Fire Emblem Heroes

Are people stupid? How does anyone ever fall for this shit? Or am I actually good?

>4* healer
>horse mage
>4* dancer
You're most likely getting only very low ranked/beginner players who don't know how to deal with Reinhardt yet. Anyone past tier 16 isn't going to be fighting you based on BST alone.

Guys, which free hero should I get from the free 5* banner?
The one with ike, roy, lucina and archer lyn.

>tanking your DEF team with 2 4*s
Gee, I don't know.

isnt this banner over?

anyway pick lyn

All of them are great, though Lyn slightly edges out the others.

Just pick whoever you like the most. Lyn is the most braindead and broken and also probably the hardest to roll otherwise. She's what I picked and she helped me a lot when I was starting up, but now that I've built up a decent barracks I barely use her anymore since I don't actually care for her as a character. Wish I'd gone with Ike or Lucina.

I've not chosen a unit on the banner in my alt account and it's still there. No time limit. I wonder if it's a permanent thing for all new accounts.

>Or am I actually good?
no. You have the best unit in the game with buffs combined with a low BST dancer and healer. So you're facing off against low-score shitters/new players that can't deal with the force that is tinglefingers.

I would assume that Titania does a lot for your defences. She can take attacks from Reinhardts. And that Guard skill is actually surprisingly dangerous because a lot of the times it means that enemies won't be able to use their specials to overcome type weaknesses or whatever. And since she is already pretty tanky on her own she can already survive a lot.

Combine that with Reinhardt who kills pretty much anything and Olivia supporting your Titania and Reinhardt from behind and you're pretty good. Especially Lissa might fully heal Titania if she survives. And it's not that bad of a defence team.

I want to hear Sup Forums's opinion, who should be mein next five stars?

I went with Ike, no regrets he's a beast


Lyn is by far the strongest and most versatile of the 4, Ike being the second best, Lucina is also good on her own and Roy is a fine unit but is outshone by the other

No one's really worth it besides Sharena, Tharja, and Cordelia. Sharena isn't that good, but she's a solid unit and guaranteed to be a bonus unit every 3rd season. Tharja is outclassed now, but still a good mage if you don't have any strong red mages. Cordelia is excellent on flier teams.

Lyn > Lucina >> Ike >= Roy
That said, all of them are fantastic units, and you really can't go wrong with any of them, so just choose with your dick.

Sharena is actually a good unit and useful for arena scores
Kagero can be a good anti infantry for arena assault if she's +spd -def/res
Olivia if you want to use her in high tier arenas
Tharja if you really need a red mage
Cordelia is a solid flier

If there's no personal bias(like if I was starting the game I'd pick Ike cause I love the guy) I'd probably rank them as Lyn>lucina>ike>roy. Keep in mind they're all very good units but I'm going by what's most likely to be of use for a new player. Lyn is just fucking broken as she's the only horse archer, her stat spread is incredible and she has all the skills she needs right off the bat. Lucina is a good buffer that makes other shitters great(which is useful when starting out because a majority of your units will probably be shitters) by boosting their attack and speed a good amount. Ike is a wall that only dies to red mages. Roy is a strong offensive presence but dies to a light breeze and kinda wants horse buffs to function well(which means he relies on a good team to support him, which new players won't really have good access to for awhile).

Ok i think im upgrading sharena. I dont need tharja i already got celica with healing hability in b slot and kagero's ivs are trash. Thanks for the advice

>Anyone past tier 16
but it says tier 17

That doesn't mean you're defending against people in Tier 17

If someone in Tier 3 had a team of two 4*'s and two 5*'s they could get matched up against your team
Same if someone in Tier 1 made a +10 armour team, they'd get matched up against tier 20 whales

Who gets paired up with you isn't affected by your own tier, it's entirely dependent on the BST/skills/etc of the enemy team. I'm in tier 20, but I could put a team of 4* shitters on defense and they would only fight low tier opponents.


>Still no Elise
Please come to me my dear cinnamon roll
I have some mutton for you to eat

This is my blushing husbando, Shikkoku No Kishi.
Say something nice about him.

he's a big knight

Ahhh, right. I don't think too much about game mechanics.

>all those clerics

Anyone got a folder or album of all this guy's pictures, IV got a few of them already and they're great

Why do retards fall for the tanky green unit gets injured enough for Lucina to teleport behind with wings of mercy and murder? This is too easy.

Always wondered if the characters in your Successful Defenses list are the character the other player used as leader for the team that yours beat, or the character they have as leader of their very first team (the one that is standing on the top of your castle in the Home screen)

It's just their castle leader. I've seen the character on one of my defenses change during the same week, so it couldn't be the team you beat.

That is a shame. Do you still get a defense victory if an enemy team surrenders? AKA people who want deathless run and get fucked up, then surrender?

Yup, that's where your wins are primarily going to be coming from.

>no bonus unit

Ah, neat. I observed the same thing while checking my defenses once. Thanks. for clearing the doubt.

If the enemy surrenders, victory is yours. Hence why many salty players seeking a perfect run try to win even if your team broke their deathless run just do they can surrender to a low tier team next round.

>all these fags trying to dickwave in a phone game
I just use my highest BST team and remove their weapons to hopefully get some laughs and brighten some days.

Nino is the cutest.
I'd teach her how to read.

Bonus heroes for next season if anyone missed it.

What's a good B-Skill for the mysterious dancer dressed in black that is not Wings of Mercy?

Escape Route 3
Any -breaker skill
Quick Riposte

Something defensive, I suppose.

>The enemy has the same moveset as yours

> google spy cheevos, is this new

Yay, i can't wait to use alfy

>only 4 defenses
>am I good

>roll a green
>its barste

every fucking time

Reposition and Spur Attack are quite good, actually. Better than Beruka, surely.

>roll a green
>its reposition

out of colorless hell

the fuck is this garbage

5 hinata, go for it



>still nothing about october events

I wonder if they're just waiting for the tempest to end.

We also havent had a Feh channel in months. Im dying here

We had one not long ago for braves dude.

They've had one just before the start of a new month for a while now.

>Sophia is a bonus unit

The good news is: Alfonse is likely not going to be used.
The bad news is: DANCERS EVERYWHERE.

>Want F!Olivia
>5* Lucius

I see. So this is colorless hell.



Is it possible to escape this eternal mediocrity without armor memes?

How punchable is my face for using this team? Next season replace Azura with Inigo and Anna with Black Knight

Only punchable if you have Cecilia/B!Lyn/Reinhardt in the same team. Yours is tolerable.

-hp/+atk +2 Merge. Yay or nay?

Since anyone who's not a retard (which is about 4% if the playerbase) carries a dedicated tiny-hands counter, your team is freelo.


Eldigan isn't worth putting DC on.
If you want a colorless check run Raraven TA Sophia.

Hey, mine too.


I am ready for my 4*+10 raven Sophia to devour Lyns

>Ai wins defense against other player
> "I'm good"

ok bud

>Alfonse week again

How much investment does Clarisse need to be worthwhile?

She just needs an A skill and she can do fine. Not great but won’t a liability like Fonz

Clarrise's main bow is "okay", but seldom will it be a game changer due to how inconsistant enemy placement will be. Your best bet is Brave or Firesweep for her, but if you don't have the tools for it, Darting Blow/Desperation/Savage Blow-Fort-Hone can work for her ABCs.

She does have okay bulk. Bowbreaker might not be a bad idea on her.

Still not sure if my +10 4* Hana project is worth missing out on this.

How do I beat the regular lunatic battle? Have all brave units except Roy, have neph, nino, and the Black Knight but Lyn or Lucina die every time

Really wish her default weapon was better. I was drawn to her due to my shit luck getting archers from the gacha, but then I need to roll a good archer anyway so I can give her a good bow. At least I got Lyn for free.

>meme team
>doesnt even use wryss
>doesnt have hector taco taco
>doesnt have taco taco taco wrys

Should I just promote Alfonse, Sharena, and Anna to 5 stars?

They're always bonuses for Arena shit.

Yes. Never neglect your starters. If you need an order: Sharena/Anna -> Alfonse

Whats a good Titania Build?

How many 4 star merges will be the equivalent of a 5 star?

Is there any reason to bother with Alfonse then?


She needs DC.

He's a shit unit but he's often a bonus unit and gets quests that call for him.

>roll Olivia
>+atk -def
>can't kill shit
>dies if she steps on a pebble
She can't even be useful support like this. Fuck IVs.

I think units generally get +11 points across their stats from 4* to 5*. Each merge is +2, so 5-6 is equivalent in terms of stat total. Though they might still not be equivalent in terms of individual stats, since some stats increase by 1 or 3 at 5*.

>expecting a dancer to kill anyone
The only reason any of the other dancers can kill someone is because of colour advantage, which dagger olivia doesn't have

I want to rip whatever little clothes she has and rape the shit out of her by inserting my hard cock into that juicy and delicate ass.

I hope every single person who uses BLyn on their defense dies has a heart attack while they're sleeping.

She'd die to a stiff wind regardless of - def, she's pretty much paper. It's literally the theme of dancers, can't kill or survive for shit but can make others murder everyone.

Dude slap ruby sword on her and she can take care of any green. Otherwise leave her to dancing with the rest of the team

Don't rape my wife.

Finally have Azura so many orbs wasted on the other version.

Just hit 100k TT points and am only rank 9000. Should I even bother trying to get in the top 5000? Top 1000 is a pointless effort at this point.

>finally roll a second Titania to replace my +def -hp one
>+res -hp
Fuck this.

>tfw horse meme team but your only red horse is a 4 star eliwood

Xander rebattle when? I fucking missed the first one.

This month supposedly

I don't know why they're taking so fucking long with the October roadmap

Just summon a brave Roy.