Overwatch Director Says Speaking To Fans Is ‘Intimidating’ For His Team

Why are gamers such bullies, Sup Forums?


> If we post, "we're talking about Mercy" immediately there is an expectation that she is going to be radically changed in the next patch when the truth is, we might just leave her how she is for a while. We're not allowed to post that here without our bosses (and I am talking literally here) receiving emails from some of you demanding we be fired. It's not exactly what I would call a safe environment for creative people to openly express their thoughts and feelings.

by faggots for faggots

>not expecting the absolute worst when dealing with customers

Game development is a job, you make a product for consumers, not for your ideas and creativity to be expressed.

Sauce for pic?

Grow a backbone. You can't be company reps if you can't accep criticism.

Name's right there in the image, user

"gamers" are the reason why we can never have good games again.

>Whoever came up with this sheer fisting of an encounter can go fuck themselves. Do me a favor so I don't waste my guild's time on this kind of jackass shit-fest again, send me an email at [email protected] when you decide to A) Implement an encounter that wasn't designed by a retarded chimp chained to a cubicle A.)Get a Quality Assuarance Department C) Actually beta test the fucking thing and D) Patch it live. And please for god's sake -- do it in the order I laid out for you. Don't worry, I won't charge you a consulting fee on that one. And for good luck you might as well E) Pull your heads out of your asses. While you're at it rename the game to BetaQuest since you've used up you're alotted false advertising karma on the Bazaar and user interface scam of '01.Fix the Emperor encounter. Fix Seru. Rethink your time-sink bullshit. Fix all the buggy motherfucking ring encounters (I suggest you let whoever made the Burrower one do this since that dude apparently laid off the crack the rest of you were smoking). Fix the VT key quest. Fix VT (just guessing it's fucked up considering your track record). Don't have the resources to fix this stuff? Move the ENTIRE Planes of Power team over to fixing Shadows of Luclin AND DO IT NOW. If you don't fix Luclin, you jackassess will be the only ones playing the Planes of Power.

Do americans find this attractive?

Aletta Ocean

such a fucking lazy excuse for not putting out more content/fixing the game

remember when they said they couldnt put out new maps or heroes because they were busy dealing with muhh toxicity?

As if those things aren't handled by separate departments and takes a fraction of the time

I'm so glad i quit this fucking game

>If we post, "we're talking about Mercy" immediately there is an expectation that she is going to be radically changed in the next patch
Its like they don't radically change things in every patch across the various games they have

what did jeff mean by this?

>Make a product marketed towards 12-25-year-olds with internet access
>Hostile customer relations

File under; "no shit"

Hire people to deal with that cancer of a community so they can curate anything being asked/said for the devs.

"Professional" porn is terrible.

Gamers across the board are loud dumb assholes

"the internet is too toxic for me to do my job"

>Please continue mass producing trash to appeal to the lowest common denominator

>My job is to listen to my customers's complaints
>But complaints are mean so I won't do it

Because they are young and immature and passionate about their hobby. That's a good thing in the end because it makes it easy to manipulate them via marketing and creates constant revenue from them not dropping their hobby but in return it takes a lot of effort to interact with those people. It's why most developers choose to avoid it and the company has a PR and community team.
Blizzard also has one and Jeff chose himself to post on the forums. There is no legal obligation to do any such thing, as such he has nobody to blame but himself for the additional stress and pressure it introduces.

if Blizzard wasn't known for just the poorest decisions when it comes to balance it would probably be different then it is today, does anyone remember pre nerf death knights, vial of shadows, ArP warriors? it's different if something shitty happens every once in awhile, but these nerds just throw darts at a fucking board.

Not surprising. DotA’s own Icefrog ceased speaking to the English community since they were pieces of shit to him. It’s pretty clear someone is still listening, but they’re smart enough to take their identity and feelings out of the equation now

I'll never not be disgusted by how beta Blizzard is. I'm astounded these cucks are still in business with their diminishing returns business strategy.


His job is to work on the game

Aletta Ocean is nasty as fuck.

If they ever make a Mercy porn I hope they cast Tara Tainton

>only Sup Forums is retarded enough to have a problem with what tigole wrote

of course

Spla2n seems to be doing well.

Based Jeff.

wonder why he's so offended by some harmless bantz when he wrote stuff like this himself tho?

>implying you Sup Forumsirgins wouldn't fuck Aletta if given the chance

I know she looks like a puffed up crackwhore with baloon inflated tits but still

Some people are into that.

I know I am.

Kaplan is a former Everquest player, talking to people is 'Intimidating' to him.

>not calling it "overcrotch"

Well, they do nerf to shit a lot of heroes because they have no idea how to balance.
If your customer is afraid of major changes is because you did major changes in the past.
And lets be real, OW has shit balancing and a lot of perfectly fine heroes where buffed to ridiculous heights and somewhat OP characters were nerfed to shit (no, im not a Hog main, I always thought he was a shit character that pandered to the worst players).

I almost feel like they might cancel halloween event and say "it's your fault for being such a big meanies, we're too upset to celebrate"

They need ghostcrawler back. He's the only blizzard employee that had the balls to actually talk to the community good and bad. And let's not pretend the blizzard vidya community isn't just as much of a cesspool as anything else.

Blizzard themselves may be insanely PC, but their game communities are full of the most entitled children in the world. Every section in the wow forums is nothing but every class saying they're the worst in the game, the overwatch forums is nothing but people complaining their """""main""""" is the worst in the game. I would hate to be a blizzard developer.

Holy fuck these babies are sensitive. Sad that they can only talk in their dev hugbox, which has NOTHING TO DO with putting out a game well-received by the AUDIENCE.

>Why are gamers such bullies, Sup Forums?

They aren't. People just like to generalize.

>It's not exactly what I would call a safe environment for creative people to openly express their thoughts and feelings.
lmfao then why are you working for Activision dumb gaijin

The average American is fat
any skinny woman who doesn't look like Mexican is attractive

t. Jeff "Tigole Bitties" Kaplan

That would be pure kino

Ghostcrawler only started telling it like it is after he quit, he was just as much of a politician when officially an employee.

Blizzard forums are irredeemable trash though and have been since early WoW days. Tigole saying it's 'not a safe environment' is just about the most softball way you could possibly describe them. It's hard to believe some of the people that write posts there are actually real people.

Your point doesn't really address customers being asshats all the time.
Yes, you're doing a job and making a product. You should be professional. But that doesn't mean people are entitled to treating you like shit.

But on the other hand, there's no changing how people act on the internet. So all the OW team can really do is suck it up and grow a thicker skin.

Saying "Your balance changes are bad" is not the same as treating someone like shit. Grow a backbone, Jeff.

More like hire a bunch of sacrificial CMs to pretend like they give a shit what people post on the forums, and otherwise completely ignore them. It's a pity game communities attract such terrible people.

Blizzard already killed one game by listening to people on the forums, lets see where this goes.

what the fuck happened

did they just get pussified or something?

Demanding that devs be fired seems to be going a bit overboard.

Shit games breed shit communities. TF2's community was perfectly passable until hats and trading, which invited the tardstorm. Overwatch is a simplified class-based meme shooter with lootboxes and garbage balance. What fucking type of fans do you EXPECT it to have?

>release promo art for it
>Here's what you could have gotten if you didn't force us to spend so much dev time addressing the toxic behavior in this community.

Their forums are literal 24/7 abuse for creating some of the most beloved games of all time, how d you expect them to react?

the same way they acted when 10 million people were bitching about the state of WoW?

>for ruining some of the most beloved games of all time

Fixed that for you m8

When an employee makes the same mistake multiple times and refuses to learn how to do it right, even when the entire playerbase is offering their feedback, then yes, they should probably be fired.

so just fucking hire some secretaries to write your shitty posts for you jeff jesus fucking h christ it's not like you fucks couldn't afford it. shut the fuck up and make your anime reference emotes and racial stereotype skins and let your goddamn secretary have the keys to your accounts since they are such a burden for you

bunch of fucking babies

There's a few thousand extremely opinionated shitstains on the forums at best, they don't represent even 0.01% of the community

Imagine having such an empty life that you harass developers that have given you years of cheap entertainment

>entire playerbase
pick 1 (one)

>we post, "we're talking about Mercy"
>our bosses (and I am talking literally here) receiving emails from some of you demanding we be fired
Sounds more like people are reacting prematurely, before any changes have been made.

Can't expect backbone from their affirmative action cunts.
From nu males either but they at least don't bitch about it like women do.

not a single one of these fucks would ever even consider giving up that job. they get to shitpost on their forums and make as many goofy skins as they want for a bunch of trope-bundles who suit themselves well (by design) to look good in basically anything.

are you retarded

To be fair, they only make Mercy worse and worse to deal with in each installment. Reviving characters is just annoying. People are getting sick and tired of Mercy and her nonsense.

kinda fucked up when you consider bethesda just released a statement basically to that exact effect.

>"lol we know our customers lose sleep over the stupid shit we do and panic at every new fresh hell we announce, but we don't give a shit and will continue doing whatever we want regardless of that input!"

>muh thots
>muh feelings

muh dick

The team that created the most beloved games of all time are gone, the team that drove a pretty alright, if slightly casual MMO into the ground is what remains.

They need to ignore the forums, something went wrong with Blizzard and their 'fanbase' became poisoned. It's literally the worst fanbase in any game I have ever played, apart from being constantly passive agressive, they see game changes from a 'How will this make me better' perspective that hurts balance and overall fun game design. And when a game change is made they dislike, they go to the forums and do the text based version of screaming until you pass out.

The guy was a smug asshole, but he was exactly what Blizzard needed, because the only employees who can afford to be smug are higher-ups, who are so full of themselves, no one even dares to criticize them.

I pick forums. My thread is locked and I am warned for an honest balance complaint.

Those emails are not without reason. There needs to be a serious change in the current dev team. The way they approach player feedback and the time it takes for them to release updates is horrid. Failing on all fronts.

>1 (one)
>not a newfag
>pick one (1)

just replace a few words with Overwatch terms and this could apply perfectly to today.


How about the dev team just fucks off of social media and does their shit in private? Holy fuck.

pretty sure that would make it worse cause they wouldn't understand shit about what they're posting about

I'm going to be honest, this sounds like literally every customer facing job I've ever had. Turns out that if you see a large enough number of the public, you'll see a lot of reactionary assholes threatening to get you fired, injured, or killed. It's honestly something that you develop a thick skin for a few months into the job/being an adult.

Blizzard needs a ding dong bannu.

>power to ban them off your game
>scared because they say mean things

why dont they just ban them
blunderborn will be happy to take those people off your game

If you're the maker of a product and you mention a change or an addition it sets hype. They have to be careful with what they say because it sets expectations. That part of the point they are trying to make is dumb.
Imagine if Sega starts talking about how they have talks about a new console, if nothing came about it then why would the lead designer publicly hype people up?

But consumers shouldn't insult or try to get the makers fired. That part is wrong.


why is brazzers porn so fucking bad?

Why make good porn when nobody will buy it anyways so you have to coast on memes to even still be relevant?

I guarantee you the dev team devoted to Overwatch is strikingly smaller than what it's perceived to be and it's almost entirely devoted to making skins and event shit. If you hate your life and pay attention to Destiny forums it's the same fucking song and they're both Activision shit.

>If we wanted our games to be good we'd just put some effort into balancing the heroes but we just don't care

>that one pornstar you can always rely for a good fap
what's her name Sup Forums?
Mine is sara jay

Reminder that jeff kapplan was an extremely toxic biggot when he was the raid lider on everquest II.

Don't know why now he acts like hes a saint, dudes a humongous faggot.

That's obvious, but it doesn't mean people can't complain. I don't suddenly forgive Valve because they only have 2 coders working on TF2. That fact just makes me hate them more.
But they're a business and this is what makes them the most money. But the customers can still complain all they want. As long as they stay in the abusive relationship, nothing will change for blizzdrones.

Quick Play is more or less a shit show now anyone else experiencing this/?

He really used to tear the Everquest team a new asshole on the forums, he's a fuckin' hypocrit

>We're not allowed to post that here without our bosses (and I am talking literally here) receiving emails from some of you demanding we be fired.

Couldn't their bosses simply (they are in leadership positions) assure their employees that they're not going to let some rando anonymous internet nerds influence their employment?

Seems like a way simpler solution than changing the entirety of gamer/internet culture.

But then again, that doesn't allow you to openly bitch and moan and play the victim.

sounds like the blizzactivision i know

>Whoever came up with this sheer fisting of a season can go fuck themselves. Do me a favor so I don't waste my squad's time on this kind of jackass shit-fest again, send me an email at [email protected] when you decide to A) Implement a ranking system that wasn't designed by a retarded chimp chained to a cubicle A.)Get a Quality Assuarance Department C) Actually beta test the fucking thing and D) Patch it live. And please for god's sake -- do it in the order I laid out for you. Don't worry, I won't charge you a consulting fee on that one. And for good luck you might as well E) Pull your heads out of your asses. While you're at it rename the game to Overwank since you've spent your whole design period fapping instead of doing your fucking job. Punish the trolls. Fix 2CP. Rethink your leaver penalty bullshit. Fix all the buggy motherfucking SR gain/loss (I suggest you let whoever made Season 3 do this since that dude apparently laid off the crack the rest of you were smoking). Fix smurfs. Fix matchmaking (just guessing it's fucked up considering your track record). Don't have the resources to fix this stuff? Move the ENTIRE dev team over to fixing S4 AND DO IT NOW. If you don't fix S6, you jackassess will be the only ones playing Competitive

They really need to fix mercy. If you don't have a mercy you don't win. If you're playing 4v4 her fucking revives count as -1 points.

>a safe environment for creative people to openly express their thoughts and feelings
probably because you work at blizzard

While it's true that a good sniper completely breaks the balance of any arena shooter, the existence of a medic class alone utterly demolishes it.

>gave "toxicity" power by making such a big deal over it
>suddenly this game isnt about balance anymore it's censorship issues
>people are mad

If you empathize with Blizzard for their playerbase treating them like shit after they made millions of dollars off these same people from lootbox shit you deserve a huge cock relentlessly fucking you in the ass and mouth at full force


This - holy shit. I work for a cloud / VoIP services provider and if a customer starts getting abusive to an employee then the management team tells the customer to get lost (and if they decide to not be an asshole, they can phone back / e-mail back at that time).

A large part of my job is responding to irate customers and telling them that they are not going to get faster repair service because they were verbally abusive to one of our technicians. This 100% gets responded to with "IM TAKING THIS TO SOCIAL MEDIA!" - to which we say: "Go for it. All of our company polices and guidelines are public knowledge. They are on our websites 24/7. If you are mad about something by all means complain about it, but don't expect people to agree with you just because you said so.

>>Whoever came up with this sheer fisting of a Mercy rework can go fuck themselves. Do me a favor so I don't waste my team's time on this kind of jackass shit-fest again, send me an email at [email protected] when you decide to A) Implement a rework that wasn't designed by a retarded chimp chained to a cubicle A.)Get a Quality Assuarance Department C) Actually beta test the fucking thing and D) Patch it live. And please for god's sake -- do it in the order I laid out for you. Don't worry, I won't charge you a consulting fee on that one. And for good luck you might as well E) Pull your heads out of your asses. While you're at it rename the game to BetaWatch since you've used up you're alotted false advertising karma on Doomfist and the Sombra ARG of 16'.Fix the one trick problem. Fix Roadhog. Rethink your bullshit SR system. Fix all the buggy motherfucking no regs (I suggest you let whoever made Tracer do this since that dude apparently laid off the crack the rest of you were smoking). Fix the red team always being better than me. Fix map rotation (just guessing it's fucked up considering your track record). Don't have the resources to fix this stuff? Move the ENTIRE Blizzcon team over to fixing Mercy AND DO IT NOW. If you don't fix Mercy, you jackassess will be the only ones playing competitive season 7.

Yeah, I'm also thinking that kind of thing must be common anywhere once you get enough people interested in whatever it is you provide.

Blizzard is a pretty old game company. I'd expect their employees to know about this and how to handle it.