why does nintendo shutdown ANY fanmade projects with no exceptions? it's disgusting and a bad business practice
Why does nintendo shutdown ANY fanmade projects with no exceptions? it's disgusting and a bad business practice
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>why do business's protect their IP's which they are legally obliged to do?
gee, i dunno
because the primary value they have is a company is the exclusive use of their intellectual property (which is some of the most valuable intellectual property in video games because of the north america video games crash of 1983) and other people making games using it means that the intellectual property can be gotten elsewhere, devaluing their systems.
just ask yourself this: did you buy your switch for a bad port of skyrim and nuOOM at 30fps, or did you buy it for zelda and mario?
>which they are legally obliged to do
Prove it.
>Be Nintendo
>Don´t give a fuck about franchises as F-Zero, Star Fox or Metroid
>Fanbase still loves´em
>Fanbase resurrects Metroid
>Nintendo realizes & start random project
>Nintendo bans/sue fanbase cause "muh franchise"
They´re asian jews.
You can lose control of trademarks if you don't defend them. Not so with copyright, which is the type of protection that covers Nintendo's characters and artwork.
So they don't HAVE to do it, but the main reason they do it is things like, keeping control of their brand so Zelda doesn't become associated with someone's shitty fan project.
An important point you're missing is that a fanmade Zelda game doesn't neccessarily have to directly compete with the official product. Whatever OP's pic is, it doesn't compete with BotW, since it's a completely different game, and since it doesn't compete with an official product, it doesn't devalue it.
AM2R was completely justified though, since Nintendo was making their own Metroid 2 remake too.
Well they had already started a remake of the exact same game so that was just bad timing.
You are retarded if you think SR was made in less than 2 years.
Fucking end yourself faggot.
Because its made for 12 yr olds and youre a grown man. Try acting like one for 10 minutes of your life op.
>indie devs are to stupid to recolor shit and Change some names on the way.
>cry about nintendo shutting them down.
>Thinking Samus Returns was made in the span of half a year
You're a retard.
>Also Miyamoto tried to revive Star Fox twice
Both times they bombed.
you know the united states isnt the only place that nintendo is avaliabe, and the laws here arent the same in other places. thats why they have a blanket policy to just shitcan anything.
I mean if that were true then fans should be making more fangames for the franchises Nintendo "forgot" rather than making Zelda clone 37.
Roughly the same reason the Red Cross is C&D'ing everyone who dares to use the red-cross symbol in vidya, movies, ads... anything really.
>nintendo vehemently attacks any and all fanprojects, even freeware
>even monetizes footage of their games on youtube
>meanwhile every other japanese company use every copyrighted and trademarked thing in existence
nintendo is trash
They don't want competition and 3rd parties who love making a product to look better than neo Nintendo titles
So why didn't SEGA, another Japanese company, do the same thing with Sonic Mania?
Why don't fans just make the game anonymously and make sure there is no usage of the copyrighted name anywhere
I know right? They should just stick with hyping a game as a Nintendo unofficial sequel and then once the heat is on switch to a new IP with the same gameplay, play the victim card and sell your game for actual money.
Not him but legality doesn't matter at all. Every business has a vested interest in protecting their ip's this is something even entry level entrepreneurs know
>People with enough talent to make a good game waste said talent by trying to ride on the coattails of Nintendo's creativity.
Just make your own games?
Nintendo is under no one Obligation to let random idiots ruin their brand
Sonic mania was commissioned by Sega.
After years of them fucking up and being unable to make games for themselves fairly consistently. Maybe if the next 5 Mario games are critical failures then they'll ask Joe Schmo from Brooklyn to code their games.
just make your own fucking game at that point.
Do you fucks think if someone made Ice Climbers HD that Nintendo would give a fuck? Probably not. But people always have to try to poke the bear and rip off Mario and Zelda whole-hog.
what game is that?
If I was Nintendo if fire all my devs
And hire these guys or I'd support any extension of games I created
It's not about the name, it's about the IP in general.
If you make something that is even close to the original and it's obviously based on the original that is a copyright infringement.
They certainly would
That castlevania remix got c and ded
how is it a bad business practice
they're not making any money from those fan projects
and nintendo fans continue sucking their dicks no matter what they do
More people see your product and its free advertising which lead more people to your games
Two reasons.
1. Left unchecked, non-commercial fan projects may escalate into full-on free-to-play (likely donation-based via Patreon) projects that use their IPs for free. Nintendo only takes projects down when they turn into real games for this very reason: fan projects are ok, full games (regardless of whether they are sold or distributed for free) that simply appropriate Zelda or Metroid or Mario are not ok.
2. Quality control. Mind that Nintendo does not own fangames and can not control them in any way other than issuing DMCAs or going to court. Nintendo curates very strictly what is and isn't Mario so that it would be associated witht he right things. If someone other than Nintendo makes an extremely popular Mario game with violence and/or sex, Mario will be associated with that, and moms would refuse to buy it to their kids. Nintendo correctly wants to control what is associated with "Mario" in the public eye.
IP protection, it may confuse the consumer, also, trademark. If you let anyone use your trademark you may lose it because it falls under public domain.
speak english brazilian
Nintendo IPs don't need publicity from fanartists. It's fanartists who want Nintendo IP's publicity.
I'd say Castlevania is way more important to Konami than games like Ice Climbers and Excitebike are to nintendo
Its not my fault
Nintendo should let people create a new generation of old school
>he thinks ten million is anything more than a minor fee to Nintendo
>muh so happy that some idiot judge rewarded patent trolls $10 million
>Nintendo plans to appeal the ruling
try again, doofus.
No its the opposite
Nintendo would succeed even more if they supported this freedom to create
>Do you fucks think if someone made Ice Climbers HD that Nintendo would give a fuck?
If people gave a fuck, so would Nintendo. They don't want real games by unrelated studios to use their IPs without authorization.
Nintendo is a Disney style business with the military ethics of "if we don't control it, we don't own it".
IP's are to be whored out to the end of time.
only fanprojects that get shutdown are the ones that get too big and nintendo kinda have to take action.
there's like billion of those that no one has ever even heard of. except those 2 people on some random forum.
also people are just stupid and start to hype their "fanproject". just finish it, share it if you want to and just walk away.
While I do think Nintendo should let some new people take a crack at old ips they aren't just going to rely on some internet randos who make romhacks of link to the past
Nintendo does have plenty of young blood though. It's just that they're making actually new properties instead of working on reimagining the hits from decades ago.
Don't reply to me when you got nothing relevant to say. I don't care that Nintendo is shutting down shit or why they are doing it or whatever. I asked him to prove his statement and apparently he can't.
those people should just make their own fucking game. if your competent enough for nintendo to assess you as a threat to the ip then make your own game. dont cloud it with shit like INSPIRED BY ZELDA LEL ZELDA KILLER.
Yeah but grown ups world doesn't work like that so we can't have anything fun
I don't think sega's embrace of the fandom has made them more popular. Just makes them harder to distinguish from the more... Unsavoury parts of said fandom.
Freedom to create does not include stealing other people's IP. You can make Mario-like platformers and zelda-like aciton/adventures, but not Mario or Zelda games.
Keep in mind that Nintendo does not go after side-scrolling sci-fi action/adventure games with female protagonists wearing exosuits. They only even go after action/adventure games that literally call themselves "Metroid".
Also not him, but if Nintendo (or any other IP owner for that matter) allows for these fan projects to run without a DMCA notice, a case could be potentially built for that IP to become public domain and no longer a Nintendo property.
It's a loophole in the copyright system in the US and Canada that is barely ever used and barely ever succeeds; but the legal teams at these companies protect their IP from it regardless.
I think every decent romhack should get love even as far as being on the switch hands down
It would create a revolution of games on the system
>if your competent enough for nintendo to assess you as a threat to the ip then make your own game. dont cloud it with shit like INSPIRED BY ZELDA LEL ZELDA KILLER.
It worked wonders for Stardew Valley. That guy is a millionaire now just by stealing a Nintendo IP, doing it better than Nintendo have done in over a decade (not hard) and releasing it as a commercial product instead of a fangame.
nintendo's the one that fucked up by fighting it in the first place. the other 2 lawsuits the company filed were settled out of court, probably for far less than 10 million.
if the money didn't matter they would've just settled too, instead of spending time arguing.
Why can't 'developers' make original games and not rely on using the IPs (music, assets, etc) of successful games?
Mania did however, start out as a fan project.
True they let Axiom Verge go on it's merry way and it was very much a Metroid clone. They even put it on their own consoles eventually.
Isn't that one of those texas patents?
They aren't going to pay shit.
Any examples of this ever happening? How realistic is this really?
Let hardcore fans readjust and handle things from the past.
Let them have the light of day.
Hire pannenkeok to make a 64 clone
It would satisfy hardcore oldschool Nintendo fans more than smo
It would also show new fans a more core experience and give them something to love
Old world
New world it does work
It's publishers and shareholders who are to blame for that user developers are just told what to make. Like Hollywood no one wants to take a risk anymore, why take a risk when you can make another game in a long standing series with an already established fanbase? guarenteed money vs possible bank? it makes sense but greed killed creativity.
>So why did SEGA, another Jap company, do the same thing with Streets Of Rage remake?
>So why did SEGA, another Jap company, do the same thing with a shitty fan book?
Pro-Tip: All of those are companies and not your fucking friends.
It wouldn't if it was approved by Nintendo
nintendo shuts down anything that has anything related to nintendo. they dont even allow lets plays
This is like banning marijuana
there is literally no excuse for this one.
They do, as long as you don't monetize it
>so Zelda doesn't become associated with someone's shitty fan project
The fan projects that get big are usually better than most of the shit Nintendo pumps out. They're just afraid someone else can do it better, no more blatant example than AMR2
>start taking money for your project using copyrighted characters and designs
>get shut down by the company that owns them
neck yourself
Oh no.... 10 million dollars
How will Nintendo EVER recover after that.
>nintendo's the one that fucked up by fighting it in the first place
Are you stupid or what?
Those are fucking patent trolls.
Patent trolls need to be destroyed.
Fucking idiot.
Nintendo won against some of those trolls already and thank god.
Mother 4?
Don't get me wrong, I'm fully aware that SEGA have taken down projects too. I simply brought it up as an argument against Nintendo having a blanket policy for this sort of thing strictly for legal reasons.
See Kleenex, Xerox, and Photoshop. If you don't protect your IP, you can lose it.
But SR is better, and I pirated both. SR at least tries to be something new with vastly different maps and new moves. Only part it does worse is the visuals and frame rate
>no more blatant example than AMR2
I hope you're not implying it's better than Samus Returns. Because it's not. Still great though
fan project fags 100% DESERVE IT if they announce their shit in advance, because they are all subhuman Twitter/Facebook tier attention whores.
Just STFU until you comple your project and then dump it on the internet out of the blue and not even Neokikeshitendo will be able to do something about it, because once something has been uploaded to the internet, it will never ever go away.
Nigga reggie wipes his ass with 10 million dollars every morning
by that logic, isn't the Sonic IP pretty much completely fucked by that point?
Megaman can also be challenged because of how many fan made megaman games there are...
Megaman is dead. Sonic was dead before mania. Not the best examples
nu-Sup Forums everyone
>that boot gave me so many childhood memories though!
Nintendo already has competent developers.
SEGA however is incapable of creating proper Sanic games for years now. So for SEGA it makes sense to go "oh wow, those fan 'developers' are way better than the idiots we got here. Let's buy them out".
If Nintendo would do the same, morons would go
>muh Nintendo forces us to pay for this fan project now
>muh Nintendo is worse than cancer
Yeah, it is. That's why they hired those guys.
>supporting attention whores that leech of IP
Are you a commie?
>Because it's not
yeah in a sense like:
>one costs monies
>the other doesn't
>so the one that is free is "better"
What's this?
I haven't liked a Nintendo game since 2001
Nintendo has a competent ai bot marketing team
Communism is still consumerism
With the internet IP laws need to be changed
seems like an incredibly smart idea if Capcom were to adopt this policy.
Who cares what you like? Just look at reception of many mainline Nintendo games. Just because you choose to be contrarian doesn't mean they aren't competent
Funny how you would name 3 examples where it doesn't apply.
I wasn't arguing the efficacy, just that it occurs.
Paid off fake reviews
the point is make your own fucking game. steal their formula but you dont have to pay homage like some shoe shining faggot