You don't actually play videogames in public do you?

You don't actually play videogames in public do you?

who cares? i'm a grown ass man i can do whatever i want

The key is to not play video games in public if you look like THAT. Daniel Craig was spotted playing a PSP at an airport and he still looked like had more class than 90% of men.

i play my sony psp vita sometimes

nah i dont leave my room all good my dude

I'll bring my 3DS out when I know I am going to be waiting for a bit.

is that paul blart?

Is he STILL dying of cancer? my uncle lasted like a year after the chemo and this british prick is still going? what the fuck please just die already

>Implying I go out in public.

Is that somecallmejonny? He needs to get on with his kindom hearts marathon.

I own Microsoft and Sony products so unfortunately I can't leave my TV

look how everyone else in that pic doesnt give a shit. why are people so afraid to play a game in public? Work i understand but waiting for the bus or on an airplane or waiting room?

I feel too anxious in public to either read or play anything, music is better, but I still don't really like doing it in public.

what if I'm playing a game were I'm discussing the latest Saturday Night Live


I sure do!

Used to play a gba micro to kill time and later a DS. I don't buy handhelds anymore and at the very most now I'll visit a local place that has arcade cabinets, game systems and compete in fight nights.

I hate videogames.

What, so he can go on and tell you what you should already know? When the fuck has Juan Ortiz ever had an interesting and unique opinion?

>Australian soccer team

>implying I leave the house

Wrong guy. But yes, TotalCancer still hasn't died.

i play piano tiles 2

This. Anything an overweight person wearing a Rugrats shirt does it going to look retarded and childish. The average person playing a Switch or Psp in public won't look much different from someone just fucking around on their phone. "Gamers" just tend to have terribly childish fashion sense and poor health. They stick out whether they have a gameboy in their hands or not.

The only acceptable time to play games in public if you give a shit about your public image is when you're on public transit for more than an hour. Otherwise it makes you look like an impatient child. Yes there's a double standard due to the fact that everybody's on their phones and there's really no difference, but it's just a fact of society

>not taking your switch to pokken locals
do you have any friends user?

Is it that hard? Its not about playing videogames in public or not, its about how you look like doing it.

Is it hat hard to get good looking glasses, shave the neckbeard, lose some weight and dress properly instead of wearing a fucking Rugrats T-Shirt? Not to mention he probably smells like shit because he doesnt wipe his butt.

Tri hourly reminder playing vidya in public isn't socially unacceptable
being fat and ugly is

Its a cherrypicked image. Just like most pictures are in these types of threads!
If you honestly believe everyone who plays a console in public look fat and unattractive I would absolutely love to see what most of you faggots look like before I take threads like these threads seriously.

Grown ass manchild

On the very rare occasions I know I'm going to be waiting a while somewhere like a doctor appointment or something I'll take my 3DS and some headphones with. I have to drive everywhere and I don't have time to play at work so I don't usually have any opportunities to game on the go.

obviously not, user. just look at him