Why did the fuck up the final decision so badly? Max vs entire town would have been 1000x harder of a dilemma

Why did the fuck up the final decision so badly? Max vs entire town would have been 1000x harder of a dilemma.

Chloe vs town is like asking whether you'd like to eat a cake or be stabbed.

Why does Sup Forums keep talking about this game?
It's been 2 years since the final episode and for a game that this board has a lot of hate for it sure gets a lot of discussion.

Life is Sup Forums.

It's because a sequel was recently made you dumbass


>Max vs entire town

You know, thats a pretty good idea. I didn't even hesitate when I sacrificed Chloe.

almost has if it had shit writing the entire time but you only noticed when it was slapped across your face

I have to agree, they made Chloe so unlikeable for me the choice was extremely easy, but reading comments about people who chose Chloe anyway kind of triggers me.

It's a prequel you fucking retard

The writing in the prequel has been much tighter so far, I hope they maintain it

>wtf why are people talking about a video game on my board

>video game

Same how can normalfags develop any feelings for backstabbing crackwhore is beyond me

fuck off, its a video game. Its a point and click just like monkey island but instead of combinging items and solving puzzles, you make decisions and rewind to solve puzzles

Because they care about the characters, maybe?
Sup Forums PoV about anything is shallow and i'm not surprised.

>they care about the characters
>lol let's kill all innocent people who were nice to me because of some dyke bitch

>wtf why didn't you emotionally connect with an objectively annoying and selfish character
>Sup Forums is one person and shallow because they don't like this character I like

You must be new here.

It's mainly because you get to control Chloe and make her not a bitch. Playing the prequel before the original actually helped make me far more sympathetic of Chloe in the 1st game. Not enough to choose her over the town, but enough that were the dilemma Max vs town, one of the things that would make me most hesitant to kill Max is how cruel that would be for Chloe to experience a 3rd tragic death of a loved one in her life.

I don't get it, do you people who enjoy this game just look past the fellow kids dialogue, or do you pretend like it's ironic and satirical?

There wasn't supposed to be a final decision. One choice ties the narrative thematically together, is a perfect character development climax for both main characters, ties their character development into the serial killer subplot, contains new locations and models.
The other was added at the last minute to make sure the shippers weren't scared away from the sequel.

>for literally no reason, your girlfriend is the lynchpin of all time and space and saving her means dooming everyone else
>"I-it's because she was the first person you saved!"
>Max got her weird tornado vision and time powers *BEFORE* saving Chloe

There's literally no excuse for this hackneyed ending, why was the tornado set in stone as a future consequence of breaking from the intended timeline BEFORE Max made a future-altering decision that could have led to it?


Both of the choices end up with possible psychological breakdown of Max. It's sick when you think about it.

You might not believe this, but people actually love Chloe. I watch the game on twitch a lot, and you would be surprised by how many people choose Chloe first. The divide is almost even, with a slight leaning toward sacrificing Chloe.

Making Max the sacrifice would actually make it easier to do so. Because people would sooner sacrifice themselves(in a video game) rather than sacrifice someone else. It's because many people would like to think they're altruistic. Being altruistic in a video game is easy.

It bothered me early on, but after getting through part 1 and immersing myself in the story, my brain just stopped actively noticing it.

The Prequel has much cleaner writing, and retroactively improves the original game to some extent. It really should have been first.

>Max got her weird tornado vision and time powers *BEFORE* saving Chloe
How do you know which time Max got her powers? It could be that she got her powers just prior to Chloe dying. In fact, the dream might have been the exact time she got them.
She didn't immediately realize she had abilities, since she didn't have a catalyst to conjure them. The Chloe dies, and *boom* her power comes forth.

>why was the tornado set in stone as a future consequence of breaking from the intended timeline BEFORE Max made a future-altering decision that could have led to it?
The tornado was just one possibility. It's kind of like the Schrodingers cat thought experiment. Chloe is both alive and dead, until the time comes to observer her fate. So the tornado exists in all the timelines Chloe is alive, and doesn't exist in all the timelines Chloe is dead.

If you have any other questions, I'd be happy to answer them.

>Because people would sooner sacrifice themselves(in a video game) rather than sacrifice someone else.

Bullshit. The playable character dying in TWD s1 was the saddest part of the game. In these style of games, I don't think most people are really self-inserting as the main character, rather choosing dialogue and actions of how they believe that character should act.

You are either a weirdo or actually a teenage girl to be self-inserting as Max.

>do you people who enjoy this game just look past the fellow kids dialogue
Kid's actually really enjoy the game, and get caught up in the drama. The giggle at some of the cringe dialogue, but there's nothing about the writing that discourages them from playing the game.

It's people like you who are out of touch.

While everyone doesn't see themselves as Max, they do associate Max's actions and consequences to be their own, since they're the player character. That's the whole point of choice. Your choice makes the character feel like your vehicle. You're in control, so therefore, you are responsible. So when it comes to doing the "right thing", you feel responsible for that choice you have to make.

I never played TWD, but I'm going to take a wild guess and assume the playable character didn't die by a direct choice of the player. It was either entirely scripted, or an indirect action you made earlier, cause you to suffer consequences you didn't foresee.

Currentlu playing this game and I love all these threads about it. About halfway through episode 3 and stuck betweem siding with david or chloe. Wanna support friend but don't wanna wreck family.

Life is Tumblr it's pure shit. Aesthetically pleasing but shit.

i just liked walking around the hallways in my pirated copy. the rest was garbage

hot lesbian sex vs being a moralfag

Some people grew to like Chloe, and thats what made it difficult. Honestly if I were in a similar situation where it was my best friend vs the town I was staying in for school, I'd certainly side with my friend.

Stay away from threads if you don't want spoilers.

I dont think you've quite thought out the consequences of Max dying.

If you're one of the people who really cares about Chloe, Max dying is unimaginatively worse for Chloe than sacrificing Chloe. I doubt she could handle another tragedy like that in her life, and she already believes it's her fault that bad things keep happening to people she loves.

Choosing for Max to die is not the noble choice as far as Chloe's well-being is concerned. I don't see how she doesn't commit suicide if Max dies.

Yeah, that's something I hadn't considered.
But also, the time the two spent together did help Chloe grow a little. So perhaps after giving an impassioned speech about how she shouldn't be so selfish, she wouldn't continue to be angry.

Also, I don't think Chloe is the type to commit suicide no matter what. She would probably just become more destructive. It's kind of her thing. Chloe externalizes everything, Max internalizes everything.

>You might not believe this, but people actually love Chloe. I watch the game on twitch a lot, and you would be surprised by how many people choose Chloe first. The divide is almost even, with a slight leaning toward sacrificing Chloe.

You sure this isn't because they want to make the choice that comes off as more risky to bring in more viewers?

Nah. They're usually the players who love Chloe from the start of the game, and overlook/excuse all of her shitty behavior.

The most edgy move I've seen a streamer do, was sacrifice chloe, and then as Max is listening to her get shot, she cues up some silly meme song. Completely trivializing the matter. It was ice cold. Half the chat was trying to maintain their contrived sadness, the other half was laughing their balls off.

I wish I could remember which song she played, because it was ridiculous. Like Space Jam tier ridiculous.

Just for the sake of leaving the possibility open of continuing the series with Chloe, I don't think they'd really have Chloe commit suicide, but Max's death is still a much sadder dilemma.

Just imagine, Chloe would be begging and crying for Max not to sacrifice herself, and fall deeper in to the belief that it's her fault people around her die. Max would have to give her an impassioned desperate speech to not blame herself just to keep her from not killing herself afterwards.

Not to mention, all the other people who would be hurt by Max's death but have little personal connection to Chloe. There are more of those. With Chloe, you do feel bad for her mom and Max, and a bit maybe for her stepdad too, but you're also comfortable that they have the power to continue on without her.