Is this the future of video game graphics?

Snappers Advanced Facial Rig for Maya and Unreal Engine 4:

I wonder what the Mass Effect Andromeda devs think.

Whoa, points on a face that are used to control parts of it. Nobody has ever done this before!

>white male character

They think their face hurts

Looks pretty damn impressive.
Now a script for text to lip sync would be nice like in source engine.
I wonder how long it took to rig it.

>tfw still will be gaming at 1080p in 20 years and everyone will make fun of me

i hate how unreal engine is only about realism now

>i hate how unreal engine is only about realism now
that doesnt make any sense.

you can apply this rig to anything. they just happened to use it on a realistic looking head model. if they wanted, they could even use this in something like final fantasy.

i dont think you understand how game engines work.

>muh arena shooters abloo bloo bloo

>This entire thread

Jesus Christ Sup Forums kill yourself

>i dont think you understand how game engines work.
Sup Forums in a nutshell.

How do you think Naughty Dog did this?

they actually have good animators and a good in house game engine.

too bad the actual gameplay is pretty meh


What other games mix parkour and guerrilla combat better?


Good games tend not to mix those things because they don't go well together and aren't pandering to idiotic normalfags who don't think, like you.

Mirror's Edge does parkour far better, and any prominent stealth game does guerrilla far better.

>Good games tend not to mix those things because they don't go well together

Lol well you're an idiot then, since they do go well together in Uncharted 4.

>the moron has no argument
No surprise here.

Whats the point? Seriously unless you are going to give a close up of every person and object you give that much detail too, you are just wasting development time on something absolutely no one will notice in regular gameplay.

If fucking third person shooting and turn based tactics can go together, then why wouldn't parkour and guerrilla combat? Oh that's right, because you're a retard.

Because believe it or not, there's a little more to it than what your tiny brain can comprehend.

You can apply turn based combat to anything and it will work just fine, because the gameplay is static.

are you forgetting that most video games have cutscenes?


>You can apply turn based combat to anything and it will work just fine, because the gameplay is static

haha holy shit

>still no argument
Still an idiot, clearly.

Arguments to be made for adults user.

It’s about going the extra mile, even when not needed. That’s what dedication to the craft means.

does it really matter?
unless western devs stop pandering to sjws and actually start making good looking characters again I don´t really see the point of good faces in games since you won´t get any enjoyment out of watching them anyway.

>actually start making good looking characters again


>I wonder what the Mass Effect Andromeda devs think
finding a new job

oh well, back to catering business at KFC then