how fucking hard is it to hire community managers instead of having all your developers moderate internet forums? fuck, dude, get some unpaid interns on this or something, don't bawl like a bitch because someone told you that your game isn't good.
How fucking hard is it to hire community managers instead of having all your developers moderate internet forums? fuck...
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Why would you even play a blizzard game exept sc2.?
The sad thing is they do have community managers.
The Devs are just stupid.
or how about they just fuck off trying to tell people what to say in an online game
>actually believing that shit
Honestly, it's just them trying to make excuses. Not to mention, their whining didn't even sound that bad. Lots of people stay late and wake up early, most of them working far more intense jobs than coming up with ideas for a video-game.
Overwatch, like all blizzard games, has multiple community managers and members that aren't on the Dev Team that could easily handle things like talking on the Forums.
You'd be surprised how much time Jeff spends on the forums
what he did this time?
someone give me some explanations!
It's pretty old. He basically blamed them not bothering to add anything to the game on them having to spend so much time policing bad behavior in the community. As if those 2 teams are the same people, and the policing isn't handled 95% by automation and 5% by people getting paid minimum wage (if they're even in the US).
Who better than the fucking dev to talk about their game? This is better than a fucking CM who has no idea and just knows how to post in a forum. the devs know how the game works so they are the best suited for that job.
>have to build more and more advanced player reporting systems and auto-tempban algorithms
>have to update these on 3 wildly different platforms
>NEETs on Sup Forums think blizzard has you moderating forums or lying
my only take on it is that they have to spend dev time on moderation tools
>He thinks that the devs are doing forum moderation
They're not manually going through and banning people, they're coding auto-ban features like every other toxic, spoonfed babby game has, like LOL has.
>how fucking hard is it to hire community managers instead of having all your developers moderate internet forums? f
What? Nobody fucking does this unless they're fucking retarded. You get someone from the community who does it for fucking free. You don't waste your own goddamn time, and you don't waste your goddamn money. Somebody WILL do it for free if you say you need them to, and they'll fucking thank you for it.
>how fucking hard is it to hire community managers
Yeah, because that wouldnt backfire hard
>retards now expect devs to shelter and protect them from the big bad internet
>posting in forums
There is no EU community managers. At all. Last time it was brought up in WoW, they pulled over an Australian temporarily.
People still play this trash? Why?
well shit that's nostalgic
b-but the community is being mean to us
This. They probably work 9am-5pm and take two hour long lunches and a 15 minute drive home. Compare that to a real game developer like Sakurai who worked himself near to death for a game. Not saying every developer needs to do the same thing but Blizzard complaining about how hard they work and they stuff they have to put up with is laughable. Meanwhile, actual devs never complain and accept their work and effort they put into it
I wish I could keep jerks from playing our games. I imagine them thinking, "Haha! I'm a bully *and* I'm enjoying your hard work." Jerks
and no, my shirt in my profile picture does not say "cuck", it says "fuck hate" which is the opposite of anyone who uses that shitty term cuck.
It's not what they are paid for. Programmer costs much more than a fucking community manager, and using your programmer as a community manager is a waste of money.
slowly getting there
Remember when you could talk shit in games and no one cared? I miss those days
He's fucking lying. Not only does Blizzard have a legion of community managers going back from WoW (not to mention their Activision merger) but you can't waste animators'/programmers'/modelers'/ect's time with this bullshit, all they have to say is "not in my job description motherfucker."
On the other hand the vidya industry's employees are so notoriously spineless maybe you really can bully them into the tech industry's equivalent of cleaning the toilets.
You could just ignore if someone was being annoying. All multiplayer games I played had that function. Why people are so easy to troll in these games?
Its doing you guys favors, trust me.
The discussions over at the EU are much more tame and actually talk about the game then the US forums which are circle jerking cancer.
You guys are just a bunch of no good bullies
I have no idea who this is but I'm guessing either Destiny 2 or Overwatch
To be fair no one should have to deal with online gamers. You're all 3rd world trash or mentally ill children.
damn that brings me back
> there are some pretty mean people out there
Nu-males at Blizzard.
>We don't hide behind anonymous handles
Thats exactly what blizz support does though
Because my friends do, sadly.
someone post the tigole rants
It's super scary
the nut.jpg
It is more so than anything to give the impression that devs are there listening and watching the feedback and shit personally.
It is more so a PR ploy than anything and it quite hilarious how yall dumb fags are falling for it hook line and sinker.
> The end result was that for 2 weeks I haven't posted at my normal rate
The cringe is real here.
>I cannot make forum posts from my phone for security reasons
Is dis nigga serious?
It's for kids.
Lel, they say its scary to use a real name even though years back they planned to have every player use their real name on the forums. They could just use anonymous handles that are all exactly the same.
My fucking god, how much of a coward can you be? Millenial devs, everyone.
There's already an account like that they could use and attach their name in the post if they wanted to.
tldr you're all a shit
Everyone is a special snowflake
> don't make negative comments
> we are all here to have fun
Translation: Here at Bizzard we don't fucking know what we are doing, but please leave us alone!
But he won't be able to cry about his victim status then.
They are smarter than you it seems, this is all free advertising in a mass of liberal news outlets (read all of them)