I and many others will also be hosting a month long Gravelord party at the top of Sen's fortress (and or Tomb Of giants) for the Return To Lordran event.
We're all dead, baby. Come on let's mingle. It's going to be real fuckin nito.
You do not need to be on NG+. That is ONLY for NPC phantoms. Everything else works as intended on regular NG. come get gravelorded!!

Sen's Fortress bonfire area (the roof above the bonfire)
Sl115-130 (125 recommended)
GRAVELORDS use eye of death on roof area above Sen's bonfire. Fight solo or team up with a red phantom. You must have the boss alive and be in human form to infect Sen's Fortress. The more gravelords the better, so please come as a gravelord if you are able. Remember that gravelords CAN invade other gravelords and see other gravelord signs, even with an eye of death active.

HUNTERS invade through gravelord signs and eliminate the infecting gravelords. Fight solo or team up with a red phantom. You don't need to have the boss alive or be in human form to invade a gravelord through gravelord sign. You do not need to be in ng+ to see gravelord signs. You only need to be in ng+ or higher to see area black phantom enemies.

WILD CARD PHANTOMS invade using red eye orbs to team up with gravelords or kill gravelords. The choice is yours.

FIGHT RULES Gravelords may use estus and heal with humanity. No mushrooms or blessings allowed. Hunters MAY NOT HEAL. Wild Card Phantoms MAY NOT HEAL either. TWoP is not allowed. No modded stats or gear. Go hard but have fun, and respect each other. No salt please.

Other urls found in this thread:

There seems to be some confusion by 4channers regarding gravelording according to comments made in the last thread shown here:

>implying everyone isn't going to be going through the game hollow until their builds are done
>implying everyone will be willing to jump into NG+ when they've already just finished the game and already have all areas open
What a useless covenant.
Anonymous 10/02/17(Mon)17:54:39 No.392154058▶
gravelords had a ton of potential, but it was rendered pointless. No effect on NG0, meaning the vast majority of people going through the game. And there's no way for the gravelord to actually watch the fruits of his labor. Instead, he just waitlords and fantasizes about people having trouble against black phantoms.

That and the rules are so convoluted. You need to be NG+. You need to be within SL range. You need to have your boss around, AND the gravelord needs to have HIS boss around so people can invade him, etc.


You guys are correct in terms of the covenant being convoluted and hard to utilize naturally but this is a special event for PvP during the RTL event. Nobody needs to be in NG+ as mentioned in my original post along with the many darksouls wiki articles. I repeat NG+ is meaningless. It's only for the NPC phantoms which are very fun when spreading disasters to other people's worlds but meaningless for the event.



fuck right off

How do you know its a reddit gathering there fagmo?

Gayest thread on Sup Forums right now, even more than the ones on /lgbt/. Congrats

It's really not though I hate reddit and it's cancerous hivemind, mod controlled, upvoting, cum pun cookieing ways which is exactly why you're seeing this here.


> reddit shit
> tldr rules

So is Sup Forums full of redditards who scream reddit when they see it? Fuck off both of you

>post reddit game event
>"bah why are you saying its reddit???"

sauce me the reddit page sempai

Why would I ever visit reddit?

You know its a reddit event so yes

Maybe because it says reddit in the picture dumbnuts. Stay on reddit and never post here again

you can see it in the bottom right of the image though.

Rules are pretty commonsense. No Twop (as if anybody uses that anymore anyway) and invaders can't heal. Sure some will. But it's there and it's to help keep shit somewhat balanced. The long post and explanation is created more for educating people on how gravelording works and how you don't need NG+ at all whatsoever contrary to popular opinion. Most likely yours. Chances are you won't even be playing during october let alone play the game normally outside of the special event.

just link me the reddit page sempai I know you have it

It literally says so in the images you illiterate fuck.

Are you antireddit cunts so stupid you don't realize the reason why I'm posting here is because I couldn't give a fuck less about reddit and I post my events everywhere including reddit. Sup Forums etc etc to get the activity on the best game in the world up. Just another one of many social media shitpipes we suck from on a day to day basis. According to every human alive in a 1st world country each and every one of you faggots hating reddit are at the same time staring at your phone's facebook app on a day to day basis. If I should die so should you. Let's all die and do some gravelording on top of sen's fortress starting Oct4th and into the entire month.

Just link it bruh
Maybe we should do a Sup Forums vs reddit dark souls session and BTFO them like we did with tribes ascend


>plebbit is starting new characters

Can't wait to host fight clubs in the woods again.

Nice projecting faggot but I've never used facebook or leddit in my life. Some of us actually care about our privacy. This site was infinitely better when your redditards didn't flood the board 2 years ago. Now all I see are reddit caps and links to r/whatever every fucking day. Talking about reddit in any way should be a bannable offense especially if it means scum like you will stop shitting up our boards

But by doing so you would be partaking in an event you think is made by reddit people for reddit people thus furthering contribution to a "reddit event". So best bet for people like you who don't have their gravelords "revd up" at all times like an avid darksouls1 player should, would be to not even play so they don't contribute to a reddit community event.

Fortunately it's not a reddit event and it's only made to bring more activity (coop and pvp) to one of the best game of all time. So by darkwraithing you will be doing us all a favour. Make sure to invade in Sen's for the gravelord event!

I've been shitting up Sup Forums since I was a teenybopper, long before reddit was even worthy of being hated. Just come out and gravelord one of the best games ever made and stop creating a false war between two websites neither one of us really give a shit about.

what is this some kind of revival event to get more people playing again?
Game's dead or I wouldn't have moved on to the next ones

What if I'm using my modded cursing, equipment breaking, covenant erasing, save corruption, hope destroying character?

Let me know when It's DS2 and we'll see.

False. Do you use DSCM? If not, install it. What are you trying to do in the game? Meta PvP or coop in low activity areas where people just breeze through normally?

If you want actual stats because you don't want to take my word for it:

Join the rest of the Script kiddies and make my day. They're are in all games everywhere at all times. Save backups and pvpwatchdog are a thing and you can't do anything past the limitations of skidware you download off the internet because you can't code. I would suggest doing that in dks3 though as you will have a lot more unsuspecting targets and people who will send you hatemail.

>0 nodes
wat do

Lets go right now motherfuckers top of sens fortress

Never ran into that problem myself not even in the lowest of activity areas during downtimes. Hey look nobody is asking you to play dks1. If you enjoy the infinite stamina blow trading pvp of dks3 or that other darksouls game that shall not be named then go for it. If you're serious then I really can't help you aside from suggesting you look into your firewalls or move out of the bad interwebbed shithole you dwell in. You can always check with the mod creator too.

I'm not talking about Darkwraithing. I'm talking about DICKwraithing. Level 1 twink invades. Great Combustion, Poison Needles, Dung, sapping their humanity with Dark Hand. Join my Sup Forumsrothers, and together we will fuck their shit up in the name of Kaathe.