Why are publishers implementing micro-transactions in full fledged $60 games that already have a season pass and gold...

Why are publishers implementing micro-transactions in full fledged $60 games that already have a season pass and gold editions announced even before release?

How much money do these fucking jews need?

the original mona lisa was originally square shaped before the king who owned it cut off the sides so he could fit it in the frame he owned

>publisher cuts content to streamline the game and release it on time

The micro transactions are reaching retarded mobile games level. Shit is fucking hilarious and sad, $60 games are being sold and since they don't generate a constant cash flow, developers and publishers are pushing for ways to implement the mobile tactics on full priced games.

Sup Forums be like
>suck my pirate cock steamboi
Sup Forums also be like
>why games are filled with DLCs? fucking jews

For the same reason system providers charges annual fees for fundamental hardware functions your hardware should handle just fine without any payments.

Capitalism is collapsing. Only singularity can save Sup Forums from the boredom.

I assume the one on the far right represents EA.

I pirate because of DLC.

Good, glorious communism will make everything better. Can't wait for video games made by the state.

They make DLC because you pirate

>tfw the industry is just going to keep getting worse and worse and worse
>we will never return to the 90s when games were made out of passion and not in a board room

where's the modern version with RNG lootcrates?

>monalisa still white and with normal hair

yeah right...

We live in late-stage capitalism. Faceless corporate bureaucracies (usually financial) are the stakeholders in most companies, especially big media companies like vidya publishers. These bureaucracies heavily emphasis short-term profit-reaping, often at the expense of long-term, viable business-building. To shear every sheep right down with the flesh as fast as possible before dumping it by the side of the road is how they work, it's their primary business "strategy". They implement these extreme policies not just because they want to "see what they can get away with", but because they simply don't care whether they "get away with it" or not. These byzantine bureaucracies care only about extracting as much profit as possible in the short term and putting it all into stock buybacks, dividends and extravagant salaries/bonuses for the top executives before dumping the company in 2-3 years and selling it to the next sucker down the line. The old image of a fat risk-taking capitalist investing in projects and fixed assets by his gut feeling is long gone. Now it's all about committees looking for the quickest way of liquidating as much of "their" companies as possible before moving on to the next pump-and-dump adventure.
This system of financial grey capitalism has placed its sights on vidya (and pop-culture entertainment in general) since the late 2000's and the Recession. This is why so many game companies got shut down since then, why games have been rapidly turning shit, why franchises refuse to die, why rehashes are the norm, why microtrasactions & DLCs & season passes are a thing, why games are being released literally unfinished, and is the root cause for most other ills of the industry. It's a societal cancer that has been creeping into everything since the 1980's, and now we get to feel its devastating kiss of death in our precious vidya too.

>bimbo with gigantic tits

>sexy but well proportioned, still clearly fapbait

Last gen
>Vanilla and bland girl, pretends to be an actual character

Next gen
>pink haired dyke fatass

>How much money do they need?

You don't know the point of capitalism do you?


user... I...

>This is why so many game companies got shut down since then
it wouldn't have anything to do with skyrocketing development costs since HD development now would it? Or maybe the huge amount of risk that goes into making a 200 million dollar game over a period of 4 years. Companies flopped left and right because they weren't ready for HD. The death of the "AA" game happened with PS360 and was gaurunteed when it was public knowledge that people would LITERALLY quit their job if they had to make a Wii game.
This is the future you chose user, I bet you were shitposting and trolling back in 2005 and you got everything you ever wanted



Honestly, because they can get away with it. It's just greed enabled by dumb consumers.

>can't find anything about this online
looking for 'the original mona lisa was originally square shaped before the king who owned it cut off the sides so he could fit it in the frame he owned' actually returns to this page

>user still thinks 4k textures and some other shit takes the same amount of money to make than cs 1.6

Fucking retards