I'm tired of being a casual. What must I do to be recognized as a core gamer?
I'm tired of being a casual. What must I do to be recognized as a core gamer?
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break away from realistic fpses and nintendo games.
basically if something is popular with current gamers, its probably bad.
>if its popular it must be bad
fucking Sup Forumsipsters need to kys
>basically if something is popular with current gamers, its probably bad.
dumb anime poster
play any single-player games that require patience, mechanical skill, and learning of patterns to beat.
>newfags take what is intended to be a joke seriouslyn
Stop playing games altogether. Instead spend your time jerking it to twitch streamers and letsplayers.
It's true but only from Sup Forums's POV.
Look at the PUBG threads.
Stop being so spooked. Juat play what you like
play whatever you want dude
I lost my need to break away from casual games and realized I'd enjoy games much more if I played both hardcore games that I can enjoy but not force myself to, my enjoyment is worth more than some street cred on a Equatorian Jacket-Making Portal
dark souls
This, btw who do you guys main in LoL and Overwatch? Give me your Steam names so we can play PUBG and CSGO sometime
Literally true. Overwatch, PUBG, Destiny, all fuckin garbo by any sensible person over 20.
Ascend in any real roguelike to be hardcore. Even Crawl is ok I guess.
He's not wrong. Its not bad because its popular, its popular because its bad. Most AAA titles and well received casual games have severely dumbed down mechanics designed to appeal to the least common denominator.
Switch from western games to eastern ones.
Start 100% games, or at least play through games multiple times at least once at the hardest difficulty
Beat Wizardry IV
Or at least The Last Remnant
That is not universally true, as an example Cave Story is loved by many and also actually a good game. It is certainly true in some cases though
Its also not a AAA title, indie titles can be hit or miss. But I'd say Undertale is the most well known indie game and it is fully guilty of this
hardcore gamer here, cavestory is kinda meh
start hating anything. if it's popular, it has to be bad. if people like it, they're wrong. if its indie, people just like it to be cool. if its a console exclusive, they're just fanboys and you must look down upon them. if they play on pc, they're manchild elitists who only want to show their new toys.
no but seriously, fuck it. don't even try, there's always going to be some gatekeeping asshole who will think you're not hardcore enough for not knowing some obscure shit not even its developers remember. just enjoy games no matter platform or what others think about it, even if it is on mobile who tf cares? at the end of the day you really don't want to be a "core gamer", they're fucking cancer who spend more time shitposting and rubbing their fragile egos than enjoying videogames
Git gud
u gotta beat dark souls dude it's legit so hardcore bro
go beat la mulana
Well, how about Resident Evil 4 then?
its not a real resident evil
its a sick action game for normies
I will agree that it diverges from the previous games, I don't feel that that innately means that it is bad though.
With that said, what would need to be different to make it a real Resident Evil game? Limited ammunition?
here is the beta to re4. basically exploration combined with spooky rather than just a pure action game.
im not saying the re4 we got was bad, but yeah they retooled it to whatever would make the most money.
I suppose that's fair enough. I always considered the resource management to be Resident Evil's main spook factor but the exploration is certainly important as well