What's inside his head?

what's inside his head?

Other urls found in this thread:


A straw.

A neutral color that doesn't break his color scheme.

Supposedly the liquid he keeps shooting.

My cum

Cartoon juice



This but unironically


More cups

Artificial difficulty

just found out its never coming to ps4
fuck those devs and fuck anyone trying to shill for fucking microsoft studio games, lol
was gonna wait for psn release and play then, but nah fuck it pirate time


Grey matter, grey matter

If the liquid spilled out, would it kill him? Or is it non-essential and he just keeps it around?

The PC version is extremely well-optimized though, if you're posting here and have a controller to hook up, it plays just fine.

like, what were they even thinking when designing this section?

youtube.com/watch?v=b_6V-iSbMM0 This guy's tears

yeah its gonna play real well without playing on my pc, did i say i wanted to support some cancerous fucking toxic platform like XBL? nah fuck these devs

that piece of shit phil spencer tries to play pity card with cross play then fucks over 90% of players by making good games exclusives to his console

Souls. Dark ones.

Seeing as this is the 1930's, probably gin.

he ok?

jesus you sound really butthurt
chill the fuck out dude

Made me think of this



That's the joke.

>getting this mad over a cup

It's not a Microsoft game, they just partially funded it.

orange soda

this guy's tears

>game is announced it's not coming to your console

>but you can still easily play it on PC

>gets mad

Are you 14?

It would be extremely painful.

I’m pretty sure it was arsenic, if the older trailers are anything to go by.


>The PC version is extremely well-optimized though
No it's not.
It has memory leaks out the ass.


Hot Sperm.

I'm not going to build a 1200 € PC just to play this shit game. Stay cucked steamfag.

It's already shown to be moonshine in the trailer.

>1200 € PC
>for an indie platformer
why do people say things like this when they know they're not true?

In the trailer from E3 a few years back before Cuphead and Mugman hop into the fire, he's pouring alcohol into his head

Because it's bait.

people have played cuphead on a gpdwin lmao

Is no one bothered about how dumb the character is? Why a cup? This is probably the only game where the main character is the absolute worst part of it

:* now you know how do we feel when there are bs sony exclusives

I find the aesthetic of the game to be fantastic and the cast to be cool looking, but I hate the fact that the characters are CUPS. Like, it ruins the whole design and makes no sense that they're just walking cups with shit flowing out their heads.

>also a cup

Fuck this.

vex milk


that's liquid pornography tho

It's 'wacky' and it catches the eye (mine at least). It's a cartoon so I don't really think about the implications of it.

>no one likes Mugman
it hurts

i dont think you understand what he means as that would fall under difficulty.

Mugman is clearly the superior brother though. Cuphead was the asshole that caused the entire plot of the game.

>plot of the game

im sorry what?

I don't think I've ever seen somebody rage this bad. Is he mentally ill?

dont fucking ask bitch

>devs decide to pass on the objectively best platform
I'm not even memeing. Just a dumb move on their part

here i was thinking id give it a go

Cuphead threw the dice that put them in debt while Mugman didn't want to gamble anymore, is what that user is saying.

>console retard doenst know anything about computers


kill yourself console fag

seems like he has a pretty good grasp of the situation.

pc gaming is fucking expensive im not sure why you would try to deny that.

A gambling addiction

stay mad faggot

>the virgin mug
>the chad cup

>you need a gaming pc to play Cuphead

It's on steam you mongoloid.

>Actually getting this mad over video games
Fucking Christ user read a book or something

>can't play a Mugman

Holy fucking shit, the autism is strong with Sup Forums tonight.

>extra hp instead of vanishing dash

had this 100% apple pie moonshine shit. Pretty good. thats what happens when one of your best friends rents at a crazy old hippies house.

when is it not?

I wonder what sort of tech wizard you have to be to make something like this.

Oh so that's why you're so retarded.

>was going to pay for it on ps4
>pirates instead

how come cuphead looked like a bad-ass who deals with the devil on near-equal terms in the trailer while in the final game he's some kind of pussy ass bitch that had to be given super powers by the elder?

I've been trying to S rank Hilda Berg for about an hour and a half now.
>mfw I got hit 2 seconds before finishing her and lost the S because of that
By the time I finish getting all S ranks, I'm gonna be too ashamed to post about it because I'm gonna have 1000 deaths and retries.

It's on GOG, so it's easy as fuck to pirate. Do that if you don't want to support the devs.

Sony roaches are the most retardedly brand loyal subhumans out there.
Nioh is bad now only because it's on steam, same with Bayonetta, same with monster hunter until it came back to Sony so it's suddenly good again. They're not even going to play cuphead, they're just going to pirate it to "make a statement."

pc gaming might be expensive but a toaster can play cuckhead lol

>No option to play as Mugman in single player

classic sony, although from what i seen most monster hunter fags don't like the look of the new one.
I wonder if bloodborne would be the worst souls if it came to pc

>It isn't about playing the game, it's about telling everyone online that I did.
Who gives a shit about your deaths?

I'm really surprised that there is no trick to play Mugman in single-player. How hard could it possibly be?

someone needs to make this

They'd be too busy killing themselves to post.

his version of grey matter seems to be a regenerative liquid.

I do. Why wouldn't I? When a game says "haha you've died a lot" don't you feel like you want to play better?

But seriously, can you imagine how fucked the devs would've been had this game flopped?

No, game overs make.we want to play better. if you nail the hardest part of it first try with ease is it really all that impressive?

not really cause I don't buy their sob story. If they did something that stupid and failed, they deserved to.

booze ive seen pics of mugman pouring in contents from a bottle labelled XXX which is moonshine which is high alcohol stuff

there was some Ouya devs that also mortgaged their house and did the same thing as these guys, and they were not backed by a major company like Microsoft.

i would say, not that fucked, only slightly penetrated

Do we have any sales reports or anything? Seems like it has a decent buzz, at least.

i hope it dont flop it will pave the way for the likes of disney to use their IPs to make somert similar

>from a bottle labelled XXX which is moonshine which is high alcohol stuff
why is this funny