JRPGs are dea-
JRPGs are dea-
Yeah but none of these JRPGs are to my taste so they're all dead and trash.
>12 year old Final Fantasy game
>no Tokyo RPG Factory
should be
>JRPGs are boring
SRPGs are dead thats for sure.
>Tokyo rehash factory
Shit taste
Also which game is third column far right.
All of the third column is far right.
Third row far right is Valkyria whatever the fuck they're calling it this week, and absolute trash.
Replace FF12 with Octopath
>all of them are either already playable on PC or will soon be on PC
It's so satisfying to know that even japan learned that consumers won't have it their old, shitty way.
That is the day we see how jrpgs will be saved.
>including the piece of shit Berseria in that image
may as well include FFXV
>Who knows
>Looks neat, don't know what it is
sure they aren't, weeb
It's more that games actually being engineered specifically for any platform is dead. Most Japanese studios can't even make anything that pushes modern hardware that hard anyways but nothing is being made specifically to work on some custom renderer or sound chip anymore.
>Overrated trash
>HD edition of trash
>Trash that isn't out yet
>Trash that bombed tragically
Can you truly say you understood Tales of Berseria if you didn't comprehend it on so many intellectual layers as Kastel-sama?
I don't give a fuck about the story, the gameplay is pure shit in terms of combat, "exploration", and dungeon "design". The story was ruined by laphicet's OC powers btw.
>not out yets
>Literal HD remakes of playstation 2 game
>Valkyria fucking Revolution
Yeah you're right, JRPGs are fucking dead.
better than Zestiria. Actually good for a tales game
>better than Zestiria
is this supposed to be some sort of achievment?
>Actually good for a tales game
fuck no, the cookie cutter system isn't perfect but it's a lot better than mashing a single button with an assigned weakness onto it
I don't care if it's dead or alive. It's the worst genre by far.
>mashing a single button
Ah so your entire argument is based off your own difficulty settings and lack of skill.
Given that JRPG now encompasses everything from traditional to action adventure, feel free to explain why this genre is the worst genre by far.
played on hard, didn't even use velvet's broken ass therion form (played rokuro most of the time)
>b-but you have to play on maniac/chaotic!
and inflate the enemies HP bars and prolong the button mashing? No thank you
>It's the worst genre by far.
Daily reminder that JRPG is not a genre.
Ah so your entire argument is based off your own difficulty setting and lack of skill
>inflate enemy hp bars
>this is the average argument of a ToBtard
>no octopath
Lowest amount of fun compared to time spent. Highest amount of filler content of any genre. Emphasis on story and characters even though those aspects are almost always horrible in JRPGs. Worst gameplay on average out of any genre.
And that's your opinion (:
>Caring about a shitty Not!SaGa game
At least say Alliance Alive.
Most of the "gameplay" is internal, as a player your role could be filled by a low end script such as in the gambit system in FFXII with little to no change in gameplay.
>Lowest amount of fun compared to time spen
Subjective in some cases, flat out wrong in others
>highest amount of filler content
That would belong to open world games and any open world game with "unlimited quests"
>emphasis on story and characters
Not every JRPG does that (metal max, Treasure Hunter G)
>worst gameplay on average
Objectively wrong
RE: Fantasy will be shit
He's right and you're retarded, I breezed through hard mode barely even using the swap mechanic without saving once, got as far as second therion before one of those wandering monsters punched my butthole in.
All he had to do was post some Donguri videos to shut that shitposter up.
you're missing the best one
cool, except all of this is suboptimal because spamming a weakness is much more efficient
You're playing on hard. He's flat out wrong and you're also wrong. Ignoring the fact that there's an xp to gald tradeoff for playing on a higher difficulty, the game of the higher difficulty is "gamed" by more adequately using and abusing customization to keep player power high while also depending less on heals of any variety.
The larger emphasis on keeping a combo chain going is secondary Hard might as well be "normal" for how difficulty it is. 'Smashing a single button' is a strategy that only remains viable the lower your difficulty is. Which neither you nor he know because neither of you could hack the harder difficulties. The difference between you two is that you've attempted to provide examples. Feel free to debate any point since you've decided to provide an actual argument.
JRPGs are like open world games only without any of the positive aspects. There is also always some abomination of an anime plot or some shitty gameplay breaking the flow of the game. People who play JRPGs on regular are a waste of space on this planet.
People just want Vesperia/Xillia 2 combat. Which is not bad at all, those two games have amazing battle systems. But not every game has to have jumping and air combos to make it a wonderful combat.
"Big Hole"
They all look like they're from the same game. Unless it is from the same game? I can't tell with weebshit.
>JRPGs are like open world games only without any of the positive aspects
pretty funny of you to say that when XCX trumped all other open world games 2 years ago
In the order they're pictured
>not released in west
>pretty good, but has some weak characters and pacing problems
>seemed shit
>not out yet, 1st one had potential put the bad pokemon system and shitty combat held it back
>massivelty overrated. mediocre series that needs to drop the kitchen sink approach and cut back on the shit pacing and poor writing
>almost nothing has been shown
>a tales games, which says it all. mediocre at best
>the only positive thing you can say about it is that it was sold at a reduced price and a lot of DLC was free
>literal who
>like a worse trails
>not out yet, looks kinda ass and xenoblade is overrated with bad combat
>JRPGs are like open world games only without any of the positive aspects.
Except that's wrong. The positive effects would be quest density, sidequests, and objectives. Depending on the game that's done in spades.
>anime plot
Not in every JRPG. This is a generalization made by people inexperienced with the genre.
>shitty gameplay
Grandia Xtreme holds one of the best RPG combat systems to this day. Dungeon crawlers have only improved in quality as well. Forrays into the action RPG genre have done well given the popularity of games such as the souls series
>waste of space
The only waste are people who play 5 JRPGs and then make sweeping broad generalizations about the entire genre.
>offline MMO with no world interactivity
Sure it did weeb.
>JRPGs are like open world games only without any of the positive aspects
>Complains about filler in JRPGs
>Likes open world games, AKA filler: The genre
Seems like the waste of space, and bandwidth, on this planet is just you.
>just cause 2
>good open world
argument invalidated, don't bother responding to me I won't reply, comment chain hidden
>just cause 2
>good open world
Just cause 2 was good for ignoring literally every structured objective the game gave you and nothing else. You clearly have no clue what you're talking about.
>better than mira
loving every laugh
Literally best example of a JRPG that is open world but only with all the shitty aspects of it.
>this genre is not shit because that one game is quite ok
Nah fuck off.
English script aside it does basically everything right
>because that one game
There are countless games.
Thanks for exposing your own ignorance though, flunky.
Not a JRPG per se, but worth checking out if you like how JRPGs play
Where are the good games?
>only 2 non anime based jrpgs
>1 is mobile shit
>the other is a remaster
worst timeline
>only with all the shitty aspects of it.
I don't recall Mira being empty and without meaningful incentives to explore
>listening to the reddit/neogaffers that come to Sup Forums to spew nonsense about JRPGs dying
There are countless shit games.
>meaningful incentives to explore
Whatever you say, faggot.
i only see one good game.
nice try
>There are countless shit games.
That applies to all genres chucklefuck. You've already proved you have next to no exposure with the genre.
Surely you can make better use of your time than this
Any new pokemon release proves that the JRPG fans here have no standards. A shit story with shit gameplay is all you need to be happy.
>meaningful incentives to explore
>boss battles
>EXP for exploring/finding rare areas
>division points
>side quests
>a new party member
inb4 these don't count
You didn't specify a nationality.
He said J not W, moron.
>No Yakuza or Souls
>inb4 they're not rpg meme by mad normies
>a series by a company reflects the entire genre
This is how stupid you sound
XCX just had comfy exploration in general
>xenoblades boss battles
>worth shit
In most other JRPGs I would admit finding optional boss fights is cool, not in xenoblade though.
>loot and exp or fucking caves is worth exploring for
Nah, this is the most fundamental filler content.
Probes and division points is just another form of that aspect.
>side quests
A great optional side quest is indeed a great reward. Sadly xenoblade doesn't provide any of those.
>a new party member
Yeah, optional party members are most of the time the only good reward in any given JRPG. Together with the hunt for the best weapon in the game.
>best jrpg this year is a quick remake of a eight year old game
When did it go so wrong?
Most people only care what the marketing parasite or the eceleb cunt is pushing.
I've been playing JRPGs for years, as long as folks like me buy it there will be games.
The trajectory of the industry can be labelled to a single point in the year 2004
>xenoblade boss battles
there is no reason with this shit taste, I give up
yeah, apparently exploration is an even bigger factor in XC2, can't fucking wait. No mechs are a downer but hopefully there is an alternative like airships
You're part of the reason the genre can't shake off it's shitty light novel tier writing.
>I've been playing JRPGs for years
And you still have the most garbage of taste.
>industry should cater to people like me who never actually spend any money and just post meme complaints instead
Wouldn't hold your breath on that one.
>I hate the subject of this thread and nothing will convince me otherwise ever
Why are you here exactly?
they are,persona 5 sold like 20 copies lmao
Xenoblade bosses are literally MMORPG mobs. You must be mentally retarded to find those exciting.
Literally every single one of these is objectively awful. But I guess as long as it has tits and looks pretty you retards will eat any trash up like its fine dining.
>should cater to people like me who never actually spend any money and just post meme complaints instead
I was talking about the quality of writing you fucknugget. Which has very clearly decreased into trope addled nonsense
>never actually spend money
Want to compare libraries?
I was referring to Kiseki trash, you hipster.
For someone who boasts about the writing of that piece of shit franchise you sure lack any sort of reading comprehension.
Actually neoFAG has a better JRPG community than this place.
Frequenters of Sup Forums have no right to talk in these matters- this board is beyond shit.
>Actually neoFAG has a better JRPG community than this place.
Right, a board of EOPs with usernames has better taste than an anonymous imageboard because they like the same trash you like.
Oh sure user unlike you who plays mature games for grown ups. Enlighten us to your cultured tastes?
>who plays mature games for grown ups
What does targeted demographic have to do with quality of writing you shitstain?
is there anything that is not chibi, waifu trash or highschool shit?
genuinely curios?
Most of these? And it's a pretty damn bare selection, cancer normie.
I don't get it, all of those are shit on top of being the exact same set of awfull jap cliche
Yeah the garbage that comes out in the west that is just outright shit.
Valkyria revolution, technically. But that game has the downside of also being bad. The MC is literal "more edgy" Squall who even carries through the same "romance from an outside softens his heart" plot and is from an orphanage with the other major characters. who then band together to fight their old Matron who is body jacked by another entity
You can't make this shit up. It's fucking final fantasy 8. Even the Anti-Valkyria squad is just fucking SeeD.
When the fuck is Tokyo Xanadu coming out on PC?
Geez thanks god we have murricunt cliche right
none of those games are chibi and over half the list aren't any of those 3
>over half the list isn't waifu trash
Why are you lying to him.
>slow ass games with mediocre combat & customization, with decent character development, music, & story at best
No thanks.
Literally none of those
>waifu trash
What does this even mean?
>highschool shit?
The only one on the list there that is actually set in a highschool is Persona 5.
>tokyo xanadu
>cold steel
>not high school shit
And 100% of those are waifu trash, fucking weeb just kys already.
>Tokyo RPG Factory
You convinced me. JRPGs are dead.