Thoughts on this?

Thoughts on this?

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among the best games of the year

There is no reason to play the original anymore. This version is fantastic.

I enjoyed this game a lot. I consider it a better remake than Zero Mission because it feels a little less linear but I do prefer ZM's movement, not that it is but it certainly feels there's a certain openness when looking for the metroids. Great boss fights, cool as hell environments, and fun gameplay. My main gripe is the enemy variety, I really shouldn't be seeing the same bat I saw on the surface in a steaming-hot area.

Delusional Metroid baby.

No reason to play Samus Returns when AM2R exists.

pretty weak compared to super but metroid 2 was already weak so.

It made Metroid 2 worth playing and at the very least it's good enough for us to argue over whether it or Fusion is actually the worst one.

It was my Game of the Month until Cuphead came out

It failed to capture the atmosphere of pure horror of the original, Return of Samus still give me nightmares to this day

Pretty good overall.

Best Ridley fight in the 2D series.
Diggernaut's third form was a little obtuse, but I'm pretty dumb so that's probably not a legitimate complaint.
Difficulty (on normal at least) seemed higher than any other 2D Metroid, at least in regards to bosses. I died a pretty decent number of times, but only ever to the first Gamma Metroid, to Diggernaut, to the Metroid Queen, and Ridley.
On that note, I cared less after I beat the game that I didn't get the amiibos since there's no fucking way I'd be able to beat this game in any reasonable amount of time taking 4x damage.


It's good, about as good as AM2R, but being based on Metroid 2 holds it back from being as good as Super or even Fusion and Zero Mission.

It's okay but it feels too long and the areas blend together and lack identity. It also seems like they wanted to make a challenging game but just ended up adding a bunch of annoying things.

it's fun but it has no exploration. Also the enemies have too much health and are too aggressive, and in exchange they give too much HP on death.

The free aim is my favorite part. My least favorite part is the enemies having too much HP and the focus against exploration.

I cannot fanthom why someone would say this game is something more than Mediocre. Seriously, are you guys suffering from some kind of post buy rationalization?

>no proper metroid game in 30 years
>last 2d was 13 years ago


>30 years
Shit, meant 10 years

>pure horror of the original

Doesn't sound like the soundtrack of a horror game to me.

I loved it. Biggest complaints are what others have already said, drab graphics blend together and make a lot of the map unmemorable and enemy variety is lacking.

No, but you seem to be suffering from autism.


I really hope that Metroid Prime 4 offers something more substantial.

Pretty much this neither AM2R, it feels worse than a romhack after you play SR

>No reason to play AM2R romhack when Samus Returns exists
fixed for ya

Great fucking game. I lack motivation for some reason so despite owning the game since the day it came out, I'm only working on my second playthrough.

My only real issues:

>controls can kinda suck sometimes; usually it's not that big of a deal, but having to hold three buttons at once to shoot missiles or use the Grapple Beam does kinda suck
>environments can be kinda drab (but they can also be pretty good too)
>art style is a tad generic, which is a damn shame
>elevators and teleport rooms kinda break the flow of the game
>enemy variety is lacking
>having to chase Metroids is pretty annoying

Fusion's linearity combined with Zero Mission's atmosphere. That's all this really is.

Don't reply to shitposters

How the fuck do I get past spikes and crystal blocks?

Pretty goddamn good. Perhaps not a game to rival Super Metroid, but I had a blast. I feel as though Mercury Steam can really create an amazing Metroid game if they're given a chance to work an a totally original game.

Ballspark and wait until near the end of the game.

What the fuck is that. I just killed the triple omegas in Area 7 and drained the acid there with 1 Metroid left. Should I be able to clear crystal blocks or not? I want to 100% before finishing it.

I hope it fails.

>Expansions you can't get until after getting the hatchling
>These can literally only be useful for the final boss
>Only beam weapon works on final boss anyway

when will this meme end? was it cause of that feminist horror article?
super was scarier

In what what way would putting Samus Returns on the Switch make sense? It's total overkill in terms of the hardware, it's based on a portable game, the 3DS has a much larger user base, and it actually makes decent use of the 3DS' 3D effects.

Super Missiles, bro. They work too.

It wasn't perfect but it was good enough to make ACfag turn a new leaf.
That alone deserves praise

>Only beam weapons work on the final boss.

I hate to say it, but you're wrong. I will admit that hitting the vulnerable spot with missiles is a pain in the ass though.

Nobody is buying games for 3DS anymore.

>Amazing bosses
>There's like only 4 in the game
Damn shame. The Diggernaught was a ride.

Most likely they were already working on it before the switch development kits.
A port could happen, mirror of fate was released later on other platforms.


That's after you get the Power Bombs, right? If so, yes. Just place a Power Bomb anywhere and let it propel you. Don't forget to be amazed the first time you do it.

Nobody cares about your little ponce boyfriend

Eh, it would be nice to see Samus Returns in HD resolutions, but I don't think that's really necessary. Besides, the 3D feature actually works quite well in the game.

Am I the only one who exhausted all their super missiles on the final boss? Of course I ran out and had to resort to my beam though. Used the Aeion ability that powers up your beam, which helped a fuck ton.

I don't like how Ridley is shoehorned in. It makes the entire opening to Super nonsensical. So now she beats the shit out of a powered up version of him, takes the baby to Ceres knowing the space pirates know about it and are going to actively hunt for it, and then literally the next fucking day Ridley comes back and then beats Samus somehow.

Then what's the point of all those standard missiles and power bombs you find

Power bombs in particular seem only useful to get more powerball containers, I can't remember any situations where you could legit use the spiderball + powerball jump for a real purpose other than getting another powerbomb or missile tank

I good chunk of Bitblock threads are started by Cody (local Nintendo drone who Nintendo fans despise)
Let him have his fun, it's better than seeing him shill Federation Force, Color Splash, or Star Fox Zero the gazillion time

I mean, you don't get many of the things and he has 3 goddamn phases. Running out of super missiles is pretty much a guarantee.

>I can't remember any situations where you could legit use the spiderball + powerball jump for a real purpose other than getting another powerbomb or missile tank
There was like one shortcut in area 7 I think.

controls take getting used to but it feels fuckin smooth to play after that hump.
lack of bosses and repetitive metroid battles kinda blow ass.
the level design felt copy pasted and enemy variety was really terrible

It's a 7.5 at best. There are far too many little nitpicks that pile up and drag the whole thing down like lack of enemy variety and beam/missile type switching being kind of cumbersome.

They're completely different games, with completely different controls and gameplay feels, and they're both good

Just because they're both loosely based on M2 doesn't mean they invalidate each other

I just started playing M2 for the first time after playing Samus Returns...and....well...I actually like it.

There is just something special about this game. I can't put my finger on it. But playing this game in the dark is something else to me. I think its definitely been improved on by both fans and Nintendo with Samus Returns but its still worth checking out. Just push through till you get the Varia Suit and then you won't be able to stop until you're done.

I hope it inspires a resurgence of Samus porn

I like to assume that some time passed between SR and Super Metroid before Samus took the decision of leaving the baby in Ceres, which could also help the baby become more attached to her. Ridley's fight helps in that regard since it shows us that the baby would risk his life to help Samus, like how it happened against Mother Brain.

Even though they went out of their way to fill the environment and backgrounds with Chozo shit, it still didn't feel like the place metroids were invented. All the elevators and teleporters kind of took away from the cohesiveness the original map had.

Working on it, senpai.
Hope you like suited Samus

Can't have been that much time, she was sent on the mission by the GCF in the first place, she pretty much had no reason not to turn it right over for her bounty.

*A good chunk
I just woke up

Shouldve been a Super Metroid remake

I'm no expert on the game, but I'm pretty sure if you look, there's lots of places where you can use it for a quick shortcut.

Weren't there 4 phases? But yeah. Once I realized that exhausting my Aeion and then relying on my Super Missiles was the best strategy, it made the boss so much easier.

I think it's aged kinda badly but it's still playable and should be played if you're a huge fan of the series.

>suited Samus
>not Zero Suit
No thanks

I enjoy any and all samus

There would be endless complains if the game wasn't exactly as the original. Metroid 2 needed the remake considering how outdated the original feels compared to the rest.

This is how I feel. I really would've liked it if they fucked off with all the elevators. I guess it was necessary, since there's only limited space on 3DS carts and whatnot, but I honestly would've preferred smaller areas with interlinked areas, and they could've masked the loading via long corridors and shit. I think some of the areas are honestly too big anyway.

One thing AM2R had that SR didn't, was that the areas blended together with one another cohesively, so as you went deeper, you saw how one environment would begin to end and another environmental type would start, which lent it a more organic feel. You don't get that in SR. Each area kinda feels independent of one another and it's worse since unlike in AM2R, the area types themselves are sort of nonsensically thrown about in every which way. AM2R also had some lore and back story for each area, which SR is lacking in most areas.

SM also holds up perfectly fine. Doesn't even remotely need a remake. Only two games that really needed them were the original and 2 and now we have remakes for both. No more remakes.

Well thats what I would've wanted to desu. I wouldve still preferred it to 2 because even the updated version is dragged down by the grind 40 of practically the same bosses.

They completely ruined this moment. In the original, you see the Metroid egg, and the moment you crawl under it your game goes haywire, spiking the Metroid count and kicking in with that creepy ass music.

In SR you roll out of the tube into a cinematic and it puts on some slimey Prime music. Letdown. I was waiting the entire game for this moment because it legit creeped me out as a kid and even today, but it's shit.

Still a good game.

yeah i didn't like how you get it super late and those expansions barely helped in general except if you want to 100% the game

My favorite game of the year so far

The original M2 was like that too and at least in SR, all the Metroid fights are designed fantastically. No other game has better Metroids to fight.

>tfw we finally got a game that was respectful to the Metroids

After having played all through Metroid 2, Samus Returns, and AM2R, I can absolutely appreciate how SR manages to make the last third of the game not feel so empty.
Once you get past the area with the large "tower" in M2 and AM2R, there's basically nothing left aside from killing the omega metroids and the queen. Adding the Diggernaut and extra collectibles helps to make it not feel like just a rush to the queen.

>even the updated version is dragged down by the grind 40 of practically the same bosses.

Just like in the original, but SR Metroids are fun to fight, especially Zetta and Omega who really put a fight. Diggernaut and Ridley were also two great additions to the remake.

I do agree seeing Metroids put up an actual fight on their home turf was great to see. The 40 Metroids repetitiveness wouldn't have bothered me as much if the regular mobs werent so same too. Once you leave Area 1 you have seen most of the enemy types you will run across.

I know exactly which moment you're talking about, right down to the music sting for the Metroid counter. Disappointing that they couldn't replicate it.
I like the game, but I'm not a fan of how wonky the controls feel, and I hate the parry addition. It feels shoehorned as fuck and it slows the fluidity of everything way down, as you have to wait for the enemy's charge to start, time the parry, and then freeze and missile it or just shoot it dead. The fact that most enemies are damage sponges unless you use missiles and can easily cause a significant amount of damage is annoying as well.

Just got to the baby Metroid. No words spoken and it was more touching than the entirety of Other M. No weird mother complex or rambling, just "Damn, it's pretty cute. Guess I won't shoot it..."

It alright
It not subtle or nuanced
It tasteless and lukewarm
But, it alright

Every Metroid game should have a little baby Metroid buddy who follows you around. Shit would be cute as fuck.

Suited Samus is a unique and precious gift.
There are thousands of anime girls who look like zero suit Samus.

If you have the Ice Beam you don't need to counter 90% of the enemies. Just fire once and immediately follow up with a missile.

Please tell me there is a teleporter before Ridley?

I just used a charged ice shot and missle for anything that wasn't armored until I got the spazer.

I understand. That last area honestly spooked me when I was younger. Does AMR2 do this moment justice?


Yep, there's one and a save point right before the final boss.


I love [spoilers]seeing the little Metroid go in the teleporter with you[/spoiler]

>samus in zero suit
I hate how they retconned that dumb shit into everything.

Diggernaut is weak to the beam


For once Florida in your miserable lifespan, don't fuck it up

>no samus in black high waisted panties ever again

>tfw Floridabro
>love the motherfucking shit out of Metroid
Feels good to be proud of my state for once.


>ZM legendary power suits
What is this?

In how much time do you have to beat the game to get suitless Samus in the credits? Yesterday I finished my 0% run and I was surprised at how fast I managed to beat it, yet I only got helmet-less.

The suit you get after the stealth segment.

It's good. Now stop making remakes and give me Dread already.

4 houra