Do you think large breasts improve or diminish female character design?

Do you think large breasts improve or diminish female character design?



Hex Maniac literally has nothing else going for her.
Hell, she didn't have tits period.

That's not how it works. Breast size is a part of design. Whether you think it works well with the character or not depends on your personal opinion and the rest of the features or traits of that particular character.

In a regular game? Improve, but only if they're not monster tits.
In porn? Always improve.

So you're saying she's only been improved then

Flat Maniac is best

>Those feet
Thats just painful to look at.

Except she does, she isn't flat in the official art and flatfags need to fuck off.

Nobody gives a fuck what you think, footshitter.


All maniacs are ok user

Big tits are always better

Even on an otherwise flat character?

they are always an improvement

>boobies thread

i've got my eyes on you guys, dont disappoint me




I think it varies, there are lots of characters that work because of their design, and flatness works for that just as well as any size of boobs too. Basically That said big tits will absolutely make me like a character to some degree. I love tits a lot.

Depends on the character really, in Hex Maniac's case, its an improvement.

Depends on the character, but 99% of the time a big bap is an improvement.

Hex Maniac wasn't even the first pokecow.

first pokecow was Whitney.


Do you have any visual evidence?

They certainly help.

Depends on the target audience orbthe charavter herself. Lara Croft would be a shit character design if she had large tits whereas a Jap game girl would either have large or small tits depending on if she's supposed to be sexy or cute.

both flat and big are okay
but oppai loli sucks


>Shit like Bleach and One Piece runs for years and years.
>Dandy only gets 26 episodes
The world is fucked

Fatter tits have never made a character design worse, they can only make them better. What does make designs worse is droopy as fuck pendulum tits or other forms of saggy lumpy pudge.

Mods must like these threads. They sure know how to maintain a mature and happy community.

I'm going to classify this as a "no duh" statement.

Will we ever see hard nipples in video games again?

I feel like not even the latest fighting games have done hard nipple.

all we can do is keep our fingers crossed and hope for more

That's what happens when it's released in the U.S. before Japan. They're spiteful little cunts.

Legs should not be ignored.

>gen 2 pokemon design philosophy was "take some animal and attach spheres to it"
>gen 2 pokegirl design philosophy was exactly the same
garbage generation

also lorelei was stacked

>oppai loli suck

there has never been a character more ruined by shitty fan art than hex maniac. well, maybe filia too.

cammy had her nips poking thru her outfit in the earliest versions of SFV. kat has very visible nibbles in GR2; you can kinda see them in this screen shot i took and i wasnt even trying

Your taste is so such your tongue must be attached to your asshole.

Saggy tits are hard to get right but they can work, bimbo bolted-on tits never look good though.

>If you don't like physical handicaps and broken ankles you're a foot fetishist

makes me THINK!!!!!!!!!!!

see user
your thinking of it the wrong way
here is my design philosophy, its how i make any character:

make the a good character first

see, as long as they are a good character, no one can retort with the standard shit of "her tits are too huge", because that will make them look like they are jealous and petty. only REAL women complain about huge tits on a 2D woman, FACT.

People can point their feet like that. It's an exaggerated expression of submission. You wouldn't notice a physical deformity if you laid your head on top of it.

Would you play League of Legends if Sona asked you to?


what the fuck is wrong with her knees

What's up with her knees

they're good, but not that big


i fucking live for the oppai lolis
so much so that i want to make them more in games and media. fuck you all, 2018 will be the year of the oppai loli.

Probably not.

are we posting uncanny valley now?


what the fuck is wrong with your face, nerd?

that's a range of motion thing, not a damaged body thing
there is pigeon toed walking, there is bow legged, those are disabilities and disabilities, but just pointing your feet inward is something that is only "impractical"

you can't do it, because you're fat, you sit on chairs all day, you feel physical discomfort from knowing there's people with better range of motion that you, you probably can't even squat with your heels down, and all of that is just your deformities
and you are, in fact, deformed now, which is just sad and quite pathetic honestly

I'd try to refute that with more evidence but I just realized the rest of my oppai loli stuff is nsfw, so I guess we'll leave it at my love of giving rimjobs for now.

wtf I hate hex maniac now