Why don't you play grand strategy games, Sup Forums?
Why don't you play grand strategy games, Sup Forums?
I do, I play them over at
Never played one before, but i do like strategy, so i've been wanting to try one, but then Steam warned me not to buy the ones i had my eye on due to needing to get all the DLC and stuff like that. I don't have that much money.
I'm too much of a pleb and not power hungry enough. I tried EU IV and couldn't get into it.
thats the problem
Grand Strategy games exist to make brainlets think they're smart. The systems are complicated, the strategies are simple, people just love to meme about how much they think they know about history by playing them
Buy the base game and pirate the DLC if on Windows. For EU IV, you're going to need Common Sense and Art of War at an absolute minimum if you want to really enjoy it. Also, depending on what nation you're playing, you're going to need certain relevant DLC like CoP for Injuns and every Vassal/PU that's not Sweden/Lithuania/Hungary.
Honestly, the best move is not to play, since all you're doing is staring at numbers and painting a map.
Also, you just missed the most recent sale, so you just missed the boat.
I don't pirate, im not going to be the one that destroys the Crusader Kings series, or whatever else i get
you are not taking anything away from anyone by pirating you indoctrinated retard
Stop pirating his posts.
Why do you leftycucks want to make Sup Forums into a safe-space?
Then wait until Christmas or just find 150 burgerbucks because the DLC is stupidly expensive and Paradox are almost as bad as Nintendo about lowering their prices.
>no civ5
kys yourself
>grand strategy games
Consider suicide, ledditard.
And so i don't play grand strategy games, and may never get to
i wasn't aware being a pirate made me a leftie
Start in Ireland in 1066 right?
i'm honestly too dumb
When I play Total War I want to have some of the options from CK2. When I play CK2 I want the real time battles from TW. Give me a hybrid and I'll gladly go down the rabbit hole. As it stands right now I just can't get into GS.
i love them, but i suck play thm , i have no idea to play, most of the time i get buttfucked.
This. Its almost impossible to lose at these games
I have a shit PC that can barely run any modern Grand Startegy Games and I don't want to play any old GSG because those are outdated.
what is it with retards and DLC?
Why the hell do people think that you have to buy the entire package or base game and every single DLC up front? JEEZ!!
>Give me a hybrid and I'll gladly go down the rabbit hole
well, you have Stellaris which is that kind of hybrid
So I’m not actually having fun when I play them? Thanks user I would have never found out what I enjoy if you hadn’t told me!
I don’t support piracy but it’s 100% okay in this scenario because the devs are the biggest Jews on the planet and release $25 dlcs every couple of months. It’ll cost thousands of dollars to buy the main 4 paradox games and all their dlc. Just buy the games
Oh, but I do
why do you HAVE TO buy all the DLC's? are you mentally handicapped in some way?
too complex for the average Sup Forums-tard's simple mind.
Holy shit, has that dude always been sitting on a horse?
buy hearts of iron 4 theres 1 dlc right now and its not neccessary
I stopped playing at EU2 because I hate the aesthetics of Paradox 3D games. It looks like shit.
Bullshit, you don't control those battles
>mfw trying to defend Scotland across CK2 and UE4
Being Scotland is suffering.