Name a more difficult FPS than WaW on Veteren
Name a more difficult FPS than WaW on Veteren
Halo 2 with all skulls.
CoD4 on Veteran.
Possibly Halo 2 on Legendary.
On one hand, infinite grenades thrown at you.
On the other, jackal snipers.
Serious Sam TFE and TSE on Serious. There's so much bullshit that the game actually gives you two times as much ammo on this difficulty and it's still hard as fuck.
alien isolation nightmare mode with the mic setting on as you play non-stop screams on a speaker next to you
>CoD4 on Veteran.
>that one mission that has a time limit in the silo or some shit
Far Cry on Hard.
Mile high club
UT99 on godlike
blood extra crispy
>tfw pic related on Hard
This, the enemies lack the ability to react to bullets or feel pain, they don't care you're piercing them with your gun, they won't stop shooting at you with outstanding marksmanship until they finally succumb to their deaths.
Was this the game with the precision grenade spam?
Mile High Club on Veteran is easy.
Either that or Stalker Clear Sky
I fucked up with that. I played through Veteran first so after a few tries I made it to the end but didn't know what to do. Ended up failing. Never got that far again.
>jackal snipers on legendary
Quake 3 arena on Nightmare.
i thought jackal snipers were a meme until i reached regret
Generals: Zero Hour.
Fucking China campaign holy shit.
thats an rts but i still agree my dude
>more difficult FPS
I need sleep.
Doom: Hell on Earth. I have never been so destroyed in a FPS ever. I can't even imagine what the highest difficulty is like.
Not as a whole, but as a single mission being more difficult then any in WaW veteran, I'd Halo :The Library legendary. Covenant aren't so bad, you can play corner with them or cheese with plasma pistols/power weapons. The fucking flood though don't player corners, and rockets don't give second chances.
My disc was laser burned so I could never complete it on Veteran fully (had it installed so most missions worked), but I gave up when you had to push up to the reichstag, think you might have had to defuse artillery or some shit, the grenade spam was unstoppable
hardest for me was the mission after All Ghillied Up where you gotta book it and then defend the playground
Halo 2 LASO, only 4 people beat it and they were all speedrunners and of course through co-op. They spent like 3-5 hours on each level