Doki Doki Literature Club

Would Monika be a good game programmer?

Last thread was pretty damn good for Sup Forums, continue talking your existential nightmares here.

She'd be a good wife!

You niggas need Jesus in your lives.


It begins.

Hang in there!


last thread was legit fun looking forward to another 500 posts, half of which will be unironic waifuposting, ignoring the entire point of the damn game.

Just started playing. Sayori a cute!


Don't leave her hanging, go play the game

I want Yuri to cut me open and crawl inside my skin

You're the one missing the point retart. Do you need someone to spell it out like MGS2 for you?

IM FUCKING TERRIFIED. This is getting me good.

Its only just begun

Should I download this now or wait for the steam release?



>Would Monika be a good game programmer?

Download now and the steam version then

Now so you can enjoy the reactions of all the steam babies.

Don't forget to check your game's download directory for helpful game hints

love that that line was literally in the game, and then never really commented upon. it signaled to me that the creator knew exactly what he was doing, and that I was in for a fun ride.

lol what point am I missing? I'm one of the ones who was writing long posts in the last thread. I get what the game's about and think it's good. is this trolling? MGS2 hardly spells anything out

was that in the game? missed it if I was, lol

Damnit I came here to post this cursed dialogue. Y'all are quick


Happy thoughts user, hxppy thxughts

There is literally no reason to get it on steam. If you want to buy it, buy it from the site.

True ending.


Keep going user. Remember to take note of everything the girls are saying.
Download now so you can enjoy seeing all the changes that are being added bit by bit once you finish the game.


"Do what you want so long as it doesn't hurt anybody and makes you happy" is a nihilist talking point. It forgets the part where the thing in question could be detrimental to the person who is doing it, even if it is not hurting anyone else.

What true ending?

why the fuck am i seeing a thread for this fucking game every other day?

You aren't nobody user.

View all CGs

Because it's a new game that is getting frequent updates with a lot of ARG content so people want to discuss and theorize about it.

Iunno, why do I see 5 new cuphead threads every hour? Could it be people like to talk about video games they're playing?

Shilling from the creator.

Wait is this a scary game? I don't like horror games...

Question, do Yuri and Natsuki always do their Beach poems on day 3 if you've picked Sayori. Or was it because I sided with Natsuki during the Conflict on top of this? Because no one seems to talk about them writing poems on the same topic, that are very romantic. Gave me strong LESBOTRON vibes, but were probably meant to be for the protag.

Flavor of the month.
Might have sticking power, might not.
Just go with the flow

No, only poems and cute girls

is this the new meme shit vn to replace katawa shoujo?

Do your part, feed a Natsuki.

>"Why do I see threads for a new game every day?"
Wanna know how I know you're a newfag?

wtf is ARG content

>good games cannot coexist

I think im going to have a heart attack I was not expecting this. That fucking music

They always write them.
Get your mind out of the gutters user.

>ignoring the entire point of the damn game
It's not. DDLC is playing at a larger theme of what reality means. Frankly I agree with you that waifufaggotry is stupid and unhealthy, but that's just one way to interpret it.


I'll feed her my dick


>either of those


No. She needs to stay flat.


I'll make her eat my giant homemade meals three times a day and then force her to swallow a tall glass of milk

They actually write a different poem if you play to their tastes consistently when writing the poems. It's pretty damn obvious at that point that they liked you. Those poems are definitely meant for the protagonist.
For the beach topic, that was brought up since they wanted to bury the hatchet and try to reach out to each other after their fight the other day. It was a mutual agreement to write about the beach.

>Not realizing that 'babby's first vn" periodically evolves
>Implying Katawa Shoujo was the first instance of a VN to spawn a shitload of threads

or detrimental to society, when done en masse. I love how the nihilist/postmodernist perspective seems to always forget this

well this makes me think a bit less about the creator and even the game, kind of, lol.
>may have a heightened empathy for fictional characters
what the fuck kind of nonsense is this? anyone who has this quality is wasting their time "really getting to know" waifus and should be using their "heightened empathy" to raise children or treat the sick or something.

the kinds of people who are literally allowed to have "heightened empathy for fictional characters" are literally drooling autists. for anyone else, being "really, like, able to empathize with this bundle of tropes and character attributes someone has ginned up for my pleasure" goes beyond being a useless quality to have as a person, it goes into the realm of being mentally unhealthy. being able to distinguish reality from fiction is an important part of adolescent development


Is this Madoka Magica, the game?

If you write poems for Natsuki, you won't talk to Yuri that day. Same goes vice versa.

Monika Magica, yes

is it impossible to save Yuri?

It's funny how nobody calls this a babby's first vn these days.


I'll make her a bowl of eggs. She gotta eat something.

that is a blatant exaggeration and you know it

everyone has empathy for fictional characters, as seeing symbols as people is something humans have done for millenia. people making statues of gods, etc
i think "heightened empathy for fictional characters" was just dan's way of saying he was alright with waifufags

>The creator does not agree with me, thus I don't like him as much as I used to.
lol at this autism.

>this is my wallpaper now
>keep staring at her for hours when I'm bored
I think I need help

katawa shoujo has had literally thousands of threads in /vg/.

Not popular enough to replace it.

YMK feels so long ago. Like what, almost two decades now?

>tfw no antoinette route

Because you're not paying attention, there have been like 5 daily threads for it for a week now.
Also, the discussion in the last thread was fantastic.

Everyone in this thread should read YMK.

2007 was the english release. So yes, 10 whole years.


Shilling combined with your typical weeb fanbase. Notice how these threads are forcefully bumped with shit like
>I want to touch Natsuki's butt!

whenever they begin to 404.

>not keeping that part on auto and fullscreened on your second monitor so Monika is always talking to you

Well, Saya no Uta was also called babby's first at some point. I still remember when [X] GENUFLECT was pretty popular, too. But all of that is in the past.


>first English release: 2007
>ten years

It's hard to not be charmed by these alluring eyes.


You cant save anyone user.

>he doesn't want to touch Natsuki's butt
What a gay.

it hurts.

>No Aya route either

Oh fuck, genuflect, how long has that been?

>Game brings up secret routes multiple times
>There are none in the game.
The absolute madmen.

Its fucking vintage

11 years.

the Aya route was planned by scrapped due to budget concerns.

>implying anything but 2d can be a waifu
you're deranged

I never could really jack off to visual novels, but scene where you grope the imouto in YMK is the only exception I can think of. She deserved a route so badly.

>there are anons that died during these 11 years

>i think "heightened empathy for fictional characters" was just dan's way of saying he was alright with waifufags
sure but I think waifufags are shit and this game should at least get you to introspect about it if you are one.

no I just thought the game did a great job of saying a lot without beating you over the head with it, and a "personal message" from the dev as a "true ending" that I didn't even get, wherein he basically says "hey and if ur a waifufag, even after all this, don't worry bro, it's totally cool and I respect you a great deal :)" is kind of a lame way to cap off what was otherwise a really well-told narrative.

I just really hate it when an artist makes a piece of art and the art totally stands on its own but then the artist feels compelled to include commentary about the art, IN the art itself. it goes from "you experience it for yourself and interpret it as you will" to "well I don't want you to get the wrong message, so here's explicitly what I did or did not mean"

I still like the game a lot, I'm just a bit put off by the creator feeling the need to apologize to anyone autistic enough to BOTH a.) get the "true end" and b.) still be bluepilled on waifus afterwards.

>No route where you side with Antoinette
>Start out as her beta orbiter and start seeing more of her life
>Figure out just how little self-esteem she has
>Turn her away from her life of alpha bitch bullying
>Then fend off other bullies and protect her
>Story ends with her becoming a better person and your girlfriend

I'm all about Monika but the Natsuki CGs awaken something primal within me.