Games that deal with grief?

Games that deal with grief?

I lost my father at 22 years old, games that will make me feel

Sorry user.

I played Paladins. Played it for 5 days non stop, then uninstalled and forgot about it. It was cartoony so I didn’t feel like killing people, but I can’t play it anymore because it reminds me of death. Helped me get through the worst days.

There's nothing to be sad about. Your dad is in a better place now.


I played RuneScape a whole lot when mine died when I was 12. Slow, mindful skilling. Like fishing sharks in the fishing guild. Or I did like and played Battlefield Heroes, a cartoony f2p game. Also uninstalled it after a week and didn't look at it again.

Last of Us.

Sorry for your loss, only time can heal that wound, my friend.

Inherit anything?

I don't know, my father was really poor lately, no house, he rent a room and i gave him money from time to time to help him, he also had no health problems or signs, we had plans for october since i was going to have more money and we were both busy with work in mid-september, but then he just had one stroke and that was it.

He should have had a retirement pension, but i think he couldn't take it because of bureaucracy, he was 65 years old

Also barely got anything from mine. But he was a gambling drunk. We had plans to meet (didn't see him almost my entire life) and then he just succumbed to his cancers.

Lisa the Painful then play Lisa the Joyful

play red dead redemption.

feel better soon

IKFT Op, lost mine at 21 (26 now)

I don't really have games to recommend, I just want to say hang in there, you'll get through this and will be stronger for it.

Same actually, right before my 23rd birthday. Silent Hill shattered memories really fucks me.

Sorry user
I lost my dad too a few years ago
Posting about your dad Loss on 4chins is a bad idea Sup Forums Is not Sup Forumstard edgelords free board

This thread makes me feel whole. im sorry anons. I havent lost my parents but I remember the day they broke the news theyd be divorcing. as my dad recalls, i wouldnt stop crying. from morning to night, for a week straight, id be crying to myself.

i never got over that desu. i played pokemon channel for the gamecube when my tear ducts ran dry, I dont remember any of it, only that it was a nonsensical game and was almost creepy.

I too lost my dad this year and I'm 22 as well. Play a game that has nice connotations. Keep it simple. Go play plants vs zombies garden warfare or something. Or a nice long rpg that will keep your attention? You want me to buy you a good one off the steam store or something my man?

I also lost my father earlier this year. Played a bunch of RPGs to try and get my mind off it.

Thanks, it's really appreciated, i was thinking on replaying fallout 2, since i played that on my dads computer when i was a child and i lived in his house

I really appreciate all your answers, it's kind of weird that only people who have gone through this offer this kind of support, i actually have a close friend who went fully dismissive about my dead father, saying that i had to forget about it and then started talking about his vain things like exams or girlfriend problems, only two days after his death (i'm in day three now), that really hurt and made me feel incredible anger towards him

People who make their gf and exam problems like big deals are the biggest self-centered assholes. Death is the greatest tragedy. Everything else is more or less trivialities. That's just how our reality works.

When I learned my father was really sick and depressed, I stopped caring about everything else. None of that shit matters. I envy people my age who have healthy dads in their 50's. They will grow old with their fathers and never have to have a father taken from them while they're still young and barely men. They don't know how lucky they are.

My dad was a homeless alcoholic who died because he got really drunk and fell in the river one day.

The guy was a retard and i'm 100% ok with him being dead.

>They don't know how lucky they are
>every father is a good father
wew lad

Life is strange gave me PTSD when max left Chloe's father to die, because I lost my cousin on a car accident, he was the one that introduced me to videogames and he gave me a game boy color when I was a kid.

>Life is strange gave me PTSD
I hope you're just another LiS shill and not actually that dumb and impressionable.

this is my worst nightmare but i know it will happen. i literally sob when thinking about my parents death

Yeah. I hate faggots like him. Hurr it's ur father XDDD
He was an alcoholic, gambling chainsmoker who hit my mother and thus she left him. Never consciously saw him and he then died of 4 different cancers all directly because of his way of life. I honestly don't care about him and never really have.

Just my piece, I've had a LOT of very close family and friends die. When I was about 14, I just quit feeling bad about people dying after I got over one person in particular. It kinda sucked because every time after that, people would think I was just cynical or dismissive of their pain when I didn't seem hurt by news like that, so I've learned to just say "that's rough" and not give advice. Still, sometimes I found myself suggesting they look at the bigger picture or some other thing that I thought would help them quit hurting, to be more like me. But everyone deals with things their own way, and it's hard to remember that sometimes. It's not always that people are egocentric; sometimes they just don't know how to help you stop hurting even though they desperately want to do so.

>lose your dad
>post on Sup Forums like normal

Kek clearly lying, this site would be the last place anyone would be on if their dad died recently and you wanna play a game? Get outta here

You're fucking retarded.

Sorry user. I lost my dad when I was 22 also. It gets better, but every once in awhile you get hit like it just happened.

Play some MGS. Those are all about fathers.

Mother/Earthbound games, then the indie ripoffs.

Persona 3. Every party member loses someone close to them either in back story or through the course of the game.
Dead dads especially.

Epilogue added later was 50% dungeon crawling, 50% watching certain characters go through the 5 stages of grief.

Yeah don't play Nier or Silent Hill Shattered Memories

Doesn't deal with grief, but if you can stomach roguelike graphics you should play Unreal World. It's very relaxing and refreshing to forget about all of society's problems and go live innawoods off of subsistence hunting/fishing