Itt: animes that deserve a good game

I'll start with a fairly easy one. You could make all sorts of games with this series (3D with multiple styles of play, belt scroll beat em up, 2D platformer) and they'd all work well and make good enough sense.

redpill me on this show

cute girls doing cute spy things but the girls are surprisingly well written and rounded out despite the limited episode number.

Should I watch it?

I enjoyed Flip Flappers and its the same studio

>deserving anything but a trip right into the trash

Yes. At lot easier to get into than FLFL, but it's still super enjoyable (and gay).

This show was shit.

I'll watch it then, I've seen a few webms on /wsg/ and I enjoyed them so why not.

Also have this

I want to fuck Dorothy


>My turtledove

I thought the anime was a 3ds game adaptation at first.

I want to suck the nipples of the 1st and 3rd loli for a straight hour

I just want a game where you can cuddle Beato and solve The Incredible Machine puzzles with her

This. A decent game would be amazing. Also holy fuck was that last episode great or what?

It'll be like Monster Hunter but you have to find monsters in SPACE, occasionally bumping into substories. Directed by Watanabe himself.

MiA is basically Terraria

You mean bully Beato, right.

do not bully english robot akarin

S2 when?

The anime was so much better paced than the manga, but I still wish they would allow the author to expand on each layers plot and lore.

His drawings are god tier but he's pretty much fucked in the hear with all the pedo shit.

Series directed by Tomino never get good games.

Japan really hated Gazal (She was ugly) so never. Unless the studio apologizes and changes the villain.

>implying the blatant fetish insertions and shota/loli/guro/piss pandering doesn't make MiA better

It gives a nice contrast indeed, specially since those are often legit disturbing. But this doesn't makes him any less of a sick pedo.


I wish LWA was getting a better game. Should've been a puzzle platformer or a simple RPG.

Flip Flappers game where you enter Pure Irrusion

Beato is so fucking cute.

That anime doesn't deserve a game with such a shit ending.

Would you?

Retcon that shit rushed story out

what am I even looking at

Dungeon Meshi anime fucking when

Her vocal cords.

The artist is quite crap though. The anime art was better.

Yes. Vocal > Oral

I want to impregnate Ange

The loli is basically a steampunk cyborg that got vocal chord modifications.

Whatever you say, friend.

I want to get deep inside Beako's hardware.

>3D with multiple styles of play, belt scroll beat em up, 2D platformer

Pleb. They are practically made for a Commandos-like game.
Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if some of the staff turned out to have played that one set in Japan before producing some of the earlier episodes.

>The main hero with additional mobility.
>Seductress and official.
>One smaller kid who's a collaborator and gets a gimmick.
>The powerhouse for when you need to shank a few people quickly.

>tfw no fast-paced Symphogear action game with fully destructible environments and ridiculously flashy abilities

James Bond-ish spy shenanigans, but with cute girls, a bit of /u/ bait, and a neat Steampunk Victorian era-ish setting.

>Should've been a puzzle platformer

- > THIS < -


Sup Forums got butthurt over this for having a lesbian, a tranny and a midget saving Japan from Trump while singing songs about ending oppression.


its one of the best anime originals in years

Sounds like loads of fun.


Are you Princess?

>Season 1 was a cool almost-Toku anime about cute girls with cool battlesuits saving the world
>Then everything went downhill

>that pink girl
>that perfect angle
>that look
>that tempting tummy, barely protruding chest and exposed panties for no reason


>Shaman King Musou never
>Half decent Shaman King fighting game never

But Ange IS the princess

Season 3 > Season 1 > Season 2 > Season 4

>Princess will never have Ange dress as Princess while having Beato mimic Angel's voice and sit back and watch
The fact that we barely have any voyeur Princess stuff is criminal.

I was thinking of something along the lines of Zoo Tycoon but with slightly more relaxed habitats to give the animals alongside friends a bit more freedom?
Honestly not too sure about how it would work, though.



Animal Crossing with more management focus.

Animal Crossing in Japari Park
ez pz

Monogatari, Cowboy Bebop, Akira, Panty and Stocking, and Evangelion to name a few

>Monster Hunter
What? if anything it would be like gta + spore space stage.

I also enjoyed flip flippers but enjoyed princess principal a lot more
The attention to detail in the show is astounding

I mean, Kemono Friends is literally "human protagonist surrounded by a bunch of anthropomorphic animals doing cute things".

Symphogear's the most hilarious, all over the place trainwreck I've seen since Code Geass

An interesting setting and concept (spies in a slightly magical steampunk England) ruined by shoving in little girls full of blatant yuri bait.

Why is Ange so gay?

Good movie/show != a good fit for a video game.

There's loads of EVA vidya out there, several for Bebop. Monogatari is about the surrelaism and that is a well known no-no in video games.
Akira is just an old action movie no different from Stallone flicks aside from being more serious, there's heaps of games like that.
Panty and Stocking is wholly about taking the piss at western animations.

Season 3 was awful and somehow was even worst than season 2

Princess Principal is about one girl's quest to reunite her splintered homeland under the tenets of fascistic lesbianism.

>Boku No Hero Aca
>Food Wars
>No Game No Life
>Space Dandy

oh look another normalfag


Friends sure are cute...

>redpill me on this show


Literally the only show where people shouting "Platinum game when?" is actually deserved

>Princess Principal - Samurai Baseball
>it's fucking cricket though


Anime is trash

>running on a six
>slip cordon on the leg side
>slips that close together
>fielders not walking in


and no, No again fucking EO



Why is his English name Leg?


Fucking Log Horizon
That shit would make such a fun MMO.

That was a fucking drill punch, picked up.

The large variety of classes and skills sound really fun, it would probably be a nightmare to balance, though.


Here's something.


I would play a Kino game where you get to just go around traveling and visiting different countries. I know it has that VN already, but I don't know if it's any good.


got em



That's the closest we'll get of a MiA game.

Wow look at that deep plot.

I thought this setting would be great for a roguelike where when you get deep enough even jumping can severly damage or even kill you

Best Dad.