Thanks for showing us these old computer games, Uncle user! You're so cool!!

>Thanks for showing us these old computer games, Uncle user! You're so cool!!

I'm proud of you, Uncle user. Be a good uncle to those kids.

>These games are old and look ugly. Is this what you played as a kid, Uncle user? Also, you smell like booze again.

>Wow, you played Mario, too, Uncle user? That's so cool

my little cousin loves mario kart double dash


>i thought they just called it fallout 3 =/
This will never not make me fucking angry.


>tfw this is when you find out your nephew is a Sup Forumsirgin

What logic is this? When MKDD was new, games like Super Mario World, Sonic the Hedgehog and Doom were considered old games. So, why shouldn't MKDD be considered old now?

My niece and nephew love them some Psychonauts and Sly Cooper.

Didn't realize how badly Kingdom Heart's combat aged until I started replaying it with them though.


Cause it came out in 2003. Just because you were born after it doesn't make it old, faggot

>over a decade ago
yup that can be considered old now

What makes a game old, in your opinion? Because being out for 14 years obviously doesn't cut it.

Not him but in 2003 I was 10. should i be reminiscing with my nephews about games I wasnt alive for?

>mfw i gave a copy of Mad World to my young cousin back then.

All uncles should die. They're all creepy pedophiles. The only adult that should be allowed around children are their parents. Creepy uncle touches kid and turns that kid into a creep thus continuing this disgusting cycle. Why are you trying to impress children you creep.

This one family's kid I use to watch fucking loves Megaman X and X4.

>Why are you trying to impress children you creep.
because it makes me feel good when i can teach them neat things and they look up to me and don't like at me like the loser i am just like everyone else

Holy shit the buttblasted underage b&s

It has to be out for a bare minimum of 20 years, be on a console that can be emulated with at least 5 games ran fully to completion without any bugs/errors/ctds.

So you didn't consider the original Super Mario Bros or the NES old back in 2005?

>what is familial love?
I'm sorry user.

No, not really. If you think I'm going to go back and beat around the bush, you're dead wrong. It was aging, most definitely, just like MKDD is today, but both are still fun, and sometimes the classics are simply just better games.

fuck it im taking the bait

you're a piece of shit. I loved my niece but she's dead. Fuck you.

honestly, its still the best Mario Kart imo. I always get hated on for this opinion but it controls great, the specials are awesome, and the tracks are all good. Plus it was the last Mario Kart I played where it felt good to unlock stuff and it also wasn't broken like MKDS and Wii were.

It's the perfect Mario kart to me and always will be.

>Diddy/Paratroopa in Toad's Kart
Hell yeah mother fucker

>but it controls great
This just isn't true. The controls are slippery and delayed.

The rest of his comment proves he's just shitposting user.


>mfw I can fire it up even after having not played it for months and still can't get what these fuckers are saying

It's like the retards that tell me FLUDD is "unresponsive". I do all this pro shit with controls that to you guys are "slippery, delayed, and unresponsive". So are you guys just shit or what?

Really? You can't tell how the car turns a tad after you hit right/left? This isn't present in the other MK games. It's not input delay from the HD TV either, since MKWii works just as well and I'm using the same component cables for both games. It has nothing to do with skill either.
I don't think it's a bad game or anything. It's probably my second favourite MK game, but there is a delay to the controls that keep it from feeling really good. You get used to it after a while though.

What if I am a creepy pedophile uncle but never touched my niece wrong? What now?

>there's someone out there like this because their uncle touched them sensually

>not dad
Step up your game, fags.

get a load of this fag

>Sup Forums

Who are you little shits? I don't have any siblings.

>You get used to it after a while
Been playing it off and on since release with excellent time trial scores. It's not my favorite racing game on the gamecube but its my favorite MK and it always felt smooth as butter. I even fired it up just now, feels fine.

Maybe you're just used to 8 or something.

If you're a dad you really shouldn't post here man. You need to put your energy into learning shit thats useful and you won't get anything out of this place.

I've spent far more hours playing MKDD than any other Mario Kart game. It's not that I'm not used to it, but it's noticeably looser than the rest.

>Getting a baby cousin this year

I'm happy.

>not brother
Pff please. Everytime I pick up my imouto from kindergarten she always hugs me and says I'm the coolest guy in the world.
>dadanon will never know this feeling

I just don't see it dude. If anything, it feels like your turns actually have the kart's weight factored in when turning and drifting.

>show my young cousin earthbound and super metroid
>says he likes them more than destiny and cod

I might have to give him a hacked 3ds or something.

please do

Show him games like Rondo of Blood, Symphony of the Night, the entire Ninja Gaiden series, and DOOM. Show him the original Dungeon Keeper games. Show him games where developers had to pull all sorts of crazy tricks just to get games to work and be fun.

boy or girl?


Not 100% sure yet, most likely a boy.

Scheduled just after christmas.

I did.

I got news for you user, it's possible to do both.

My son thinks I'm pretty cool... For now.

your son will one day overthrow you

Hey, there is this new game but we can only play on a dark room and we need to take our clothes off, it's pretty fun, c'mon. :)

what a shame

Good. You want your children to be better than you.

>not having an imouto you can breed

>it's possible to do both
I'm skeptical. This place is a shithole. You should have better things to do than be here.

>fuck your woman
>play games/card games/board games/sports with son
>help son with schoolwork and also supplement his learning
>your own education
>go out to the bar with friends or something

i could go on and on and on and on. Why the fuck are you here man? The fact that you're here is a symptom of bad parenthood.

>people who feel proud of being uncle/aunt
Literally worse than Hitler. You didn't you anything asshole, stop clinging to other people's lives to feel self worth.

Tends to happen when they dump their kid on you all the time for date night and you end up bonding with the tyke.

Still not really disproving his point.

>>fuck your woman
I'll be doing that tonight.
>>play games/card games/board games/sports with son
He's asleep.
>>help son with schoolwork and also supplement his learning
He's 2.
Already did that.
Already did that.
>>your own education
All my homework is done
>>go out to the bar with friends or something
I'm not spending money at a bar and I don't drink during the week.

Time management motherfucker, ever hear of it?

>be foster parent
>be idort
>user, why do you keep that old TV when you have a new one?
>one question leads to another
>they wanna play old vidya
>another kid with a new perspective on vidya

Don't force kids to play things, just let them enjoy what they want. More often than not they can spot a good game if you have a good game library. Don't buy shitty games and they won't play shitty games.

>implying being an uncle isn't the greatest thing ever
>get love and affection without having any real responsibilities

Visiting nephews and nieces is like visiting a brothel for your soul.

>foster parent
you fool

His point was that creepy uncles molest their niece so they become molesters too. I don't molestmine, so what now?

>It has to be out for a bare minimum of 20 years
in 10 more years, you'll say 30 years
the world doesn't revolve around you, old-timer

>you literally have a perfect convenient reply for my post
Ha okay larper

i agree with this

That kid has best taste

>I only stay in my basement, everyone else must too!
I used to only just play Vidya and shitposting, then I joined the Marine Corps. I'm not saying you have to do that user, but so something.

It ain't my fault I'm her tech support

Don't even have a basement

You still had a perfect answer to every part of that post, which makes you a larper. Lying about being in the military is something that is all too common, especially here. So you claiming you joined the marines is all smoke man. If you wanted to BTFO me, you would've posted proof.

Please, get fucked.

>my dad's/gpas medals

>t-thats not good enough
Again, get fucked loser.

>I'm proud of you, user.

What do you want from him dude? To post a picture of himself in uniform, holding his kid and fucking his wife at the same time?

It's not. I can call up friends and borrow their medals to shitpost on a japanese website too.

You can stay offended all you want. Fact is: Lying about being in the military is one of the most common lies I've personally experienced offline and off. Stay mad dude. If you're legit, thanks for the service but you shouldn't be surprised that people are skeptical.

That would be pretty legendary but no

If the dude is legit and he's getting this anally fisted over someone online being skeptical of his service then I'm even more right that he needs to stay away from Sup Forums. It isn't helping his life any.

>you should have posted proof
>ok here you go
>that proof doesn't count

>You'll never be this asspained over the fact that somebody who shares the same imageboard as you isn't a pathetic beta cuck.
Phoneposting while lifting at the gym by the way, get fucked nerd LMAO

>I'll be doing that tonight.
If not LARPing, get out of Sup Forums and do something useful to your family.

>conveniently missed the part where I say we have no way of knowing if those medals are real.

Not mad by the way. Only one angry here seems to be the would-be marine.

>not posting himself at the gym with this post to further BTFO me

>tfw my niece is 14 and is making crystal clear advances on me

I just want to be that cool uncle for fucks sake

Actually, you're the one looking like a faggot bro.


While me and my niece were playing Nintendo Land
>Uncle user try to get me off with one finger
She sat on my hand to get me to lose fyi
But mfw she said it

Nigga it's 11 at night. Am I not allowed to fucking just chill and shitpost?

Like I give a fuck. I'm anonymous.

The point here is that if he's this much of a Chad he is wasting his life and time here. He's better than that and knows it but still comes here anyway. Only a fucking idiot would come here despite his claims.

oh yeah bro.

>Like I give a fuck.
You evidently do, since you keep replying.

wow fucking kek

I read that as
>I just want to be that cool uncle that fucks

You're being stupid. I don't care if I look like a faggot because I'm anonymous. Obviously I care about the thread.

But again, don't care if I look like a faggot. My point still stands. He really should be doing better things with his time.

>Like I give a fuck.
You clearly do, half the fucking thread's posts are yours.
You can stop responding, you're user after all.

>My nieces and nephews only care about Youtubers and shitty mobile games.

Welp I tried.

>He really should be doing better things with his time.
>user can't take 30 minutes out of his day to fuck around on the internet
This is how we know you're a loser, that you think non-losers are just constantly doing something else.

>half the threads posts are yours
>91 posts
But I'm the one that looks like a faggot. Right.

You really should lurk more buddy

Did you have a shitty dad and that's why you're so anal ravaged over this trivial shit? You act as if browsing Sup Forums must take hours of the day.

You really need to take a hard, good look at yourself.

Again, ain't mad. If you're here, you're defeating the purpose of trying to act like a non-loser. You're arguing with a mirror bro.

I'm a money making hentai artist and I browse Sup Forums too. Fatherhood is really easy it's just time consuming. Besides my dad set the bar really low I don't beat my kid or scream at him so I'm already a better father.

Kids need a little guidance and lots of love the rest of it is teaching them to be self sufficient, teaching them how to figure things out on their own.

>son asks me to switch the tv over to games
>show him step by step how to do it and if he forgets I show him what to google
>hasn't asked since

>I'm a money making hentai artist