>still buying physical versions of vidya

What's your excuse?

Good dog :^]

Kick that dumb dog

I'm not a retarded dog owner. Cat master race.

dat doggo needs training

You just know that's the type of guy who when he takes a game or movie out of the console just pays the disc read side down on a dirty coffee table crowded with empty Budweiser cans and ashes out cigarettes. And if you do look into his game cases they are all either empty or have the wrong ones in them.

I can resell a physical copy and digital are often overpriced. I do get digital sometimes though and would like to get more if they fix their insane pricing policy

Henlo Reddit.

The owner is retarded, not the dog. If you take care of your shit, something like that won't happen

>when dog has a better taste than you

>bothering a dog whilst it's eating
total dunce

Don't you hate it when your dog gets into the trash?

What is the average steam drone excuse to accept the fact that you don't own your games and steam having a monopoly over almost all of pc gaming?

I just moved into a share house and there's a cat here.

It keeps trying to get into the toilet while I'm pooping, what's going on there? It doesn't go in the bathroom when its empty and the door is open but right after I start to poop it tries to get in.

I like physical games because I am a collector/boarder-line hoarder. Wouldn't pay more than $10 for a digital title desu

Its called establishing dominance, its not like you betas would know anything about that.

Well they bought fifa on the ps4 should be a given.

>dog destroys a shitty game as a way of improving its owners taste

I don't see a problem here

>amerilards are this mad that footy is the most popular sport in the world

You wankers should start watching footy now before concussionball gets banned

>having to establish dominance
try-hard beta lmao

cats just hate doors. theyll stare and meow and claw at a door all day, but the moment you open it to let them through, they just sit there and look at you like *youre* the stupid one.

If your dog doesn't let you stop it from eating then that's because it considers itself to be higher in the pack hierarchy than you. Teach your fucking dog that you are in charge.

It's kneelball now and you will refer to it properly.

it'll never get banned, but they'll probably start faking injuries and visibly crying to appeal to the global market

You're not a dog, don't try to act like one.

>amerilards actually play their anthem before every event

And yet you say the North Koreans are brainwashed

I didn't say that though, Petrov.
Why you Putin words in my mouth?

I remember buying physical Demon's Souls on PS3 and the console straight up wouldn't let me install the game

What the fuck lmao
How is digital not superior in every single fucking way?

A dog does treat you like you're another dog though, no matter its or your size and if he bites you when you mess with his food then he doesn't recognize you as a superior dog. That means you are a shit owner. It's also one of the reasons why small dogs are such shitheads, owners let them get away with a lot of shit larger dogs wouldn't because it's endearing due to their small stature and that lets the little cunts think that they're the alpha.

That doggo has better taste in vidya than the fag holding the disc

If he had better taste he wouldn't have eaten Fifa

I'd establish d-dominance over y-you, faggot.

>moved in with roommate that has a small rat (chihuahua)
>sometimes asks me to walk him out to take a piss/shit
>dog is compliant, even sweet, and doesn't need a leash because he's always next to me when walking
>fast forward, in house
>walk by sofa to get to fridge, chihuahua is sitting on sofa
>goes apeshit out of nowhere and bites the fuck out of my hand like he was a snake
>scream my ass off and throw him against a wall accidentally because I moved my arm away from him but he kept biting until he lost grip
>a visit to the hospital later, keep my distance from sofa
>every time I walk by it he starts growling like a rabid dog, then goes randomly back to waggling his tail
>dog bites his owner too at some point
>started to pick up a habit of barking insanely loudly like he was being skinned alive at random moments
FUCK chihuahuas, they should be exterminated

>not dominating said chihuahua and establishing yourself as the alpha dog
He literally treated you like its bitch, user. Not his fault you'd rather make the problem go away than deal with it.

>xe thinks it's a soccer thing
>not the fact that EA and fifa is trash

this dog has shit taste

That dog is a loyal companion, destroying trash like Fifa is only good for you.

>>a visit to the hospital later

From a chihuahua? I've had a few dogs over the years, all a lot bigger than a chihuahua, and they get aggressive and bitey when trying to assert their position in the pack but they shouldn't actually be doing real damage to you. It's just the dog equivalent of a smack around, they aren't actually trying to tear you to shreds.

when steam shuts down 15 years from now your """"collection"""" of games go down with it.

He sank his teeth into my skin, I had a literal flesh wound. Was afraid of being infected or something so I sent my paranoid ass to the hospital after dousing my hand with disinfectant.

>Whoops, the service got taken down.
>Enjoy your nogames
ESPECIALLY on consoles.

>implying I'll be alive by then
If it ever happens.

>buying FIFA every year

good doggo

Because you can return a game if you don't like it or it doesn't work.

oh wow what a great sport, certainly not for homosexual theatre majors who dropped out of acting school

You can do that with digital too, refunds are a thing

That's a little unusual. You definitely want to disinfect a dog bite though, even a minor one. They have all kinds of nasty bacteria in their mouths. This is also the reason you really don't want them licking your face.

On PC platforms. Good luck arguing that to Sony without getting banned. Still amazed no one has fucked them qbout their shitty refund policy.

is your roommate a deaf mexican

because I knew a guy with a chihuahua like that


My bad I wasn't aware Sony were still being cunts

Only ever owned a PS3

Yeah as far as I know that little shit never had proper training, so he behaves very unusually. Sometimes he shits on the floor and whatnot.
No my man, I'm an europoor, no mexicans to be seen here

>I'm an europoor, no mexicans to be seen here
lots of kangz though huh

Europe needs to be stopped

fortunately I'm from pizza pasta land, there's a fair amount of hatred for immigrants going on here

Fucking diveball.

Even that dog knows EA shit is cancer. That dog did the owner a favor.

Just fuck off back to tumblr you mental faggot.

Nintendo has already announced the closure of the Wii eShop.
Think about it.
Companies won't provide your digital games forever. Eventually they will close up.
Sure you can say "Well it's just the Wii" but then it'll be your Switch library, your PS4 library.
I doubt Steam will die in the near future since PC doesn't get redundant like consoles but having digital console games certainly seems problematic.

Well I have a lot of games and not enough solid-state space in my ps4/xbone. My main games go on the solid states, and my one offs or fiance's games are all on discs.

>lots of kangz though huh
basically none compared to america but lol whatever you want to believe

Dogs are the niggers of pets

Can't even take a shit without your assistance.

Are you me? Fucker also keeps trying to get in my bed and then lays there all fat and smug. What's wierd is that he's never there when I come home, he only barges into my room when I'm there.

The only saving grace is that he fucks off when his owner comes home.

>CoD appears three times
>two are for Xbone

People actually bought the Xbone?

It really is pointless now, since games already need a patch as soon as they are shipped.

So the response to this is "well just wait for the console to get modded like the original Xbox and use a loader to patch the iso like we do there!".

Which brings me to, if you need to pirate the game later, why buy it at all?

You need to get out of this weeb bubble every now and again. It's done around 35 million sales, not PS4 numbers but it's not like the thing was an enormous bomb.

That's why I like gog since they give you an installation file. If they ever decide to close you can just DL all your games and burn them on disks/ save them on external drive/cloud.

I hope you backup your drives for when they inevitably fail too.

Jokes on you, I'm an archivist by trade and regular data maintenance is in my blood.

>not keeping 5 different hard drives and 5 SSDs with backups of alll of your data
top pleb
also, I have 20+ year old IDE drives that still have yet to fail.

No joke on me. I'm happy to hear it.

NEver heard of that band. Anywho, why are you so salty user? Just get another copy. Should only be like $15.

Cats suck. All they do is roam around your house in places you can't see them and eventually come out for food. Dogs are loyal and want to be around you all the time.

>reinstall games in seconds instead of having to sit through a download again
>have the satisfaction of amassing a physical collection

Why ARENT you buying physical?

Who the fuck doesn't have data redundancy these days with how cheap storage media costs? Everything I archive goes on two separate drives, when one fails all I need to do is buy a replacement and then clone the other backup to it. The chances of both failing simultaneously are minuscule.

you say that like you don't and you have some form of disdain for people who do

Is that the same as zero?

>still buying vidya

>He's only ever owned shitty cats

Even if I had 5000 redundant drives the chance of a simultaneous failure would still not be zero. It's just be very minuscule.

The only way you can secure your data is to mentally memorize the string of 1s and 0s that make up your hard drives data so that you can recreate it from memory when you need to.

well what if something happens like a fire or power surge that kills both the drives?
>Not having a cloud backup for all your drives

What on earth makes you think the human brain is a more reliable storage medium than a hard drive? Relatively speaking the brain barely fucking works for that task.

Maybe my brain works better than yours?

Even paper and pencil is a better way of storing information than your brain. This has been scientifically proven. The brain is shit.

Explain to me, how can a digital copy of software made for a unified platform like PS4 not work for a single individual? The only way that could happen is if
a) Your copy is corrupted, in which case the digital distribution is superior because you can simply redownload if your copy is corrupted
b) Your console is broken, in which case you should get a refund on the console not the game
c) It's broken for everyone, in which case Sony is gonna go medieval on studio's collective ass until they fix it.

PC is a different story every config is different and demos are not a thing anymore, so sometimes you only realize your game won't run on your rig once you buy and install it. This is why both Steam and GOG allow refunds

This will never get old

The only way you can get banned from PSN for a refund is if you chargeback. Chargeback isn't how you should refund shit.

>blame dog for chewing on something
>probably left it on the floor out of it's case
i can't count the number of times my friends broke their own discs by just leaving them on the fucking floor, put your shit away you dumb fucks

I have a PS1 and 2 library to fill with games that doesn't exist on the PSN store. The Punisher game from 2004 for example, isn't available as digital download, so I bought a physical version and loved it.