>game has 3 wikis
Game has 3 wikis
name two games that do this
>go to game wiki
>every article is about circumcision
dark souls
>2 of them are utter guttertrash
>the good one gets vandalised too often to be of use
>game has one very good wiki that isn't hosted on .wikia
>game has shitty generic wiki that is
>people always go to the second
name the game, Sup Forums
>game only has barren ad-ridden ign wiki
Elder Scrolls?
>topic has 2 big forums
>its bannable to mention anything from the other one
>the most popular one steals other people's work
gotta love poorfags who want the mac experience on shitty walmart laptops lel
correct, congratulations
Is kimi no todoke worth a watch?
Kiseki has 3 wikis and information is scattered all the fuck over all 3 of them.
>game is so popular you get copypasta'd kotaku article results specific to every thing you want to know in the game instead of an actual wiki
I know Doom and Guilty Gear both have minimum 2
Only has 2 wikis and nobody uses the bad one.
>game made in Japan gets American made wiki
>the person running it treats official romanizations as correct and will instantly revert any changes made to uses of them on said wiki while throwing an autistic fit if anybody questions them
>despite them very clearly being just poor translations by someone that clearly doesn't actually know English and not actually being how they're romanized properly
>90% of the pages are just empty or "in progress"
>game came out years ago
>the few pages that do have stuff on them seem like they were written by toddlers
Th-thanks IGN.
>have to cross-reference all of the wikis for relevant information
Doesn't sound like the "good" one is very good.
Smash series has three if you count their tournament wiki.
its literal cancer, never useful, always copypasted half-the-information
Pokemon has that.
But its the same as having only one because bulbapedia is so much better
>game has two different wikis
>they're practically word-for-word identical
WoW. Wowwiki sucks ass and is mostly out of date but wow.gamepedia is good.
If I remember didn't uesp used to be the only TES wiki around, at least when I played oblivion? I recall that the wikia only came into being with skyrim.
yeah the elderscrolls.wikia is basically the skyrim wiki
>It's a silent hill circumcision and spooky grandmother thread
fuck off
>somehow happen upon a wiki about a game
>browse it and see what's it about
>try to look for the game
>the game doesn't exist
>it never existed
>but it has a wiki