Why hasn't 40K been adapted to vidya format in the same way as card games were adapted into likes of Hearthstone and Shadowverse? Its free money, right?
Why hasn't 40K been adapted to vidya format in the same way as card games were adapted into likes of Hearthstone and...
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Why not MOBA version? Or PUBG?
GW wants to sell small plastic men and overpriced paint. They think that any 1:1 video game adaptation would make people not want to buy little plastic men.
GW goes full jew on figurines. They wouldn't be able to do that if there was a 1:1 digital adaption of Tabletop WH40k.
Because they give the license to shitty developers.
That's it. There's a few gems but it's few and far between because they don't seem to have a solid process for picking who does what.
That was old GW.
New GW doesn't care about games and rulesets, they're a collectable figurine company who think Todd McFarlane is tbeir nearest competitor
The tabletop games themselves are actually pretty shit, they're just carrot on a stick used by games workshop to make your buy their expensive models. Adapting it as a video game would only give people less incentive to buy them
There are a few adaptations for vanilla Warhammer games like Mordheim (runs like ass though) and Bloodbowl (first one is superior to the second)
Have you missed the metric shitton of Warhammer games recently? GW gets money for each one of them. Some of them even copy tabletop
>New GW doesn't care about games and rulesets
>10 codexes in 6th mounths
>Have you missed the metric shitton of Warhammer games recently?
Yes and it's
Shitty 40k games
WHFB games, which doesn't exist as TT wargame anymore.
I, too, would love a 40k-themed Overwatch.
It's called Eternal Crusade.
Which is better, dark crusade or soulstorm?
Dark Crusade for singleplayer.
Soulstorm for multiplayer.
Wasn't it Dark Crusade where the game was cucked with unit caps? Just play vanilla or Winter Assault.
Not with Warhammer
The real question is why can't they make another rts like the first dawn of war?
#2 was a different shitty formula and #3 didn't look to be any different.
If I could collect and paint digital space marines and night goblins, I'd be pretty happy
DoW2 was literally Company of Heroes: Warhammer 40k Edition. 'Cept...somehow worse
Making an amazing 40K game would kill off their cash cow, the only reason CA can make a decent fantasy game is because they killed off that world in favour of age of sigmar so CA can use all the old stuff with no problem. Maybe if GW were to AoS 40K then we would be able to get better games.
>Maybe if GW were to AoS 40K
user, 40k is very much going End Times
As long as they don't kill off my faction I'll honestly be okay with it.
Dark crusade for single player
Soul storm for all the mods
Tabletop simulatorDon't tell gw
It's heading towards that direction. The last 10 years we got
>Space Marine
>DoW 2
>DoW 3
>Total War: Warhammer
And vermintide 2 is going to be released in the next few years. it feels like there is a lot of experimentation on the Warhammer settings with both strategy and non-strategy games. Maybe there will be a digital tabletop game if sales keep going up and if enough people become interesting in that setting.
Because MOBAs killed the RTS genre and no company is brave enough to make a pure RTS.
>Space Marine 2 and 3 never ever
>with both strategy and non-strategy games.
Yeah, but for some reasons all strategy and non-strategy 40k games ends like Battleborn
When you remove the physical, social aspect of the game and the hobby aspect you realise there's much better strategy games that can take advantage of math more simple than spamming D6s.
*much more complex
lmao """""gamers""""" actually believe this
I play 40k every weekend.
Tabletop wargames would translate fucking horribly to vidya. They're made to work in their format, not that of a digitised videogame.
40k is a shit game if you strip out the tabletop limitations and the fun hobby aspects. Fortunately you don't have to do that, but making it into a videogame would do so.
They should adapt Epic instead of regular Warhammer40k.
It'd work like a charm, and for once we could get the "proper" 40k scale in vidya.
Because using rulers and inches in a videogame is clunky and annoying. It just makes more sense to go with a grid like Sanctus reach, or go full RTS like DoW and total war.
Batllefleet gothic: Leviathan is pretty much a 1:1 game and uses no grid, but maintains turns and it works pretty dang well. But that's with 5-10 ships, try moving squads of marines in blobs that have to maintain cohesion. The whole game is based around you place in each guy in it's spot one at a time, that works fine when you literally pick them up, but on a video game? That's a crazy way to play. I'm sure you could come up with a system to do it, but it seems weird to try to maintain a mechanic that isn't even well like on the table top.
>Leviathan is a great game btw, I with they'd expand it.
C-cadia stands!
>I with they'd expand it
I wish they'd maed it for PC. It controls atrociously with thouch and a smallish screen.
they actually did that
it was a 2d-turn-based-hex-strategy-game
You can just program a fucking tabletop sim and slap figures on it, it's not a difficult concept. The only thing that would take effort to build would be the intense detailing and kitbashing but you could still do it. Stop being an idiot, you know better.
I hope you're not talking about Armageddon, because not only it has nothing to do with Epic mechanically, it's also a very bad Panzer General/Corps clone.
I guess I did (to be honest, I couldn't remember the name)
I'm not saying it'd be hard to program. It'd be insultingly easy to do so, although unit movement would suck horribly.
The issue is no one would enjoy it.
>fa/tg/uy unironically defending 40k rules
CoH 1 did it fine, since the individual soldiers in a squad were usually smart enough to seek cover where you sent them.
>tfw no michael bay crazy call of duty 40k game
>DoW1 was great
>CoH1 was great
>Combine both and you get ass
>Could do all kinds of stuff for games before 8th Ed.
>Commoragh gang warfare
>Space Marine Sequels
>Could port the card game to digital
>Big Turn Based Strategy war game
>XCom: Deathwatch
>Ork Trukk Racing
>After 8th Ed.
>Who the fuck are Xenos?
>Commoragh pretty much gone, DEldar might as well not exist now
>Orks, Tau, and Nids relegated to tertiary enemies
>If it isn't fighting KAY-OSS then it isn't happening
>Eldar are now butt buddies with Guilliman's Imperium, and led by a huge mary sue
>Can't be full grimdark any more, even ironically, has to be at least partly noblebright
Unless they work the TW:W angle of ignoring recent developments, 40k games are just gonna get worse.
>£40 to play unlimited warhammer virtually
I do wonder why GW wouldn't want that