ITT: games where the only fault is that its short

ITT: games where the only fault is that its short

of being a decent game

Wario World enraged me when it came out. 8 levels is criminally short.

>only fault
Some of the bosses suck and none of the run & gun levels are good.

King Dice is complete bullshit. It was, to me, the part where all the fun just completely left the game. It's not at all enjoyable to spend 10 minutes fighting through a boss gauntlet only to die to his stupid force-parry attack and then have to do everything all over again.

>its short
how tall is it exactly?




Not every game needs to be a 20 hour slog. 6ish hours for a first playthrough in a $20 2D game isn't even bad. It's longer than some AAA $60 single player games.
Games that force themselves to be longer for the sake of it end up becoming more of a chore than anything, and it would have taken another year or two to make this game longer.


You know it's piss easy to decide the outcome of the roll?

MGR2 never ever. Remember that one time we were hyped for its announcement because of leaked art with 2 in Rising's font? Turned out to be second anniversary celebration thing. What kind of anniversary is that?


Max Payne 2



nex machina
got i hate you housemarque how can you make something so perfect and then just move on immediately from it


Bleed 2

would this be incest?

>cuphead is taller than me

There's no hope.

Both metro games.
They actually start getting real good towards the end too.

Portal's length is perfect for a first playthough, it just feels shorter every time you replay it.

FEAR: Extraction Point

Wario World


True but only on ranger hc

>Dead Space 1-2
>Stick of Truth

Hotline Miami

Ace Combat Zero

This might be an unpopular opinion, but I don't even mind a game being short if it's really fun to play. I tend to play those over and over again anyway.

nah, it has a fuckton of replayability, I've played the first game alone for 50+ hours




took me the whole weeked, playing nonstop

I might have put arond 20-25h in it, which is A LOT


I would love another proper Pikmin



good call. what a masterpiece that game was.

they tried to make pikmin 2 longer by bloating it with dungeon diving mechanics but they just fucked it up. pikmin 3 was a good balance.

it felt quite short the first time already


you trying to masterbait


Ill give it a pass on being short over how much effort must have gone into whats in the game.

>12 hours in
>Halfway through S Ranking the bosses

First boss rush?

Basically all modern Arkane Studios games

Only correct answer ITT.

I think it's cannibalism?

>bloating it with dungeon diving mechanics.
They put just as many treasures in the top world. The only differences between the first and second games' overworlds, were the lack of a real time limit and the purple pikmin making combat way too easy.

The dungeon diving was a great addition since it's such an interesting blend of two genres, rts and dungeon crawling

Too short on actual content that is. And they they apparently used the scrapped dungeon designs in other games so the remake had an excuse to not do jack shit about it.

But that game is shit all around.

Yeah man. I beat the campaign after two casual sit downs and was taken aback once I realized I beat the game so quickly. Needed like five more levels.

>only fault
The 'puzzles' are a joke. The dungeons barely do anything creative. The final dungeon is a crappy boss rush followed by a bunch of doors. The majority of the islands aren't worth exploring. It has less sidequests than other games in the series.


Except Cuphead also has
>poor hitbox/model overlap
>foreground elements that unintentionally block too much of your view
>RNG to the point that you can get pinned into unfair attack combos if it's stacked against you
>you can't fucking turn off the film grain which is fucking bullshit because you can turn off the chromatic aberration

>Make a game for 7 years, use tons of special paper for fluid animation
>Some retard on Sup Forums calls your game short regardless
>Don't give a fuck because you're literally Chad



Fucking Platinum, I swear.
They tease the fuck out of their fans to get a reaction out of them and increase demand for their games so publishers will pick them up.
Even though pic related exists, I will most likely never get to experience The Wonderful 101 or a sequel on the Switch.

EYE: Divine Cybermancy was criminally short

fantastic twin stick shooter. every weapon is fun to use.


I think Dishonored should have been longer but I enjoyed it otherwise

Cuphead's length is perfect. It ends leaving me wanting more and making me want to replay it on higher difficulties.

>bawww I can't get past the flower boss

you should be a game journalist

any megaman game


nice meme

>1 hour in
>S Rank all

git gud

yeah and i'm malcom x




because 20 hours of 'oooh look at that pretty sand and shit' would be great

Is it really short?

nice damage control, cuphead dev

I've never actually played Cave Story, is it good?

Agreed 100% Why in the fuck is there not a Wario Land on the 3ds yet??

tfw no Lost Planet 2 remaster

In fact, it would.

Mah nigga, but I think the length is perfect as it is.

god no. its an indie game




This. My biggest game sin is filler/backtracking/content recycling being mandatory just to pad length. It's why Skyward Sword is my most hated game of all time, and some games that I liked in the past I'll never play again because backtracking (like The Thousand Year Door)

Max Payne 2

Really great except for some pretty stupid requirements for getting good/true endings (just look them up)

Read somewhere that it was about 4-5 hours, so I bought it.
Came close to 2 hours.

What morons were playing it, who couldn't figure out the puzzles?

>actually thinking it was teasing
yup just like this official art was for that oh so common 2 year anniversery that every game celebrates.

MGR 2 was cancelled, probably due to konami getting ready to shit the bed, probably very close to when it was suppoused to be announced.


If Expert difficulty added new mechanics to all the bosses it'd be happy.



there are new patterns, more projectiles, more health and they're generally faster

he's drinking the juices of his consenting brother

I feel like this is closer to drinking semen or pee than taking a bite out of his brain

>only fault
>dem hitboxes
>shitty parry that works only when the devil is masturbating with the correct fleshlight under the right star alignment
>have to edit the registry to get rid of the shitty chromatic aberration
>no way to remove filmgrain or blur, pretty much requires reshade
>pieces of scenery in front of the camera obscuring projectiles and enemies sometimes
I like the game but it's got a lot of flaws.

Oh hey, Dead Horizon. I made that game. It's not short...

It's blink and you miss it short.

It's one of the best indie games, especially for one you can get for free.