What do you think Sup Forums?
What do you think Sup Forums?
pretty subtle 8/10
Digi is the best and who gives a fuck about Pedantic Romantic? He just sucks Digi's dick.
>not in best
>no guru larry
wow i really dont watch enough videogame videos huh
I think having moviebob in good gives it away too hard, otherwise solid work
I love Endless Jess, never got into his Pony stuff, guess he is well known for that. Most people say Digi is way better than Jess in analysis so this is shocking.
>penguinz0 (Cr1tikal) not in best or there at all.
Out of that list, I pick Ross Scott, everyone else can die.
>moviebob and lindsey Ellis in great
fuck off
People that say that are idiots with no taste.
His pony stuff is good and it climaxes into the greatest thing on the internet. A literal 'fuck you' to every analytical and review channel on the internet. It's worth watching for that.
Digi can only talk about himself and never says anything of substance.
>anywhere on this list
>What is up vidyasquad is yo boi, Turbo. The manley teases you by pulling out his cock and start stroking steadily, it seems too big for his pathetic stature, but you are thirsty for dick that night.
>movieslob and hbomberguy anywhere other than garbage male feminist tier
the problem with most 'analytical' youtubers, is that (i find) they always say very surface level, obvious stuff, often wrapped up with overused game terms. either that, or dive right into the deep end of full-on pretentious-ness.
i like joseph anderson, but only the parts where he breaks down mechanics, explains details, and how/why they're good/bad. unfortunately, a lot of his vids breakdown into areas where he goes on checklist mode; this area was good, this mechanic lacks depth, [x] is good/bad, needs more/less [y]
i really like turbo button + matthew. maybe not the most in=depth stuff, but at least their videos are well made, actually interesting, and clearly have thought/proper set-up put into them
While both are cancerous feminist, they do make some good analytical videos, so it evens out. Moviebob's Really That Good is worth adding him on that list regardless of his opinions on twitter.
isn't that nostalgia chick
Where the HECK is Noah Caldwell Gervais
I dont watch MLP, should I watch his analysis stuff?
Absolutely. You don't need to have watched any MLP to get some insight into his worldview. His Horseshoe Finale is a masterpiece and worth watching everything building up towards it.
i only watched horse shoe finally and got alot out of it. but if you got time on your hands, might as weel spend it on some jess
It's better to watch all of it.