
25+ years old club. What have you been playing today dudes?

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Kill yourself dumb frogposter.

No thanks but I'll gladly discuss video games with you user.

>over 25
>still playing video games

I would kill myself if I were you.

Nothing yet, currently taking a shit at work.

Tonight, it'll depend on whether my wife wants the TV/consoles or the PC. If I get the consoles, I'll play Cuphead and Uncharted 4 (just picked it up for $10). If I get the PC, I'll be playing CSD2 or Echo.

No you wouldn't, kid. You'll get to this point yourself and you won't do a damn thing about it.

Why do we need a special thread?

t. 25 year old

Played my SNES Mini with my wife's son over the weekend while she was away on business.

i waited for 3 games that came out on september 26: Ruiner, Danganronpa V3, Blue reflection. all 3 were shit in the end. i will never wait for something again.

Christ, this thread just reminds me how I waste all my fucking time in meaningless discussions with try hard edgy teenagers and early twenty something losers. I think I actually hate all of you, but mostly myself. I just imagine the typical shitpost and a
post and it makes me want to die.