Nioh CE Coming to PC

what the point of having a ps4 if all exclusives end in pc?

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pc costed me $1k and ps4 costed me $200
if you don't see why someone would choose PS4, then you're low iq

>Dragon's Quest
>Monster Hunter
>Harvest Moon
>Saran Kagura
and soon to be SMT.

It was never an exclusive or claimed to be one. It just wasn't on anything else at the time. Do you think fucking dynasty warriors is "exclusive" just because the pc version takes an extra 6 months?

Sony literally copies EVERYTHING MS does, eh

Beat it kid



What's the point of being mad more people get to play great games?

why would u waste 1k on a computer? u can get something decent with 300-600

now factor in online subscriptions and game prices

weeb games

ikr wtf?! I begin to feel buyer's remorse!

Is it really a waste? I'd rather games run better than worse. Considering how bad some ports are
games go on sale all the time and there's an exploit to get free online on ps4

But let me guess, you have also a Laptop or desktop-PC, right?

>applauding delayed ports of console games on your high priced console emulator
never seen a playerbase this cucked before, its shameful how pleb the pc userbase has become

your reading comprehension is godawful

talk about pubg on ps4 righ!?

>He hasn't heard about Sony pledging big reveals at Paris Game Week.
Get fucked you false flag bitch.

None of those are PS4 exclusives though


>played it on ps4 pro on 4k tv already
>will support on PC to play at hopefully higher stable frame rates at true 4K

What are you poor? Support the studios that make what you like and especially when they push to a PC release if it's not a lazy port.

>No cuphead
>Exclusive gets ported
>Being this much of an asshole about it.

And before you go "lol idc", you do.

Why dose my wojack thread get instantly delted but this stays up?

LOL... I spend at least that on single parts. Gotta render my custom vr waifus as fast as possible.

>PC gets console's sloppy seconds and acts like its a big victory
I'm happy you guys are getting games though.

I bought a physical copy of Nioh 6 months ago, I'm fine with it coming to PC although I don't plan on rebuying it.

Maybe I'll get it on a Steam sale and replay it then.

>Why dose my wojack thread get instantly delted but this stays up?
>posts wojaks
You have to be 18 to post here.

Whats the Steam page of Bloodborne, OP?
Whats the Steam page of TLOU, OP?
Whats the Steam page of Uncharted, OP?
Whats the Steam page of P5, OP?
Whats the Steam page of Yakuza series, OP?
Whats the Steam page of GoW, OP?
Whats the Steam page of SpidermanPS4, OP?

Guess what happened when PS4 got Ark

Explain the exploit or its just false

>Persona/SMT related releases
>no Persna games are listed
what did fatlus mean by this?

>Caring about The Last of War

>all these shitty games only sonybros care about wow sad...

Holy shit. That salt.

nobody cares nioh anymore it was ok but not even nearly good as bloodborne.

>Blowing your wad straight away

Should have saved the best for last and put Bloodborne at the bottom m8, that's the only one anyone gives a damn about

PC always wins, baby

> more salt than british food

Top major kek.

>blatantly admitting you were only shilling the game because it's exclusive

you are the cancer

not him but nioh was never exclusive
it never said it on the box

Nobody cares about the other shit, you still only have Bloodborne. After all these years, it's still only Bloodborne.

Doesn't matter. Nintendo loses exclusives too.

Nah man, I care about Persona 5, too. Luckily, I can just emulate it, though.

>all exclusives
>one example

Yeah P5's cool but it's a PS3 game plus it's going to Switch soon :^)

What the fuck ever man, Nioh is too good to not be played by PC gamers.

>bought Nioh and FFXV for PS4 because they were "NEVER EVER" coming to PC
>already both of them have PC releases announced
>trade-in values for both are pathetic and won't even cover half the cost to re-buy them again on the superior platform

When this was announced as an ""exclusive"" I kept saying I don't give a shit, and I mean I relish in the fact that PS4 babbies get mad but honestly you can keep your weird weeaboo souls lite shit I don't even want to play that

Drunk germanfag here, got that one pretty wrong ¯\_ ッ ି_/¯

>Harvest Moon

I normally wouldn't give a shit about your console wars, but screw you and the horse you rode in on for even daring to recommend the awful post-split Natsume!Harvest Moon games just because it provides console war ammo.

Only game on that list that are worth anything are Yakuza, MAYBE spooderman and p5

>inb4 someone lists a bunch of weeb trash games like neptunia




Bloodborne is garbage.

lol i bet


show me a "decent" build for $300 and ill show you my nudes

>pc chads get nioh
>pc chads get persona 5 with emu
>ps3 emulator is advancing extremely quickly now more than ever after atlus gave them a bunch of attention. They are even able to work on the emu fulltime.
>soon all of the ps3 games will be even better on pc with 60fps and higher resolution

WipEout Omega Collection for that sweet 2048 remake.

Holy shit compose yourself user

there ya go

PS4 is back to 1 game, then?

i ate it allrerady now you can get the bones.

And then they still get them
only difference being the PS4 gets fucked because it has no advantages over the PC versions

yeah bloodborne suck! sonic is best! right bros

>*Also on Nintendo

enjoy your old leftovers pirate cuck

PCfag here
can I get a source on this?

Absolutely not a single one of those is exclusive

>Whats the Steam page of P5, OP?
We can emulate it. We got the technology!

I honestly feel betrayed and no not because it's going to PC. I bought it at release with a PS4 because they really needed the sale then they told me to buy the DLC so I did and then they fucking betray me and port it to PC the superior platform with all DLC included with a fucking lower price. I could have been having a better experience with way less cost, fuck them I'm never giving them a cent ever again.

>Buying DLC
Are you retarded user?

So it's back to just bloodborne

Holy shit, this just keeps getting better and better. I'm so glad that I personally didn't fall for the Playstation 4 meme

oh cool
>obligatory 79.99 KOEI port
don't fuck this up

besides 1 or 2 i love how they all are shit too

literally zero hype from me

may get it on sale tho


>PS4 gets a PC port
>Radio silence, people just enjoy/play the games
>PC gets a PS4 port
>omg all ps4 exclusives are shit lmao so glad i didnt fall for PS4 meme

The funny thing is PC is literally the biggets multiplatform system and by the same reductions is an even bigger no game system.

I just wish you faggots would stop sour gaping, you are genuinely missing out on a variety of really good, new and interesting games by trying to justify not owning a PS4. You can do the latter just dont start beliving you're not missing out on good games or that being a single PC platform only shitter is the best option because it aint

No need to wrry after Tecmo realize how much money they're wasting because PCFAGS pirate this to the ground ,they won't put another one,I'm sure of it.


>never ever pc

Holy shit user you are retarded. Did you think theyd stop at 13 and 10 for no reason?

>and i am basing this entirely on nothing

This iant the first kekei kekmo game on steam user

>only difference being the PS4 gets fucked because it has no advantages over the PC versions

Same applies when Breath of the Wild hits PC, there's no reason to own said console. We all know the Switch is getting cracked sooner or later, it always happens to Nintendo console. What will you do then?

>4gb DDR4

>Spend 1k on a PC that will be able to play most modern games and can be upgraded once the tech becomes too outdated.
>Spend 200 on a PS4, which will only last one generation, forces you to pay to play online games, and all for the handful of exclusives that it actually has that are worth owning.
PC is an investment, consoles are a gamble.

>We all know the Switch is getting cracked sooner or later, it always happens to Nintendo console. What will you do then
Ar you fucking stupid. Cracked means that it gets homebrew and easy to pirate games, why would you NOT want to buy it then? Emulation is still ways off, it took the Wii U 4 years to get emulation and its still ass

Because PS4 doesn't have many exclusives and Sonybros know deep down that they backed the wrong horse.

Nintendo + PC masterrace reporting in.