This is Kat. Say something nice to her.
This is Kat. Say something nice to her
She's cute!
I want to be protected by your smile.
Put on a bra you tramp
Her nipples are showing
Thick and nice-smelling.
Who edited the burger into an apple?
You wan sum fuk bb???
sHow open bob and vegene
bitch lasagna
She just bought food on all her money
ok rape you next week
Her game deserves to have more than one year support.
She is massive bitch
Doesn't she live in the sewer and scavenge through people's garbage for furniture?
>nipples poking through a white tank top
Nah dusty takes care of them.
And them too?
>Being associated with the poor
That is an imposter. That is not Kat. She is even wearing a nazi uniform.
oh hello kat is it cold out?
6 million died in gravity chambers
Maybe more than like 10 people should've bought it then.
Pure love for pure girl
>mfw other girls don't wear bras
Do they understand how trashy and shit it makes them look? Expect zero eye contact as well
I would honestly like to see what that looks like
She can't afford it. She literally use some trash bag for her outfit.
Being poor is no excuse, poor people wear fucking clothes
Farewell Kat!
Nobody likes you.
too bad sonyGGers have shit taste and this qt will never get a new game again.
I tried to get people into it. I leant out my copy of GRR to two people who didn't play it, I made a deal with a friend that they'd play it if I played another game and they still didn't. GR is some of the most fun I've ever had with a game and all my friends are weeblords so that shouldn't be stopping them. I don't get it. It deserved more.
I wonder if Sony is the evil one or the sony ggers/neogafers because shit taste
shes ugly bitch in ugly game made by ugly retard
I want to fuck Aki while Pandora watching, and then do it reverse.
I want to lick that tongue.
Just see UK sales last week.
"i like playstation because it exclusives!!"
Fucking liars.
No bra is better than a bra under a tanktop that you can easily see the straps on. THAT is trashy and shows no effort to co-ordinate. Either go strapless bra or wear a fucking shirt. It's not that hot out.
That's 2 cute 4 me.
I need to start Gravity Rush 2!
I'm going to buy it next week and some Spice & Wolf manga
What does Kat smell like?
Franchise is kill guys.
Move on.
Like Raven
I approve of that.
It's not her fault sonnygers are dudebros that only like shooters and sport games.
I bought them so don't blame me.
Kat loves it hard
Reminder that everything Sony touches, flops.
She has a great view
Honestly, her 2nd game wasn't as good as the first.
What's the point of giving you so much freedom of movement when the game takes it all away constantly during all those stealth segments?
This comfy game was made by the same guy that created Silent Hill.
and Siren
Oh my.
Stealth is just natural for any dangerous/war/fight environment.
Anything non stealth will be Duke Nukem style. Why would you want that Kat's game.
Toyama is a treasure.
>Trash bag
Uh, excuse me, that's no trashbag those are the Royal undies
So she stole the underwear of a really tall man. A prince.
That's a big undies
He understands comfort.
So he also understands discomfort.
Why this game bombed hard and Persona didn't?
Goodness gracious.
Main character is a girl and most PS4 users are preteens.
Fuck you, Kat.
I really liked your first game but then you just had to go and make your second one unavailable to me.
I understand why, but still, fuck you.
I want to be ruled by a cute brown queen who always wears elaborate, gold-accented lingerie under her stuffy robes!
delet this smelly spic pig from my board now
Because Persona is now a major franchise that easily dwarfs what SMT ever was before and is more polished.
I gaven't played P5 but people go fucking ham about it, saying it's easily GOTY in a year where we got BotW, Yakuza 0, Nier A, Nioh, GR2 etc. etc. I wonder if it's really that great.
She a queen and shit nigga
>I wonder if it's really that great
Its not
My queen.
I used my Playstation Now trial and played your game for free, Kat.
delet this
The GR series, that is.
persona 5 still hasn't topped smt in gameplay or story, it just pander to a bigger audience.
Post the sauce fagtron.
Did it make anybody else rock hard to give the old man asking for pictures of qt pictures an upskirt of Kat? Pic related, an upskirt of Kat that I gave the old man.
It doesn't do much more than what 3 or 4 did, it just does it smoother and with more style.
I guess that's enough for some but I felt disappointed the entire time that it didn't try anything really new.
>giving an innocent old man a heart attack
You monster.
it does now, you beautiful beautiful man
Relax your insecurities, I never claimed as much. It is however undoubtably a bigger deal.
>He will claim this isn't cute
user she's literally from a superior race
Every character's skin is tinted a different color in this game.
She is not a nigger. There ae no niggers in her realm. Crime rate is low.
She steals food
She "earning" it
White Kat finally released as dlc when I am sick of having that one costume missing