>coworkers start talking about video games
Coworkers start talking about video games
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>it's another "I'm too autistic to talk about my hobbies, time to pretend I'm above vidya before I go home and jerk my piss thrower to A2's stockings" episode
>coworkers start talking about their gfs
fuck you i wish my coworkers talked about vidya then i might have something i could relate to.
>your co workers are all over 45 years old
>you have absolutely nothing in common with any of them
>too scared to talk about your hobbies with others
>too scared to make friends
why is Sup Forums so autistic? I dont understand why some of you find it bad to talk about video games with other people outside the internet.
>all my coworkers spend an hour or more each day talking personal stuff in their offices or in the breakroom
>if they get to spend time not working, then so do I
>bring my switch in
>take some small breaks throughout the day to play
>get an email
>HR wants to talk to me
>I'm banned from bringing in my switch
Fucking bullshit
>Coworkers talk about vidya
>Its all AAA tripe like Overwatch
>misogyny is really prevalent in the video game industry! What do you think, user?
What do you say?
>coworkers are all women or gay dudes
anal. anal. anal. anal. anal. anal. anal. anal. anal. anal. anal. anal.
Be thankful you're not a teacher and you don't hear students talking about Pewdiepie and Firewatch.
as someone who came here from /fit/, Sup Forumsermin are not that autistic
Haha anti social amirite XD
That's every officecuck job.
>40 year old female coworker literally walks into my office and sticks her phone in my face to show me a lolcat picture circa 2005
>muster up a fake laugh
Memes were a mistake
God this shit happened to me last week
>Senior in uni
>Sit down in my senior sem class
>Professor comes in and asks when nerds became sexist racist violent antisemites
>as someone who came here from /fit/
is that suppose to mean something?
>Your middle aged coworkers randomly start talking about transformers lore
>coworkers ask me if I'm married
>how about a girlfriend
>oh I see
>hey everybody, user is gay
>Professor comes in and asks when nerds became sexist racist violent antisemites
I mean, all of that is pretty true.
>i dont think thats an accurate statement, gamers arent even that homogeneous of a group in the first place anymore. I'd say they have a lot of different type people
Ebin post fellow redditor
I think hate for women in the video game industry is rather exaggerated, I love women so much that I play games like Nier Automata and dunganronpa 3 which have women protagonists
>coworkers start talking
haha yeah dude its so fun listening to mindless plebs blather on about the latest triple a normalfag release and pretending theyre such le gaymers because they play these games for an hour or two every three days
>coworkers start talking about Sup Forums
>"Hey user have you ever seen this site? It's fucking weird bro the video game section is full of anime porn"
yeah, /fit/ is much more autistic and much worse at arguing coherently, they also buy into the chad alpha/beta paradigm a lot more
Fuck this shit right here.
>coworkers start playing dark souls
I have never spoken with anyone IRL that realized Sup Forums is comprised of "boards", but didn't actually post/lurk here regularly.
>coworkers are your dad and brother
go away hipster.
>ez solution
>Beg sister to pretend to be your gf
>Go to brag about how you have a gf to coworkers
>coworkers add you to their whatsapp group
>co workers voted for frumpy dumpf
>Coworkers start talking about Sneeds Seed and Feed
whats it like to not have friends?
do you actually enjoy being alone?
Are you honestly trying to justify yourself? There's a difference between talking and playing games at work. When you're in a business environment, then act like it.
>It's another "I work and have a girlfriend but still come on Sup Forums but I'm not a normalfag I swear guys" episode
>responding to bait
Sup summer
>Junior coworker starts talking about videogames
>He evidently goes on Sup Forums but thinks I'm a normalfag and I can't spot that
Kids these days don't even try to hide their powerlevel.
>no hobbies
>only play emulated games
>they only play overwatch and other multiplayer garbage
>tfw my only "hobby" can't even help me socialize
pain, without love...
>coworkers start talking about Sup Forums
>tell them to be careful since that site is ridden with viruses, worms, and trojans
>they never mention it again
I love being a normalfag. You should try it sometime bro
>not being so smart that your opinions end up overtaking those of your coworkers
>coworkers start talking about video games
>i cautiously ask what games they play
>they all say call of duty and some mobile game shit "lol im such a gamer bro at heart"
>what about you user?
>you know mostly PC games
fucking plebs abound
>Hi, user, it's Leslie from HR. I'd like to speak with you in my office when you get the chance. We need to discuss some comments you made to your coworkers earlier.
I like being lonely and having no redeeming qualities though. I like eating and drinking myself to death all alone, living with my parents
>coworker says that he is planning to buy destiny 2
>tell him that it's a farming simulator and even if he wanted to play the campaign he wouldn't be able to know the ending unless he bought the dlc
>he decides not to buy it
I became "the guy who plays vidya and knows about his stuff" at work. It's alright though, they think I'm a functional human been since I have a gf
>coworker buys games on steam out of fear to download viruses by accident via torrents
pretty sure the normal person whos aware of Sup Forums thinks its only one big message board
oh jeez, this brings me back to when DA:I was about to come out and i had people tell how progressive it was for it to be the first game with homosexual relationships.
>for an hour or two every three days
This is kinda what I do, tee bee aitch
but then whenever I play a game I'm super hyped over, I can play it for a long time every day when I first get to play it.
Lol dude pc is becoming the new fad for "gamerbros"
Normalfags say stuff like pc master race and console peasants all the time. Don't act high and mighty because you play pc retard.
>co workers start talking about the vegas shooting
friends are for faggots, you tryna fuck some other gamer dudes fag?
>Respond they're fucking stupid, offer nothing but a time sink and mess up kids' heads; they'd be better off playing outside and reading books
>Get nods and approving grunts in coffee room
>More normies diverted from my fucking vidya.
you should hit them in the face t b h
>Professor comes in and asks when nerds became sexist racist violent antisemites
Fag enablers and thin skinned people are to blame, the Internet has always been this way.
>whats it like to not have friends?
It's nice not having to adjust my life at all around the feelings and thoughts of other people, instead being able to focus on what I want.
>do you actually enjoy being alone?
Considering the alternative company? Yes
what's it like to be bad at games and have bad taste?
kek too real
>Lol dude pc is becoming the new fad for "gamerbros"
If only having standards was cool.
Normal person probably only has leddit as a point of reference and thinks Sup Forums is a bunch of subreddits
>live in bumfuck, canada
>what is normally 15 seconds between songs becomes 10 minutes of yammering about vegas
>not even *about* vegas but about how much better the radio station is than anyone else because they aren't playing audio from the incident
i hate it here
you are an idiot.
i said that to end the conversation and avoid it all together. you fucking mouth breather, you probably are the kind of person to try and flex your power level in public and make people uncomfortable
that sounds pretty depressing but hey, im not gonna argue with you.
what ever makes you happy, user.
This. We've been calling each other fags, cunts, and niggers since day 1. The thing is they tried to force the internet to cater to their politically correct corporate bullshit, and when that didn't fly, they flew into a rage and started acting like the world was ending
>Ha yeah dude it kicked ass. There was this huge dude swinging these giant iron balls around.
>Shit, I'll definitely check out Nioh.
>Oh hey user, what's up?
>Y-you guys ever hear of Danganronpa?
>Oh it's this Japanese visual novel thing about blah blah blah blah
>Oh... cool
>So in Nioh I've been using the meteor hammer, it fucking kicks ass dude.
I'll just pitch in and say a couple words to not be a weirdo, that's not hard because I care about games as much as they do (none at all).
Because discussing Game of Thrones is so fucking professional
black female jew detected
Is it too adult for you, user? ;)
>coworker asks me to friend them on Facebook
>co worker starts talking about weeb games
>call him a fag because he is
Haha fag
I understand (you).
>coworker's wife is pregnant
>he gets 6 weeks paid paternity leave
>I'm stuck doing his work while he's gone
What the fuck is this bullshit?
>yesterday's family dinners
>uncle starts talking about vidya
>console fps trash
>boast of his main strategy is killing afk people and camping
Hold on user, when you get paternity leave he has to do your work :)
lol fuck off weeb
Haha cuck
>coworkers start talking shit about trump again
>So what games do you play user?
>haha yeah fuck him
>be american
>get shot
>coworker enters the stall next to yours
>not spending a few hours a week playing normie trash just so you have something to talk about
>user what game do you play
>you wouldn't know it
>just tell me
>I'm playing Dark Souls
>...you're right, I don't know it
>talk with them about games for about 10 mins
>it wasnt that big of a deal