ITT: Positive things about games you hate
ITT: Positive things about games you hate
Half-Life 2 story does give you a good sense of urgency sometimes.
The boss aesthetics in Dark Souls are pretty good.
Overwatch managed to grab a hold of a new demographic of people that probably would never have played a FPS before and thus a tiny proportion of it would eventually bleed out to my favorite game.
Call of Duty is easy to pick up and play, good gameplay for when your brain is tired.
The Elder Scrolls gives you a big tolkien esq fantasy world to get lost in
Majoras Mask makes me realise how amazing the other zelda games are in comparison
Night in the Woods has a good artstyle
It has a large modding community.
Dark souls 2 at least provided a good example about what not to put into a souls game and helped improve future games by being the best example of a failure ever.
Pubg actually looks decent compared to what I thought it'd look like
Alright bitch, you have five seconds to explain yourself
The artstyle and dunegons in Skyward Sword were some of the best in the series.
Dark Souls has good world design. I love exploring it.
The time warp stuff remains one of my favourite moments in a Zelda game. That's my piece on that game.
That's the only reason I even play it kinda reminds me of castlevania
Dark Souls finally let people taste the grapes
Undertale had a unique battle style, I just think they could have used it a bit better.
The USS Constition bit made me laugh my ass off
>at least I only pirated it
Game was kinda “blergh” overall but Tatiana was pretty great [SPOILER]and hot[/SPOILER]
Showel Knight has a decent spritework. I guess.
Outside of that its nothing special and devs milk it like a cow. Seriously like, ive played games like these back on NES/SEGA days. Showel Knight is the same, nothing special. Just released in current days.
at least bloodborne wasn't dark souls 2.
i can only imagine how queer your favorite game is
Starcraft 2
At least there was an attempt
All the games I "hate" have nothing to do with the game itself
Final Fantasy games have decent soundtracks. Also love the sleek urban-fantasy aesthetic of the later games.
Actually, I found it kind of cool how the games would go from medieval to urban-ish settings as the core series went on.
Metal Gear managed to revive and/or birth an entire genre of games. I didn't like those games, but hey, its an accomplishment.
FemDiablo is hot
people hack and call themselves salt miners
mgo3 had the best mechanics and it would be amazing if the shitty gamemodes werent so uninspired and generic. I mean, youve got all these unique game mechanics: capturing people, human shields, knocking players unconcious, actual stealth mechanics. Imagine a VIP mode where you have to capture the other team's VIP alive, or an elimination free for all, or even some sort of "defend the thing while the other team tries to blow it up" gametype, or some spies vs mercs style shit with enforcers vs infiltrators, literally anything but the boring deathmatch the actual game is like
There are some decent SFM porn of Overwatch
EA owns them, I'll live to see them die.
MGO2 was leagues better than MGO3 user.
Class-based gameplay is shit.
I like the setting for Fallout.
i know im saying mgo3 mechanics are great its just uninspired as fuck and fails to accent any of the game's strengths like the previous version. Its basically 3rd person COD
graphics in battlefield 1
FIFA is a videogame.
It at least seems like the developer's of Bloodborne tried their hardest. Everything just happened to go wrong.
Not really, it's a she actually
I like the open world aspect of Oblibimon.
Halo 4 had incredible graphics
Nothing. I can't say anything good about Bloodborne. Sorry. It literally has no good qualities.
Lords of the Fallen has some nice idle animations
I cannot fucking agree with you, but i respect you user.
Fnaf has good atmosphere
Legion has a good transmog system
I don't respect your trash opinions you piece of human garbage. Bloodborne is horrible.
not him but you sound like a faggot and I definitely dont respect you
oh and something something witcher 3 good dlc
Undertale has a fish woman that I really want to breed.
You have every right to be a drooling retard, nothing i can do for you user.
Name one good thing about Bloodborne and I will destroy your tastes completely.
Oh gee, you sure got me now... friendo
halo 4 had some of the most beautiful landscapes
that's the only positive thing I can say
Cliff please leave
It's fun
I don't hate any video games
Halo 4 in general is underrated in that while it is a step down from the bungie titles in most regards, it's still a pretty good game and is pretty much the best FPS released between 2011-2013. Despite the codificiation of the MP in many regards, it does still *feel* like halo in terms of core gameplay, as well, it's just covered by a few thin layers of rust. Regicide was a great game mode.
What it really does well that nobody else talks about is the environments and atmosphere. People like to shit on the new forerunner aeshetic but the forerunner ruins and associated music in the campaign captures the same sort of mysterious otherwordly atmospehre CE had in it's day. I'd even argue that even giving CE slack for it's age 4 does a better job here.
It's a shame the story is so dogshit and the missions themselves are so consistently "alright" without being much better, had the story actually executed on what it was trying to do well and it's mission quality was on par with 3 or reach's, let alone 2's or ODST's, it easily could have been one of the top 3 single player campaign's in the series.
PUBG seems to make a lot of people happy and might influence some game in the future to make a battle royale game mode that isn't awful and boring.
Yeah I suppose it might be fun if you enjoy having dick in your ass. But for the average person it's absolutely trash tier garbage.
Warframe has interesting lore, engaging gameplay and aesthetics.
All of that falls flat on it's pay to win or grind untill your teeth turn grey bullshit.
Well, it seems i destroyed your point then
I remember my experience with MGS4
that's the only slightly positive thing I can say
Things that are "good" for fags aren't good whatsoever.
if it weren't a halo game, it'd probably be one of my more favorite sci-fi universes.
the issue is what they retconned and what they changed
for example, the music was pretty good until you notice the parts that try to imitate marty and salvatori, then you realize it's shit
Says you, and you just might be a fag in denial
Skyboxes as well, it outright matches bungie's skyboxes in that regard, which is impressive.
Granted, this is mostly moreso the case for the outsourced MP maps, which was done by the same company that did H2A MP, I think, which also has gorgeous skyboxes; but 4's SP has some pretty damn good ones too
There were probably at least a few people on the Mass Effect Andromeda team that were extremely talented and wanted the project to be amazing, to make a good game that was true to the spirit of the original trilogy but were railroaded by shitty coworkers and higher ups at EA.
Jaal and Drack were interesting characters, enough that I wanted to know more about them than the game gave you.
Some of the environments were absolutely beautiful.
Tempest is a cool name for a ship.
I literally hunt down and tortures fags. Look up Russian gay assasin craiglists in google. Thats me.
Undertale has great music and I'd fuck Undyne
ASSFAGGOTS + Overwatch have cute girls
>ive played games like these back on NES/SEGA days
Name 5
>Silent Hill 4
Great music and the parts in the apartment are pretty cool. I really want to like this game but the controls are trash. And this is coming from someone who loves silent hill and resident evil and has no issues with tank controls
Outlast does a good job of immersion with Upshur's frantic breathing and the way his hands move on walls and such.
Is this you?
Yeah right edgelord. Fuckin self hating homo over here
yea that's me
you're on my list bitch.
Y-you t-too
Any 2D platformer of that era. Literally any. Showel Knight is just another generic old school platformer to me when I tried it.
Why haven't you taken down the biggest gay guy in Russia yet?
Persona 3-5 certainly have style.
Fallout 3 lead to Fallout New Vegas.
putin isn;t gay. He's the one ordering the assassinations.
DmC: Devil May Cry had actually satisfying combat and the angel handblade things were neat. I also somewhat liked the music. And although the platforming sections that plague every level in the game that makes no level fun to replay, they are objectively the best platforming sections in the series.
Diablo 3 has very smooth feeling gameplay, which is a trademark of Blizzard in general.
The paintbrush style to everything really made the visuals leave a lasting impression in me
I still don't understand why people dislike SS... I mean aside from the waggle
God Hand has a good art style
- Empty Sky
- Fetch quests or some other busywork before every dungeon
- Have to do the first dungeon twice
- The Imprisoned fights weren't very good, and you had to fight him three times.
- Underwater fetch quest
- Fi is the most annoying companion in the series.
I used to have more complaints, but I haven't played the game in six years, so I've forgotten others.
Companion reputation was nice. In most CRPGs you get a check list. You just tell companions whatt hey want to hear to get the most out of them and it discourages actual roleplay
In DA2, if you pissed off your companion he would develop a 'rival' reputation that had its own benefits and special spells in direct opposition to having them as a friend.
It was good game design
Mass effect is killing Bioware.
Dragon Age 2 taught me any many others to never trust reviewers.
Borderlands 2 had Krieg
LoL keeps faggots away from other games
Paladins is free
The time stones in Skyward Sword were pretty neat.
I like the designs of some of the flying vehicles in Jak 2
Bloodborne has fantastic animations, and the couple bosses that aren't "(blank) Beast" are pretty alright by me.
Now I want to hear what you didn't like about it since I always see people praise it. Personally, I didn't like the Blood Vial system because when you hit one of the game's harder points, all it does is force you to grind out Blood Vials before getting back to it.
Graphics were great and concept of Bioshock Infinite was intresting. But they fucked it up in execution
>battlefield 1
the graphics are good.
I like the terrain destruction.
I like the time-period/setting.
I just wish it was more like Red Orchestra, Squad, or Insurgency; or at the very least had proper dedicated servers and modding/map-making.
Ffx has a great battle system and nothing else