Is it essential I play the game or can I just watch the anime...

is it essential I play the game or can I just watch the anime? I dont want to sink 30hr into this if I can do it in like 5

If you're even asking this question in the first place than there's zero reason for you to play the game cause obviously you're not interested in playing it.

If you think 30hr is a long time to be playing a game, then don't even bother with this.

Anime isn't good for those who did not play the game. You can't even understand a plot entirely.

The movies gloss over a lot of important details that go on in between the segments, way more than the P4 anime did. Like I watched the second movie on Netflix, and if I hadn't played the game, I wouldn't even be able to tell you what the fuck was going on. The movies also suck.

Also, it's closer to 80 hours if you're going fast.

Just watch the movies. The only thing you'll be missing out on are the mediocre SLinks

Hahahahahahaha. Try 70.

>30 hrs
Oh you sweet summer child

The game is good and at least twice as long as 30 hours. You'll get a whole hell of a lot more out of the story if you play the game. Play FES on PS2 for the best experience.

The movies add in a lot of filler in the second movie for no reason
They also fucked up the final boss fight hard when the ending of the game is by far the best part of it
I'd recommend against just watching the movie

>i have never played a JRPG before

>30 hours

>30 hours
>as if that's too long
Maybe you should go to

think more like 80-100hr


Nigga (soft not hard) I have a life to live

Don't play this then, or expect to for months. Nigger

>Watching the Persona 3 anime instead of playing the game
>Thinks Persona 3 FES is only 30 hours long
OP, what is wrong with you?

Then don't play it faggot, just know the anime movies are pretty shit if you decide to go that route

The Persona 4 anime was alright, none of the other megaten anime are good

OP dont play the game. Actually, dont play games.
Actually dont play.
Actually dont. Just dont.

Dirty anal queen

damn, straight, the first time I played this, it took me 80 hours aprox.

unironically this t b h. P3 is a trash game that only has the story going for it. Even so, it's so average that people only really hang on to the nostalgia


You need to go back

nah, I played P3P for the first time three months ago and it was perfect.

>it's so average that people only really hang on to the nostalgia

I didn't understand what you meant by nostalgia in this case

>Even so, it's so average that people only really hang on to the nostalgia
I'm playing it now coming off of P5, in January at the moment which I'm assuming is near the end given the general tone of it. It's no literary masterpiece by any means but I like the characters and story/themes a lot more than P5
though the structure of the game is absolutely fucked, I thought P5 was a slog to get through but P3 has so much fucking padding everywhere. It absolutely does not need to be an 80+ hour game.

>I played P3P
ny condolences

I enjoyed P3P much more than FES. It was actually playable without the shitty padding and archaic-ass gameplay mechanics. By nostalgia, I mean that a majority of people who hang on to the idea that P3 is somehow so much better than it actually was it are just blinded by nostalgia.

P3 overall has a better story, but that's not hard considering P4 and P5 both had pretty mediocre stories and characters.


You see, you wrote a whole bunch of stuff, but nowhere in it do I see a single argument

P3 is a better game than P4 and P5 combined.

yeah, those are cool. But the gameplay is a bit better on P3P so I just went with that version

Dream team.

Aki-senpai, Da Man and Aigis.

It's not better, it's different.
Different in a way that takes away a lot of variety and flavor in exchange for faster and less challenging fights

>less chalenging fights
>MC is struck and gets low to 10HP
>"Fuck please cast Diarama on me Yukari!"
>Yukari casts Media/Garu/Magaru
>nothin persenel

Nice anectode I guess? Dunno what you're getting at here

It's even worse when they cure a status effect instead of healing you. Man I'm I glad that Atlus got rid of the AI for good.

How does that have anything to do with any of the points?

Da Man, Onee-chan Mitsuru, and heal slut yukari

I bet you didn't played the game then?
You cant control your teamates in P3, they have their own AI which you can more or less set up the type of behavior they can have. You unlock more "behaviours" trough the game.
But the thing is, some characters that could partake into multiples roles, such as Yukari who can be Healer and DPS, or Ken who can be Healer, DPS and make use of Hama skills, the AI is kind of fucked. So they will often fuck you up because their priorities can be weird, such as casting Media when the MC is low and you have like 3 party members with 5% less hp, instead of simply healing the MC since the hp of the rest of party is negligible in that situation and the MC's life is critical.

The AI fucking you over isn't challenging, it's annoying.

That doesn't have anything to do with the points presented tho.
P3P is less challenging

Then why not just say that instead of typing like a retard?

P3P is less challenging not because of the party control but because of the knockdown system.
You can end fights with multiple varieties of enemies with different weaknesses thanks to P3P's knockdown system allowing you to keep getting turns as long as you knock one enemy down

Why the fuck would not want to play the best game in the series?

>has a life
>plays jrpgs
what the fuck are you doing

And don't forget team mates taking what would be killing blows for you.

And in FES you could abuse the knockdown system by making the enemies waste a whole turn getting up which was arguably more broken.

Knockdowns weren't a guarantee and they could also happen to your teammates, especially if you were stupid with weaknesses. In P3P this mistake is negligible to the player and pretty much instant death for the un-tweaked enemy AI.

>Then why not just say that instead of typing like a retard?

You're talking with two different persons, not just me. You could've guessed by just seeing multiple replies.

And no, it was pretty chalenging. You had limited amount of time to grind Tartarus because of the Tired mechanic. Going back to the lobby to replenish SP would cost you members if they were tired, and the pacing in Tartarus was that you had to fight off bosses more or less constantly because of floor progression. Taking bosses was chalenging since you didn't knew what to expect, may had to get back SP, needed to save constantly, and going back to the lobby would cost you members, thus progression most of the times.
You beat the game on easy or something?

For example

Imagine you have 5 enemies, 2 weak to ice, one weak to fire, one weak to wind and one to electricity.
In FES you need to hit each individual weakness if you want an all out attack, you can't do this with a maragi cast since multi target spells don't give one more turn if you don't knockdown every enemy in the screen
In P3P you can cast maragi once and deal damage to every enemy without losing a turn because the knockdown system would allow you to get more turns as long as you knocked an enemy down.

This was balanced by multiple other things.
You would lose tons of SP by stunlocking an enemy, which would hinder your tartarus progress as you'd have less resources to use on your trek
If you went back to the bottom floor you'd get it back, but you'd have to restart from a certain floor.
This isn't the case in P3P since you can re-start from the floor you left after replenishing your SP and don't have to worry about your teammates leaving.

And like mentioned, every party member can save you from death once, which isn't the case in FES and makes the game much more challenging than P3P

So once again FES is '''challenging''' because the AI sucks balls. A decent AI will cover you even if you screwed up during your turn.

You're thinking of FES, in P3P the tiredness mechanic is non-existent and your teammates never leave


why the fuck would you watch that awful anime?

>I Have Literally No Fucking Idea How To Foresee Potential Problems And Set Appropriate Tactics: The Post: The Experience: The Musical
Maybe P3 is a bit too tough for you, brainlet. I suppose the giant letters screaming "HEAL/SUPPORT" were a touch subtle for your addled self.

tl;dr, since reading must be tough for you:
ur a faget

>but you'd have to restart from a certain floor
You and I both know this barely matters because tartarus floors are a joke thus making the 'I'm gonna stun lock the shit out of you' the best strategy by far.

I played through the entirety of hard mode without any significant AI issues. I think the only time this was an actual problem was the very first release, and it was largely limited to Mitsuru, but since FES exists I dunno why anyone would keep trying to push this as a universal fact. Maybe they deeply regret spending so much time playing the inferior version first or something.


>inb4 some faggot reccomends p3p instead

>tartarus floors are a joke
Plenty of times I've had the dumb idea of running around skipping enemies and plenty of times I've had the demise of running into a wall, getting attacked by a purple shadow first then dying.
If you stunlock every enemy and leave for free SP your teammates will eventually get tired and leave, making your progress much harder.

He means that characters would literally jump in front of you when you were about to die ALA Persona 5, nothing to do with the AI


Plus, doing that instead of just fighting normally is also extremely time consuming, it's better to just fight each fight until you reach the teleport pad without trying to keep the enemy from having a turn

> I suppose the giant letters screaming "HEAL/SUPPORT" were a touch subtle for your addled self
>Fuuka says: Wind is its weakness. Use Garu skills!
>Yukari will never use Garu to knock down an enemy if your party is at least -1hp since she will prioritize healing before literally anything else
>you are pretty much prone to being hit eventually
>using this strat literally render party members with healing skills as non dpsers

Are... You...

If only we could but FES and observe the AI underperform and make dumb mistakes like caring fear instead of casting diarama.
The tired system becomes a non-issue after 2 or 3 ingame months. It's a shame because it's the only thing stopping you from cheesing the game.

>play 3
>love it
>play 5
>blows me away
>play 4
doesn't hold up after 5
what do

Play the fucking gane. Things like anime and movies are more for fans who just want more of the franchise, you won't understand a thing going on.
P3 is an average Persona game but a fantastic game overall, it's an experience you should enjoy fully by playing

I vividly remember being in the block with the golden halls and still having to makes three visits to complete the whole block because tiredness

If you dont want to spend time on it. Dont play it.

>>Fuuka says: Wind is its weakness. Use Garu skills!
>>Yukari will never use Garu to knock down an enemy if your party is at least -1hp since she will prioritize healing before literally anything else
Are you? Because you once again missed the letters spelling out "Knock Down," which would guarantee her using those skills. It's really funny, because I can tell by the scenarios you're posting that you HAVE played P3 and aren't just spreading memes you saw on a comic, and yet you're still too fucking dumb to know how to fix your problem. I laugh at you and everyone like you. The lowest common denominator retarded cancer that killed modern games.


Just accept it. P5 is the culmination of the 3, fixing the mistakes of the rest. P3 is fantastic because it was more "original" but with P4 is just the awkward middle stage

>warning: consult a doctor you nigger


>being this controversial
If you use one strat, you cant use the other unless you change them mid game. Changing mid game is tricky because of the press turns, and being hindered by Knock Down or Ailments.
Now stop being a retard already, im itching out of your edgy autism.

Normal. P4 is the garbage one of the 3.

I always cleared tartarus in one night because I always go for the max slink run.
I like Persona, but there's absolutely no way in hell I'm doing a ng+.

>unless you change them mid game
...Yes. Yes, that is the entire fucking point of the system. It's like you're right there, but too fucking dumb to make that last step. Jesus Christ. You know the Tactics option doesn't disappear after turn 1, right? God fucking damn, you've gone from funny to just sad.

I'll still always hold P3FES as my favorite Persona because of how many unique mechanics it has and how customizable it is.
Also because my waifu is in it

Play 2

>blatantly ignoring everything i said to justify not simply using the black or white strat and cherrypicking statements just to sound right

>includes a 52 page hard on art and a sock of shoji meguro
I guess you gotta buy two copies for the full set

>max S.Link run
That is the worst way to play P3 tho


>30 hours
Try 80 and none of it really feels like padding. Why would you not want that though? It made me appreciate the journey, feel like I actually came to know the characters and was sad to leave them behind.

Completely understandable. While I did say P5 is the culmination and fixes the mistakes, P3 does still have its charms..and some better characters

If you're not interested in the game don't play it you mong.

Yeah, there are so many things that P3 has that I miss seeing in other games.
Hopefully the HD remake fixes that.

>using fists
You're a good man. Not the best man, but a good one.

God Tier:

Great Tier:

Good Tier:
1H Swords
2H Swords

Shit Tier:

In Memoriam Tier:
Heavy Weapons

Your opinions are objectively wrong.

I concur. Unless you're already on ng+ and have your stats maxed, going for the max run requires so much planning, it's no fun at all.

just play the video game faggot

lol retard p3p is literally easy mode no mattter the difficulty

lets not even talk about all the out of combat changes either... p3p is flat out inferior unless for 2nd playthrough for meme female playthrough

After i beat the game i sticked to 2h because of how cool the Masakado's Katana was. Do you remember what Junpei says when you give him one?

It don't matter. Persona's ng+ sucks ass and its battle system is too mediocre to waste another 50+ hours for a few slinks.

Eh, too flashy for my liking, the spinning looks silly.

Fists had the best stats and were the ones I could get first turn the easiest with
Also, no better feeling than finishing off Nyx Avatar with a crit punch

In all fairness, a NG+ max S.Link run is really no better. Since nearly ALL of your social stat raising is done at night, where there are basically no S.Links, you aren't gaining any USEFUL time by starting at max. You justhave a bunch of nighttime slots where you can't do shit but go to bed or the arcade.

The game is amazing and still my favourite experience I've had with vidya over a decade later, for all its quirks and flaws.

>Sleeping Table

Same, my man. I love these characters so much. And the OST, damn. Hell, I still get choked up at Akihiko's Ascension scene and subsequently fucking hate Atlus for turning based Akihiko-senpai into a retard.

>not cheesing sleeping table by crit abusing