What went wrong?
What went wrong?
What happened now?
spics and dlc
Wii U consistency is impossible
Smash with the lowest skill ceiling, 3 years is long enough for everyone to catch up
was there ever a reason he wore that faggy ass scarf?
That's one way of looking at it.
didn't he delete his twitter account because someone beat him in a tournament or some shit
like that? what a faggot
I think he lost at evo and deleted his twitter and broke a controller in the bathroom.
He seriously thought that no one could catch up to him.
Smash 4's community made me realize how awful the Nintendo fanbase is (and how awful Nintendo is at making games)
is he still engaged to that chick or did she come to her senses?
>Dark Souls
Behold the terrible 5. The Five IPs with the most atrocious fanbases
>An IP
>no MOBA mentions
As a LoLfag I'm triggered.
All of the Smash fanbases are bothersome for their own particular reasons. Anything entry level will always be flooded by undesirables.
Nah, the only one who caught up was Leo. Everyone else has a good tournament or two but no consistency.
he's a giant whiny baby who lost a few times in smash tourneys.
Why does he dress like an anime character?
>Sup Forums still pretending that scarflard isn't the best smash player
They "broke up" a week later he proposed because of some stupid fight, then they got back "taking things with more calm", i don't know they current state...
>lowest skill ceiling
>melee babies actually believe this
The only reason Smash 4 seems so swingy is 2 stocks. And 2 stocks only a thing because of campy faggots like Zero and Dabuz being at the top early on and dragging out games forever. If you watch a match with two fast or gimp capable characters matches can end in under a minute. Imagine if the top players in Melee were just HBox, M2K and Chu and all they did was ledge stall. Melee would have a 3 or even a 2 stock standard.
The gap between players skill levels is huge, but there is so much variance because of 2 stocks that upsets happen more. There's also a lot more character diversity with practically everyone in the cast having a top player representing them so it's impossible to train for every matchup.
your whole post is just tr4sh baby talk
Smash 4 has the lowest skill ceiling of any Smash game. This is not a debate. This was by design.
>actually bringing Sakurai's "design" into an argument
shit b8
cuphead's going to be next
scarflard is a huge faggot glad he lost
If you don't think removal of edge hogging and cancellation of dash momentum after jumping is relevant, then you likely know little about the intricacies of Smash. His intended changes did much damage to the challenge and freedom of Smash in its 4th iteration
And 50 other mechanics got added. It's a very different game with different tech, you're just an autistic faggot who can't adapt.
Lost what?
Fatboy looks dead inside.
>And 50 other mechanics got added
But whatever kid, have fun not being able to wall tech after 100% because fuck you good players
Anyone else think rita is a super milf?
This is a good thread about video games
Removing edge hogging was a mistake. I wish Smash 4 kept it in, but balanced Up-Specials to have less lag when landing on stage so its actually an alternate option
The introduction of ledge invincibility being one time only until you are attacked or land was a good idea though.
There are so many little things in Smash 4 you don't see because you don't play it at a competitive level. It'd be the same thing as someone who's ignorant of melee would have no idea that shield drops or L canceling exist or that they require specific execution, and would also have no idea how everyone moves around so fast.
>Removing edge hogging was a mistake
Said no one ever.
You assume that I only watch tr4sh and have never looked into what tech has actually be documented. And you're wrong. There's very little in tr4sh that isn't in other games. In fact, tr4sh removed much more than it added.
No DACUS, kept pivots, no directional airdodging for wavedashing, fuck they even removed side b shortening
>Yes, I do enjoy literally everyone snapping to ledge for free when they recover
Said no one ever
>Said no casuals/scrubs ever.
ftfy senpai desu
>Shitty haircut
Why is he trying to look as terrible as humanly possible?
Granted, Leo is practically Zero's protégé since the two bunk together rather often.
>le outdated memelee game mechanic XD
Just spike them before they hit the ledge.
There are other little things you're missing though. A lot of it is woven into gameplay instead of being independent tech you can just practice.
For example, 2 frame punishes, which are entirely timing based, and even if you're a god or have a lasting hitbox move, can be mixed up by the person recovering.
>just trwo frame punish dude its ez
>they recover too low for you to spike
>trying anyway gets you hit by their Up-B and you risk being stage spiked against the bottom
>People actually arguing autistic mechanics on an autistic game.
>There are other little things you're missing though.
>For example, 2 frame punishes
You've literally named just one (1) relevant tech in the entire discussion. Don't bother mentioning Shulk tech btw.
autism autism autism autism autism autism autism
hehe am i cool and funny now guys look i know how to type le autism meem hehe
If he didn't wear the scarf I'd respect him more.
Nintendo is a set of IPs you dumb dums, also Rita is hot
Considering all of the "great" Smash players legit have autism don't you find it a bit ironic?
Brawl has a good amount of tech in it. It has some stuff Melee doesn't, even. Smash 4 took out stuff that was in both Brawl and Melee while adding very little.
She looks like kianna dior
>Smashfaggots only care about tech because it caters to their autistic side.
Clearly the poster intended to use autism as an insult, which is a fucking retarded meme that needs to die. And how the fuck do we know who has autism and who doesn't; how can you make a claim like that? The only one you can really point to is M2K.
Because is clearly a fucking retard on the autism spectrum.
Are you 12 or something?
The reason technology is important is because it makes your character better than they are by default and simultaneously gives you more freedom to play the game your way. It removes limitations that would otherwise restrict gameplay.
It's a meme and total ignorance that learning and practicing tech serves no function but stimulation/pleasure for awkward weirdos.
How about vectoring, which adds a whole new element to DI? How about Edge Sliding?
Also, the game is still relatively new, which means less lab hours have gone into it. You know how long it took to discover some of the shit in melee?
>Take a children's party game too far
>Call all the bugs "Tech" to make it sound like your game has depth
>Still dominated by autistic spergs who would be right at home speedrunning.
>How about vectoring
According to Smashwiki, it was nerfed very early in its introduction so that it's effectively just classic DI except stronger: "Vectoring is still present, but only upward and downward inputs affect it"
>How about Edge Sliding?
Don't know exactly what this means but if we're on the same page, it's present in Melee
>Also, the game is still relatively new, which means less lab hours have gone into it.
The fact that tr4sh was made with accidental tech in mind makes it highly unlikely that there is much lying beneath the surface waiting to be discovered. Sakurai has made his damndest sure to make this game no-fun-allowed.
That's not a guarantee there's nothing left, but I think it's a strong sign.
At this point I think you're trolling. "Tech" is a general fighting game term.
Tech in many fighting games doesn't involve a thousand and one replicatable bugs and to pass them off as actual game endorsed mechanics, leading to the "gameplay" being a jittering autistic mess as people flutter about like fucking retards.
Tell me why Smash AND ONLY SMASH is full of autistic losers unable to translate their "Skill" into other fighting games?
Why does pretty much every Capcom pro suck at anime fighters and vice versa? It's almost like people are only good at the kinds of games they practice.
That's an awful lot of generalization you've got going on there
Seems to me like you see the word "wavedash" and think BUGS BUGS BUGS
Things like jump canceling Star Fox reflector couldn't have been in the game except by design. You don't know how much tech are exploits and how much is playing the game as it was designed. You don't know much about this game in general.
And yet Smash fags literally cannot adapt to the newer games because "Muh Tech"
Yep you're a troll. And a poor one at that.
>Comparing Jump canceling to fucking Wavedashing.
Jump canceling is a logical process. Wavedashing is a fucking bug.
The fact that Smash is a solved game proves Skill and technique matter little, and all that ever mattered in Smash was abusing bugs.
Thats not how you use IP.
>Literally half the thread is Smash fags autistically whining over "Tech" when the core of the game is basically the same and all the "Tech" differences are just difference bugs.
What I'm saying is that you are pointing at wavedashing alone and assuming that all the other tech is similarly a "bug", which is wrong. straight up.
His sister or mom made it for him or something
Kingdom Hearts will make it back on the list.
I'm saying a good majority of it is bugs.
I started competitive in Brawl and the first thing that I had to learn was how people could grap the ledge to stop you from recovering.
Sm4sh then removed that lol
Doesn't means what you think it means.
I'd argue the ledge and off stage game in Smash 4 is a lot more in depth because everyone except Mac has much better recovery and you can't just edge hog.
You have to actually evaluate risk and reward about following up off stage, going for 2 frames, trying to tech chase, etc. It's also a lot more personal, certain players like Zero will pretty much never chase off stage but instead set up traps and make getting off the ledge super difficult, while others will chase you into the pits of hell going for a dunk.
I hear dlc is the meta in smash 4, but I didn't see much dlc in gtx top 8. There wasn't even a bayo in top 8.
L-canceling is a far more important technique and it's 100% intentional.
People who adore Cuphead have deep respect for classic 30s cartoon artstyle and are taken in by Cupheads aesthetic, that's literally all it is. There's no cancer contained within the game, only a really nice artstyle.