Literally when is this series getting revived, SEGA?
Literally when is this series getting revived, SEGA?
>tfw you're the only person who played the games on PS2
Isn't that the real time action-combat style? The one everyone disliked?
>implying sega will ever try to revive any series again after the disaster that golden axe reboot was
Camelot needs to stop making Mario sports games and needs to start making Shining Force And GoldenSun games
It's been long enough since then. Surely the time is ripe, no?
Yeah, I liked them. They were Shining Force games only by name, though.
>SEGA beat em ups are dead forever, existing only in the ghost of Yakuza
>Phantasy Star devolved into PSO2
>sonic is and always has been shit
Never tried them. I'm honestly open to series trying different genres. I mean, Shining Force literally started as a Wizardry-like before becoming the staple TRPG we know.
Are they even alive at this point in time? Feels like a fate worse than being shut down.
Most fans would want their franchise to stick to its roots, I guess. TRPG to Diablo with a cheesy anime story is also quite a leap.
It's Monday, go back to work, IGN.
Speaking of SEGA, new pic related LITERALLY WHEN
Just add copious amounts of waifushit and it'll sell a million copies. Worked for Fire Emblem.
this game was shit and you're a fag if you like it
It's fun.
To be 100% honest, the gameplay and difficulty needed a more polishing, but this shortcoming was mitigated by the art and wondrous music.
Shining Resonance killed the series.
I hear even the Nips disliked it. Didn't sell well.
Never. Shining is a semi-annual tony taka waifu showcase now.
They've been doing that since the PS2, user. Mostly all they've been doing with it since then.
>tfw I'm not the only one who remembers Shining Force.
>no sequel continuing SFIII plot and world exploration
They're probably working on a title for Switch, but considering their last 2 Mario Sports games didn't sell so well, it may be time for them to mix things up a bit with a different series.
Nearly everyone who remembered it gave up on it.
Where is Resonance of Fate 2, Sega!?
Shining Force Feather came out in 2009 on Nintendo DS, and was apparently terrible.
Is Shining Force still worth playing these days? Have it in my collection and played a bit but never bothered to get much far.
>Is Shining Force still worth playing these days?
Sort of?
I mean, the story (as it were) is fairly simple. Character progress is highly linear especially if you are expecting Fire Emblem/Final Fantasy Tactics level of customization. Stages are pretty good, at least if you don't intentionally overlevel everyone.
But if you've never played them before, then the first three games + CD are pretty good to play through once.
It is not a dead series. Shining games have been made in the last 3 to 4 years. The games being shit doesn't mean it's a dead franchise, it merely means it has become a shit franchise.
I should also note that you should look up a guide for the hidden characters/outfits, especially if you won't be playing more than once. I mean, two playthroughs (one blind, one walkthrough) won't be bad, but the second playthrough can be a bit of a slog.
Never, but I'm glad to see a Shining thread.
Have you heard of Shining Hearts or any of the other PSP titles? Didn't really do anything for Shining. They're also just stuck on fighting games oddly enough.
How do you want your revival dear customer?
>Shining Force
Literally brianlet game. Play Fire Emblem.
Isn't that co-owned by Tri Ace as well? Either way, never. Game sold pretty badly.
A zombie series perhaps?
Alive but not really?
>Alive but not really?