Ok, yeah. He's autistic.
Ok, yeah. He's autistic
Don't blame mental illness for what can be attributed to stupidity. The man's just a fucking egotistic ha fag.
What else is new
I think this is schizophrenia. Holy cow.
I'm on my shitty laptop without sound at the moment. Is it worse than his Sonic and the Black Knight meltdown?
Yes, by far.
So what happened between him and jon?
>See comments
>Everyhates hates Ross
who the fuck is Ross
Arin wanted to bring Jon's stuff under the GameGrumps name, which would have given him a cut of Jon's original work's profit in "exchange" for exposure. Jon wouldn't have any of that, but Arin wouldn't budge and shit broke down.
Arin found out Jon was a racist Nazis.
And he did what any normal person did. Disassociate yourself with racist Nazis and hope they get a bullet through their head.
Is this confirmed or just a theory? I don't know why I care but I hate the whole mystery surrounding this bullshit
Holy shit. might watch it on my crappy phone. I wonder how that's even possible. He started punching the wall or some shit in the Black Knight one.
Could someone describe the video for me please?
Arin went to the studio and john was there already, goose stepping and heil-ing a picture of the fuhrer
that happened way later, and they collabed on something before and "made up".
>neo/v/ literally believes this
He may be autistic, but you're x5,000 autistic if you're actually watching GG
arin is a serial killer.
How is this autistic? Just because he had a bad time smoking weed and doesn't like it, that makes him autistic? Get a grip you fuckin dumb ass stoner
This is not how weed works. What did he have?
They had a falling out. It doesn't fucking matter what happened or even if it was personal or professional. They don't owe anyone an explanation. Sometimes relationships just break down.
They were forced into a gay relationship as part of their contract.
Yes they did everything.
Jon was fucking Arin's GF in front of him like an NTR doujin
Am i supposed to sit through the whole fucking video? Give me a damn timestamp.
Jon got red-pilled and kept telling Arin to go back to Ireland that this was the white man's land
>Only Sonic game he likes
>Looks and plays EXACTLY like the old games he says were never good
It's not true.
It was basically just that Jon wanted to move because of his girlfriend at the time and the fact that he didn't like making shitty let's plays instead of his normal, good content.
Also Suzy was dripping wet for his cock.
6 minutes i think. By 8 he's already talking about it.
It's not even that interesting.
it's not autism, he's just acting like a bitch making shit up. it's actually cringe inducing, because he makes weed sound like it turned him into the flash from those panels where he talks about percieving 1 second like it was an eternity. I don't know how one person can be so douchey and lack self awareness.
He's the one who spent like $1800 for Arin, Danny, and Suzy to play WoW and they dropped it in like a day.
>instead of his normal, good content.
yeah so much for that as well, he even went ahead and deleted/privatized his older and better videos
the way he describes it it sounds more like DMT than weed.
I could understand someone having an out of body experience if you're inexperienced and take a fuck ton of edibles but the way Arin describes it sounds more like Ross slipped acid into his drink.
This, when i smoked i just started laughing. I didn't experience anything other than the giggles.
>No, Jon. You are the nazis.
Jon wanted to move to New York to be with his then-girlfriend and focus more on his own content. That's all.
Of course, it wasn't long after he moved that the girl broke up with him then there were months between videos.
Yeah, weed doesn't make that happen, I did feel like that once but that was meth
>Presented as Arin from Game Grumps
>Egoraptor and animation dream is dead because of $
>Presented as JonTron because he wanted to keep his artistic integrity
also this I guess