MGSV appreciation thread

MGSV appreciation thread

How many hours did you guys log? I just bought it on PC and I'm pumped to try infinite heaven. From what I've read it improves the experience quite a bit

55. decent game but pace yourself. I played it 10 hours a day for a week straight and got very exhausted and irritable. So didn't enjoy the hard parts too much.

I logged like 600 on the PS4 version and 200 on the PC version later on.

Infinite Heaven is pretty good.

Something like 80 hours. I don't get all hate for it. It took a very different approach to storytelling but after how bloated MGS4's cutscenes were and how awful in general PW's were it was a nice change-up. My only gripe is that this is the last Metal Gear game (that's worth a damn, at least) but it's not like the devs intended that. It's somewhere in the middle of the pack of Solid games for me. MGS1 is still my favorite and 3 is my 2nd favorite, but V is probably my third favorite. And before it's even brought up I've been playing Metal Gear since the original NES port back in the late 80's, so as much as Sup Forums likes to pretend that anyone who enjoyed TPP didn't play the other games in the series, that isn't the case here. I played them all, including the PSP digital graphic novel and watched bonus stuff like document of MGS2.

I have an interpretation of the story that I think makes it a much more interesting game and less of an MGS2 rip-off, as some people think it is.
Also, loved me some pacifist run after doing run-and-gun in Peace Walker

Also, what does Infinite Heaven have?

I had about 120 hours had every side op done was missing one animal. Been meaning to go back and S rank everything.

It fixes a ton of stuff like long helicopter rides and adds more features. You can also play any mission with Subsistance mode on which is the best feature it offers.

That should have been in the main game.

Was subsistence the on-site procurement one? You're making me want to get this on PC now.

Played it for approximately 200 hours on console S'd all missions and completed at least 75% of the tasks, haven't put that many hours into a single game in years..

did 2 playthroughs on PC. Next playthrough I will kill Quiet, ive come to the realization she makes the game worse.

OP here, nice seeing all the replies of large play times.

My first save on PS4 was 250-300 hours, can't remember. Second save was around 50 hours. Got the platinum on my main save. I saw it was $20 on steam and a friend of mine has my PS4 version currently so I figured why not. I'm really pumped to infinite heaven.

But I must ask, how does IH work? I watched videos on it and the uploader was manually triggering random events. I assume he was doing this just for demonstration purposes. Random events do actually happen at random without needing to be triggered right? itd be fly as hell to come back to MB at random and have attack choppers to shoot down

On my Ps3 when it first came out did a good 150-200 hours. Plus a shit load of FOB stuff. Honestly looking forward to playing it again when it goes on PS+

yeah that's what it is. OSP, barebones as fuck not even a handgun, i think you do get to keep the biomechanical arm but you might even be able to get rid of this know.

Completely changes the whole experience, although back when I played it, you couldn't find certains items (like a suppressor attachement) in the field UNLESS the mission was playable in Subsistance mode in the original game. I'm curious to know if this has been implemented in subsistance now.

About 90 I think. Never played any Metal Gear game before, so I thoroughly enjoyed it. Had a lot of fun sneaking around.

275 hours

I didn't even get all the achievements. The game felt really satisfying to play it just lacked stuff like good bosses and a better levels

I will buy MG Survive used and have a great time

It's going to be MGS equivalent of Umbrella Corps or whatever that awful cash-in was called.

I'm sure it will be mediocre, but it does have the core gameplay of V, and V just feels so good to play. I'll give it a shot. Hopefully it'll be fun with friends. I don't imagine it being a thrill solo.

How do you check time played on PS4 version?

122 hours, did myself some challenge runs like pumping a hard mode on infinite heaven/ultimate phantom pain mod and most recently did a no tranquilizer/stun
My GPU is dead at the moment but the moment i'm able i want to try subsistance from the start

>TFW all this stuff about the mods

I need to upgrade my PC. That said how viable is it to do a self imposed on site procurement thing on console?

I would maybe, maaaaybe consider getting it used if at the very least the maps were fucking different, TPP's greatest flaw to me was how the bases were small and there's always an angle that leads you directly into the objective, i really wish there were more camps at the very least half the size of Camp Omega

It's been so long I forgot. I know you I would pause while in the ACC and it's somewhere in a menu of stats