What's a game that really fits this image?

What's a game that really fits this image?

Other urls found in this thread:


The darkness

KISS: Psycho Circus

Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines

Deus Ex
reminds of the hells kitchen segment

>I need to be as dark and mysterious as possible
>How cool I am, everybody must be very impressed
Bloodborne, clearly.

Dark Souls

>im so edgy and hardcore, look at me

is that a fucking live crow?

what the fuck

That crow looks fucking huge.

Corvids are really fucking smart, some people do have them as pets.

>he doesn't want to have a crow as a pet
shake my head

It's a raven

>Looking at your fucking phone instead of making conversation about the fucking crow
Is this the UK or something?

Once I saw 4 corvids eating a dead cat.

Man I'd love to have a pet bird that just chills on my shoulder wherever I go, and when it leaves to eat, shit or whatever it comes back.

>you will never have a chill raven bro

Motherfucker clearly went to the wrong neighborhood

I'd take emo/goth culture over SJW crap any day


it's russia

Someone post the crow gang war pasta that an user started on his walks to work

I'm jealous of the raven.

It's a goth. You can't talk to a goth if you're not a goth.

>lumping emo and goth together
kill yourself any time, redditor

the real question is: did she just step into some shit? i see a brownish yellow trail going from her shoe to the door

in pace requiescat fortunato

>trying to make conversation with someone who is clearly awkward and introspective as fuck
no. it is painful.

it keeps going to the left


damn, I wish I had a crow.
I would teach it shit and speak.
They smart as fuck

Quoth the Raven "ur a fagit"

sjw are basically modern emos

can we talk about how dodo would have been god tier pets?

Why is there a piss trail leading up to him?

I know that kid is MCR edgy, but it's kind of sick to walk around with a big ass bird like that.

That birb is so hardcore, even its owner is cared.

Darksiders 1

>oversized fat chickens
They'd be delicious, I'll give you that.

He looks like he listens to NIN and Type O Negative.

It's a stain and it clearly goes past The Crow, probably old vomit or mudwater.

Dumb ass birds would probably get stuck in weird places and die from choking on seed.

Still fat ass chicken delicious

Nothing wrong with Type O Negative m8.

chicken are used to being prey so are chickens
all those flightless island birds aren't used to being hunted so just walk on up to you all friendly like being cute as fuck. they aren't actually stupid

I didn't say there was. I was saying he looks like he is a proper goth.

I guess that's why they're not here anymore. They were too pure for this world ;_;

Every person I've known who had a bird as a pet was weird as fuck. It's a fucking dinosaur with feathers. It will eat your eyeballs if given the chance. Just get a dog like a normal person

I'd approach her, don't care if shes balding, she looks lonely and probably needs someone to talk to. I'm lonely too.

Maybe too delicious.

Look at those boots and those pants. Plus the Raven. That's 100% classic-ass goth.

That's SO Raven

same thing, gay ass faggots dressing in black.


I've always been attracted to goth girls with their black makeup and nylon stockings. Too bad they seem to only date freaks.

Don't kid yourself. She probably has a bunch of goth friends and a healthy social life

Sorry guys. I don't know either of those scenes. I was just complimenting that dope ass bird shes rocking.

Goths still exist?
I thought those were more of a late90s/early 00s thing

>lemme just talk to this random stranger about shit they don't care about
kill yourself, my dude.

Is that supposed to be an insult? I wouldn't want to live a country where strangers try to make small-talk.

How would a conversation with that girl go?

>Talking to complete strangers on public transportation
Is this an american thing?

A guy using makeup and wearing black clothes only is just wrong, girls can get away with it though.

It's been a while since I've seen one in my city so that wound is healing.

>Pet owner doesn't care about pet
Shiggly wiggly anonymous.

it doesnt even look like a girl

Is that a boy or a girl

Guy or girl?

>public transport
lmao, never been to america, have you?

Does it matter?

>too bad they seem to only date freaks
so what's the problem?
I thought we were all freaks here...


I meant in general but yeah I guess you could talk about the crow or whatever

What the heck are you talking about dude?

Are we sure of the gender yet?

Jesus Christ this projection, neck yourself you ronery retard.

Here in germany we have M'era Luna festival and WGT with both 20k attendants. Mostly goths.

Yes it does

Darksiders II

I feel bad

That's freaky and I like it.

Maybe you're just a shit person, getting into a subculture (any subculture) is one of the easiest ways to get some friends.

I know you have trains because I've seen niggers fry on the railroad tracks (literally 3rd world country keeping the cables on the ground like that)
and I know you have busses because of epic beard guy.
So what are you trying to say?


Looks like Marilyn Manson recovered from his injury pretty fast. Good for him.

She apparently has AIDS
There's always at least one user telling me about it whenever I post that gif

Tfw like emo music but right wing

You're dead on though, emo is turbo sjw across the board

Can you imagine goths washing their clothes and taking a shower?

The Longest Journey

probably all that nasty black paint she puts on her head

No shit? Well that's a shame. Got some of her porn.

Back in high school, emos and goths were relatively introverted and didn't give a shit about anyone else

Scene kids were the turbo sjws

Oh that's shitty. How did she get a tongue like that? Is it a surgical bodymod or was she born with it?

I live in Alaska and those huge ravens are fucking everywhere all the time. There will be a cluster of three around trash bags, just sitting on people's truck-beds, on houses and street lights. And they make bizarre noises. They click, and make sounds like running water and like car horns. Sometimes they warble or cry. It can be a little freaky.


There were always the trendfags who went from goth, to emo, to scene, to tumblrette.

>Is it a surgical bodymod
What are you, retarded?

girl (male)

I never looked into it since there were plenty of other buxom pornstars I was into, but apparently she fucked one too many negroids and caught the hiv.
Liz Vicious also died falling off a cliff in New Zealand. That I know for sure.


Take it from a bifag.
90% of scene guys are closet homosexual twinks.
Seriously no one would dress that way and have haircuts like that unless they're secretly hoping to attract some guys.

That's a fair point. Everyone claimed bisexuality as basically a fashion accessory, and all of those kids were twats who loved to talk about Black Veil Brides and nothing else

>Liz Vicious also died falling off a cliff in New Zealand.
>That I know for sure.
is there something you would like to tell us? were you there?