Thoughts on this game Sup Forums?
Obligatory SMO thread
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Getting it at launch with the SMO bundle, between this and Hat in Time it's looking like October is the month of 3D platformers
>game doesn't kick you out of the level and force you to start from the beginning for picking up a moon, keeping a strong pace and also letting them vastly increase the density and quantity of the moons
>game also has a considerable number of linear segments a la Galaxy/3D World, also deprived of Cappy, making Mario dependent on his raw platforming talents
This is it, boys. This is a magnum opus in the making.
I was going to buy the bundle with SMO but it's only a download code in the box.
I'll pick up a Switch next year when there are more games out.
id buy the bundle but i dont want those fucking ugly red joycons
I will role up to FUCKING GAMESTOP and DEMAND my copy. And I will play it. And it will be good.
>SNES graphics are better
sunshine had better looking water
Trying to get it launch day
Nice, got other webm ?
I'm sure it'll be good but I'm not all that excited about it for whatever reason.
It sucks it doesn't have a special edition. But I'm getting a neat deck of Mario cards as a preorder bonus, so it's something.
I played a little bit of it at a convention the other day
It's great fun, and it's not as easy as some of the game footage might make it out to be. I don't like the Joy-Cons, though.
Shit, that sounds great. I can't fucking wait.
>I don't like the Joy-Cons, though.
It's confirmed you can play with the grip or the pro, you just lose the ability to throw Cappy in weird angles, I guess.
>But I'm getting a neat deck of Mario cards as a preorder bonus, so it's something.
What, where? I pre-ordered on Amazon back when the release date was revealed, how do I get cool cards
More of the same, just with Moons.
Zelda will win.
Doesn't grip still have motion controls? I thought you just need to shake the whole controller
It's not out. What I've seen looks good. I really like the music, especially in the pyramid.
>More of the same
There have only been two other Mario games like this one and everyone has been asking for another for something like 15 years
>game also has a considerable number of linear segments a la Galaxy/3D World
That's good to see. As much as I adore running about and exploring levels like 64 and Sunshine, I generally prefer the levels like Bowser's Road and the FLUDDless challenges. This game may yet surpass 3D World as my favorite 3D Mario.
Will Daisy and Rosalina be in?
It does, but it doesn't allow the same range of movements, for obvious reasons. I don't know all the details, I remember reading impressions from people that played it in different ways. Maybe they improved them, dunno.
I hope not, we're already going to have to deal with peach lewd posting, we don't need 3 entirely different groups of autists spamming lewd pictures of recolours with different hair
It's from a Spanish online store, though it looks like they do ship internationally:
I wouldn't mind Daisy getting in and replacing Peach during some kind of NG+ scenario
Rosalina seems obligatory with the whole "getting to the moon" focus
Trying to? do you not have a Switch yet?
>Rosalina seems obligatory with the whole "getting to the moon" focus
God, I hope not. I mean, I don't really have a strong beef with her, but just because there might be something about "getting to the moon" (it's not really confirmed, but people think of it as a probability), doesn't mean Rosalina should be there at all times every time something space related occurs.
Just saying, she already had her own two games, if something does indeed happen involving getting to the moon somehow (be it Moon levels, Honeymoon Kingdom or whatever), I'd rather see something new involved with its concept rather than Rosalina slapped in it.
>it's not really confirmed
I mean, it's all but confirmed. Look at that world map with the moon so close it should be fucking crashing into the planet.
With all these theories and fun ideas, I kinda want it to happen as well, although I'm not sure how they would make it work. The kind of enemies and stuff. I've seen people theorize the Broodals being from there, but that's because of the infamous moon rabbits folk tale.
I'm getting it at launch, but I'm afraid it's not going to learn from the Rare N64 collectathons about what happens when you have too many collectibles. Didn't they confirm there's going to be around 600 Moons to collect?
They didn't confirm anything, someone speculated the number based on the moon count we know for one Kingdom and everyone took it as fact
It would be lame if Sarasaland is now the Desert Kingdom cause the desert kingdom is shit name.
>Download code
Nani? Really?
I preordered it at my local shall not be named stop, i'm really looking forward to it
>it has segments with no cappy like sunshine
holy fuck is this game going to be an actual fucking 10/10?
Oh shit, thanks for the warning user. I want the actual cartridge. Guess I'll go with the red and blue one instead
Please, tell me there's an option to play without shitty fucking motion controls.
There is, you can use the pro controller or the Joycon grip and it functions exactly the same. Motion controls only allow for some optional things like throwing Cappy at a different arc than normal, everything can be done with buttons
How do you throw the cap without motion?
Not only do I hate motion controls but I'm also really concerned about handheld mode.
Do they expect you to throw the whole Switch?
You press the Y button
>Control sticks and buttons don't exist
That's good to know then.
There was no button to do the spin jump in Galaxy. Nintendo is moronic sometimes.
I didn't get a chance to play the galaxy games because I didn't have a Wii. Did not know that.
There were less buttons on the Wii/Nunchuk, and Nintendo was really pushing motion controls at the time. They've been much better about presenting them as an option now.
Soillers when?
jungle level
Rosalina is a main Mario character, dude. May as well complain about Yoshi, Jr, or Luigi being "slapped in" at this point.
You also couldn't play it without the nunchuck setup. Stop whining about nothing, jesus.
>that updated version of it in the September Nintendo Direct.
>people still make "extended" videos when Youtube added a loop option
I think lots of retards don't even know you can loop.
Looping a video will still have a cut every 2 minutes.
October 28
>if the song fades out at the end, you're forced to listen to that every loop
>if there's silence at the beginning or the end, you're forced to listen to that every loop
>if the song has an "intro" portion that, in-game, only plays once when the song starts, you're forced to listen to that every loop
Extended versions:
>none of that shit
Best looking kingdom
will be goty and better received than even botw. want to know why? because this game was actually made with switch in mind, unlike botw.
>Thoughts on this game Sup Forums?
new donk city ruins its aesthetic
>No Yoshi, Wario, Luigi or Waluigi
Fuck this game
missing the the 3ds game
Yes, check the box.
When asked "Who would you like to capture most in SMO?" Martinet said "Yoshi". Maybe he's in.
The Crazy Cap store is yellow and purple, and all coins in the game get spent there. Yellow... purple... coins? Sound familiar?
Koizumi said "I hope you're looking forward to finding out more about Luigi in SMO" on Reddit.
Never ever.
>Never ever
thank god
you got any sauce with that?
Sure as shit gonna be in it
He's the new Luigi, but his time will come.
Literal rapist-tier creep. Never ever
>Never ever.
Its a damn shame that Nintendo seems to be salty about people liking a character that they didn't make, he's been my favourite since the first time I fired up Mario Tennis and I play him in every game that has him in an option.
Its clear that Nintendo doesn't like him at all though so I never get my hopes up
I don't think Waluigi is really all that popular.
"I hope you're looking forward to it so we can harvest your tears later"
Not sure wether I should buy it digital or physical, but Games Rocket has a nice price for it - €47.17
I am so fcking tempted
unless you plan on selling it later who really cares
>Mexican mario was changed by gombas
I'm still mad
I hope it'll be another Galaxy deal at least where you play as him for some stars and unlock a Luigi mode. Maybe challenges without the hat?
> the closet fag likes the gay dinosaur
I wonder how they will deal with the fact that some of Luigi's outfits can't just be edited by making Mario's outfits slightly larger. Like, his New 3DS commercial outfit is completely different from Mario's, so if they want to stay true to the source material, they'd have to make a completely new model.
Do we know when the reviews go up?
Does anyone even have review copies now? I haven't seen anyone mention they have them. I guess maybe the big print publications already do.
>receiving it this early
I say the middle of the month, give or take.
I'm gonna fucking love this game. I have a huge hard on for collectibles in games. Comet medals were the greatest in galaxy 2 and green stars and stamps in 3d world.
So, now that we know Isle Delfino is returning, do you think we'll get some closure on whatever this scene was foreshadowing?
>he's originally from zelda
>somehow found his way into mario
>gonna use the brush to break reality and merge the two universes
>mario odyssey gets a secret world only if you have botw dlc2 which is going to be mario-zelda universe mixture
screencap this
they wouldnt make a switch game that you couldnt play in handheld mode bro
They made 3DS games that couldn't use the 3D mode.
thats completely different
controls != viewing gimmick
Motion control is a gimmick.
A gimmick that won't die for reasons I still don't understand.
haven't owned a nintendo console since n64, but I bought a switch couple days ago for this and botw.
Whats your favourite looking kingdom so far. For me the Wooded Kingdom or seaside
The Deep Woods is the most atmospheric area I've ever seen in a Mario game.
>Unlike every previous Mario game outfits are now purely cosmetic
we have capturing now faggot it's the replacement
I thought outfits had different stats. If you meant power-ups then that's not really necessary when you can capture most enemies in the game.
These guys are so cute, and they seem to be the most numerous species in the game given how many are watching the race in the Direct.
I agree. It's nice to see my favorite animal in the form of a Mario NPC. I'm looking forward to meeting the residents of the other kingdoms too.
Did I do good?