is subsurfed, she doesn't look that smooth normally, but the doll like look is intentional, also these were built to my own skill at the time, still higher detail than the original characters.

You need to work on your topology, like a fuckload.

thanks for the tips user, i'll be sure to check out that tutorial. I started 3d modeling begrudginly because i don't have enough money to hire a 3d artist for my own game, but ended up discovering that i like it more than programming and working with unity.

Lots of things in the real world are contradictory.

The thing about lore is its always going to contradict itself, good lore is written from the perspective of characters or mortals telling tales of characters.

They could also be interpreting events differently, yet describing the same thing.

anyone interested in joining mine?(very old test
from 2 years ago)

inb4 no one cares about my shitty "game"


Maybe, that other game someone posted above was an MMO anyway, do you have links to shit like on YT or what?

It would be an excuse to work on my shitty VTMB characters anyway.

He says that these open-source fags usually take decades to make something good.

They don't really. Often you can find an overarching theme/god/creature through different mythologies, but the real kicked is that they are often called differently and have different places, so you aren't really sure that the Wereworlves Wyrm is related to the Nephandic Entropy, or that how exactly is the Abyss of the Lasombra is related to the Abyss in the Near Umbra of the Werewolf.

It's all very interesting, and autists discuss it to this day.

it doesnt work if she isnt in character and she looks far too friendly in that

But I was following them when atrblizzard (or something like that) started the project. What I was refering to is the fact that it was obvious they would stop once the c&d letter inevitable arrived.

It's a shame, I was looking foward to that more than any other game-related thing. I am still foolish enough to believe they are working on it in secret, since they don't even respond to their Steam messages/group anymore, despite being online, if only to just say "it's over, move on".

Why do you mess with Bloodlines? Why don't you want to make your own vampire game?

No sir, my name is Luan, remember that name!

just a shitty instagram,

It's over, move on.

Because i dont believe in myself! D-do you have any ideas user?

Your characters are already better than mine, I wouldn't bring anything to the table.

Every time someone posts this I have to listen to the whole fucking thing.

Thanks, i really need a texturer though, hit me up if youre interested.

>those thighs

>legitimately better writing than the best of gta's radio gags

Sequel desperately needed.

yes it is, im building the core systems, already have inventory, disciplines, dialogue/questing and combat. hit me up at instagram!

Because most of the are doing everything alone or with random help from others.

>saving VTMB from it's closed source shell would be good
fuck off communist

Yeah, make a game like Bloodlines but don't call it Bloodlines.

Tfw a Pornstar has your names meaning tattooed onto her chest. It's almost like my own brand

Even a free market profits from information being more free, you dimwit.

Her name's Katty/Kattie Sage. She used to be a pretty big camwhore around 2007 or so but somehow purged all trace of her existence from the internet.

Even if you use your own artwork, using the names, scripts, stories, map layouts, anything from bloodlines is going to get you sued

for widely used applications yes, for 99% of video games no

Keep her well hydrated and give headpats to.


I think when all the systems are working and all stuff been populated i can just create new art and replace them at the end.

Thanks user!


You're welcome, but it won't help you.

Im using none of the such, just test maps and textured based on original but they too are just learning exercises that could be easily replaced, the core system is what matters and this is not a port, i built it from the ground up.

Nah, they will not bother.

oh I thought you were remaking VtmB

breaking vtmb is just as fun as remaking

evidence to the contrary has been posted in this very thread

Hmm. I remember reading an article back then saying that when Vaulderie was just starting out they asked CCP for permission and they said yes, and then they got a C&D.
Can't even remember the article, but if it's legit, then fuck CCP. If it's not, fuck CCP.


You dont understood what i said, im recreating bloodlines as a learning project, but if i want i can easily replace all the assets and switch to a diferent project using the same core system(scripts, models, shaders, etc), essentially i can create infinite games with the sames assets. Take for instance the shooting mechanics, i can use to make a mario shooter if i wanted...

But yeah, for now im remaking bloodlines.

I'm gonna run you with this and 512 mb of sd-ram.

>You misunderstood
auto fixed

>when you run it on non-potato for the first time

You are disgusting.

I love you too user.


excuse me

>bathroom door
Why did wesp even add this.